View Full Version : We need to know

07-28-2004, 05:25 AM
Ok lets see where this leads us, we need to know what marker you currently own and what you would like to own, marker whores need not post (though I know a few will) just the few that genuinely want to upgrade or even start out or have that elusive marker on their want list. As we all could put "I want a Carter Comp or insert any other very exclusive marker" lets try and keep this real. Is it an AGD product? A Dye one, A WDP one a Smart Parts one...let us see.

07-28-2004, 05:50 AM
I have a Tribal(in the process of tading for a Classic RT) and would LOVE to get ahold of a Dust Red SFL E-Mag.

07-28-2004, 05:58 AM
I own a DM4, I want a mag. I have a lot of ideas for modding a mag floating around in my head but no mag to get started on. Unfortunately I am now jobless with no income :(

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 08:17 AM
Well, currently I have the setup in my signature. Very nice, I love it. In a few weeks I'm going to get a full Black Ano with a Dust Finish. It's going to look HOT.

I have several new marker ideas in my head. The next one I'm starting on is this:

Z-Grip, P/F Right Mainbody, Warp Feed, Apache, X-Valve, ULT, DYE Ultralite Twist-Lock, Winged Rogue Rail, CP Foregrip.

The idea behind that setup is that all the profile is tightly tucked into the left side of my marker. The Warp Hose just goes straight from the Warp to the Feed Neck. The huge capacity of the Apache allows me to lay down a lot of cover fire, plus the Warp Feed allows me to shoot many strings of 6 balls. It's my setup for when I play middle. Also the Z-Grip and no profile to the top and right side allows me to snap-shoot like crazy! Though I've been having seconds thoughts on whether I really want to do this setup or not. :\

Here's another setup I want to do as much as the setup above:

E-Mag, P/F Right Mainbody, Warp Feed, Apache, DYE Ultralite Twist-Lock, Fireblade Trigger, 3.2 Software.

I don't know which I'm going to do. But I know whatever setup I do next will have the Warp Feed and Apache and probably the P/F Right Mainbody so I'm trying to go ahead and buy those.

Maybe you guys could help me decide? Which setup should I do next? :D

07-28-2004, 08:22 AM
I've got a Tac Emag and my backup marker is a Franken RT ULE. I'm really looking forward to seeing the hAIR trigger and will probably snatch one up. If that doesn't float my boat I've always wanted to try out a DM4.

07-28-2004, 09:19 AM
Right now i have a parted out ule xvlaved intellifreamed mag. I sold the x of it to be able to buy a new gun and i think its gonna bye a 2k4 llcd dye trix. I would like to have a angel a4 fly or an entitiy trix

07-28-2004, 09:30 AM
What I'd like to do to my mag now is..

Rogue 90* Frame
Wingless Roguerail
Rogue 15* VA

07-28-2004, 09:33 AM
I have a Red ULE-bodied E-Mag that i'm putting a few upgrades into and a ULE RT Pro (whose X-Valve is being put onto the E-Mag). I want to get a Viking (which i'll probably have to sell the RT to get) or keep the RT and turn it into a Dallara hAir.

07-28-2004, 09:53 AM
i play rec and i love my classic mag, i am thinkin about a pump nothing too nice but something that will shoot pretty straight might pick up a cheap trracer sooner or later

07-28-2004, 10:04 AM
right now I have a Micromag...detailed in my sig. I'm currently in the process of building my ultimate ULE-mech mag. Specs are something like:

warp-right ULE body
ULT'd x-valve
Wingless Roguerail
Rogue vertical frame (Hairtrigger once it comes out)
CP foregrip
Stiffi carbon fiber barrel
CenterFlag or NitroDuck 45ci, 4500psi tank

07-28-2004, 10:09 AM
I have a RT mag right now
But I would love to get a Blazer again
I had one for a while and one of my friends used it and it never came back
I hope to get one again.
If not that then a real nice 98 Desert Fox

07-28-2004, 10:16 AM
Started with a piranha, got the basic VTL, and proceeded to upgrade it, and do a few home mods... IT WAS NICE (for a fish), sold it to my best friend, and bought my autococker (worst purchase EVAR) It was my worst, becaues the paretns wouldnt let me buy it offline, so i got ripped 200$ at the proshop, and whenever i went to the proshop with a question about timing, they told my dad that i shouldnt have this gun, it was a peice of shiz.... finally got rid of it and got my first mag, after 2.5yrs on the AO forums LOL

So now ive got

Classic mag (prestar) with LX
polished HL body (milled for SP box)
crapped up rail (in the process of polishing)
Intelli-frame (with the trigger on its way to be setscrewed)
14in Boomstick (dye)
12in SS (dye)
...got my cocker's drop on it, and a warpfeed, currently trying to dril the shells, and get the macro and fittings and everything to fit (i have it configured too tightly)

Ohwell, its AGD for the rest of my life ;) IM SOLD!


07-28-2004, 10:20 AM
Ive got a completely ULE Emag right now. I would like to buy a High end Mech cocker next. But right now im in the rocess of building a Warped RT Mag.

07-28-2004, 10:31 AM
i have a tricked out rt ule with logic vert frame and i would llllloooovvvvvveeee to get a rasta angel exept i dont no were im going to get that kind of money im only 14


07-28-2004, 10:35 AM
Well I have my two, most wanted markers. 1st RT ule all black waiting on hair trigger. 2nd pre star PFHR classic no frills mag ( not even a lvlx) set up for co2 when I run into fields without hpa. My most wanted now is a coin toss. Sydarm or phantom stock class vert type. The phantom is more of a realistic buy.

07-28-2004, 10:42 AM
Right now I have a ule mech mag, an sfl emag, a phantom, a sl68-11, I've owned timmy's and such.

I wouldn't trade my sfl emag for anything except a shocktech dm4!!!!

07-28-2004, 10:45 AM
My main gun is a purple to black dark cocker my back ups are an 03 shocker and a 03 dye lcd trix. The gun I would most like to own would be a karnivor, an ironman matrix or an SFL emag.

But I think that everything is going to be comparable because the quality is going up on everything, as well as the other factors that make someone want to buy a marker. i.e. speed, ease of use, cleaning, lubing

07-28-2004, 10:46 AM
I have a blue/black ULE'd emag, in the process of trading it for an Angel Speed.
What I want: A ND timmy or a blue/black DM4

07-28-2004, 11:08 AM
I currently have a profiler and an NXe pack, ann I aspire to get a Mag again once all my bills are paid off.

Guns I wouldnt mind having (incasase someone feels charitable):

Dye Matrix
Alias-framed GZ timmy
Empire Timmy
Dallara Hair
Fly A4

07-28-2004, 11:27 AM
I have a 2001 STO cocker. I'd like a Trauma Matrix or a Cyborg. It would depend on the trigger feel of the Cyborg. Also, a ULE Custom would be nice. Edit- Definately a RaceGun Halfblock.

Quick List of what I;d take if given to me:
Shocktech DM4
Shocktech B2k with 2k3 frame
A4 Fly

07-28-2004, 11:33 AM
right now i shoot the pinnacle of imps, a custom milled/anoed thing of bueaty. the only markers im seriously interested in buying now are an A4-FLY, or a new style timmy

07-28-2004, 11:35 AM
I own an a4 at the moment.

I will either put some eyes on that (mt or tags eyes) or sell it and get something like a viking or similiar.

07-28-2004, 11:48 AM
I have an intelliframed smartmag at this moment. I want to either buy a viking or keep adding to my mag. I think that if I upgrade my smartmag enough it will morph into a warp feed left x mag and I'll have all of the pieces leftover to have my smartmag as I bought it.

07-28-2004, 11:53 AM
Well, currently I have the good fortune to possess an RT PRO (for sale: shameless plug ;) )

I am switching back to classic, cause i wanna build one from stock.

The marker i would LIKE to own would be a Blue/Black or Red/Black fade Xmag

07-28-2004, 11:55 AM
i currently have the mag in my sig. the gun i want next is a cyborg, but i also want a cocker to play around with, probably an ans gx-4.

07-28-2004, 11:58 AM
Right now i shoot a 2k2 timmy. But for my next gun i think i would want another nice trix, or an alias

07-28-2004, 12:16 PM
I own a 2k2 timmy at the moment.

Some guns, I would like to own...

1. Blue/Black DM4
2. Blue/Black Alias
3. HK Speed
4. Shocktech Timmy
5. Blue/Black Xmag

07-28-2004, 12:22 PM
I have a ULE mag and I wouldnt trade it for anything.
There's no other marker I would rather have out there. :)

07-28-2004, 12:27 PM
at the monment i own a mini mag with an intelli frame and thats it, it has no vert bottle adapter though. but the marker i really want is a dust black e mag

07-28-2004, 12:35 PM
I own a DM4 and an MT Retro Speed Fly. I want to make a mag and basically have it look like Jack and Cokes tuna mag just with a hair trigger.

07-28-2004, 12:43 PM
I want my dam viking i ordered 5 months ago!

Out of all the guns that are still made, I guess, I would go with an empire timmy or alais. There is a semi-AO connection there since Manike shows up at AO events.... and I have no problem putting cash, sorta, in fellow Ao'ers pockets.

The perfect gun would be a hair trigger mag that gets a case out of a 68/4500...

No sKiLLz
07-28-2004, 01:32 PM
NYX with one piece breech (better detents than two piece) modded up the ying yang.
Absolute workhorse. I have been using it every game for the past year and a half and have only replaced one O-ring the entire time. Love it unconditionally and would never sell or trade.

A4 (technically belongs to my GF) all ups are cosmetic, but it shoots very nicely.

En route: Dynasty Shocker.

Next purchase (not for a while): Some type of Alias, either Russian Legion or Atom Bomb.

Duke Henry
07-28-2004, 02:34 PM
I own a DM3, EMAG, and SL68II (although I am selling the EMAG).

Really, with the new Tadao board and my new grips I don't really see anything else that I will want for my DM3.

I suppose next year when the new DYE Matrix is released DM4's will be dirt cheap and so I might buy one but who really knows.

I like having a "no frills" gun.

Deep Sixx
07-28-2004, 02:40 PM
My main marker is a chrome plated (w/black accessories) ANS GX-E Racegun 'cocker. I also have a 2K3 Sniper II.

I would like a Freeflow 'cocker (mech) and a Phantom VSC.


07-28-2004, 02:55 PM
Current gun:

Blue ULE Mainbody
Black Xvalve
JJ Barrel


Silver Angel Speed

Future gun:

Dallara body
HAir Trigger
15* ASA
CP gas through grip
Evil Pipe Kit
-with blue to black dust anno.

07-28-2004, 03:00 PM
-68 Classic +LX

thinking about:
-ULE Custom, with y-grip
-Autococker VF tactical

Creative Mayhem
07-28-2004, 03:06 PM
Well, seeing that I have way too many mags already... my list would be as follows(in order of importance)

hAir mag
Palmer something or other..
Empire timmy
Baby poo green SFL

Yes there were 2 more mags on the list, what about it?!?! :D

07-28-2004, 03:35 PM
I have the Bushy in my sig and I'm looking to trade it for some sort of Timmy this year, possibly an Alias

07-28-2004, 03:36 PM
Ok lets see where this leads us, we need to know what marker you currently own and what you would like to own, marker whores need not post (though I know a few will) just the few that genuinely want to upgrade or even start out or have that elusive marker on their want list. As we all could put "I want a Carter Comp or insert any other very exclusive marker" lets try and keep this real. Is it an AGD product? A Dye one, A WDP one a Smart Parts one...let us see.
Mark, Curious...

What's this leading to?