View Full Version : Unveiling my ideas...

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 01:32 PM
Did I spell unveiling right? :\

I have two ideal Automag setups. One I've been planning for a long time and the other is a more recent idea that I want just as much if not more than the first.

Setup 1:
AGD Stainless Steel Powerfeed Right body
AGD X-Valve with ULT and LX
AGD Z-Grip
AGD Warp Feed
Ricochet LCD Apache
RogueFactor Winged Rail
Custom Products Foregrip
DYE Ultralite

Setup 2:
AGD X-Valve with LX
AGD Stainless Steel Powerfeed Right Body
AGD Warp Feed
AGD 3.2 Software
Fireblade Blade Trigger
Ricochet LCD Apache
DYE Ultralite

The aftermarket products are the same but it's the marker itself that's the main difference. The first setup, I think, is the ultimate snap shooting setup. No profile on the right and none on the top and with the angled grip poping out of bunkers would be so easy. The second setup is just flat out awesome, I think. And the reason I'd be putting an X-Valve on instead of the E-Mag Valve is because I will have an extra X-Valve in a few weeks/months.

My current marker is excellent, I have no complaints. The reason I want another setup is for when I play middle man in tournaments. I haven't gotten into playing tournaments yet but when I do I feel that in order to compete well I'll need some type of electronic marker. Sad, I know but it's the truth. I could compete well with a mechanical marker but not as well as if I had an E-Mag.

Well, what do you guys think? I want some honest opinions.

07-28-2004, 01:39 PM
Why aren't you going to be using your q-loader in either setup? wouldn't that offer the least profile, even better than a warp?

07-28-2004, 01:51 PM
id hit up the second set up

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 01:56 PM
I was thinking about that, point. I want to see what the CMS will let me do on the battery pack if I end up with the E-Mag.

Oh, I should have mentioned the reason why I want the Warp. Well the Q-Loader only holds 100 rounds, not a lot right? Well a Front Man, normally does more running than shooting. At least that's how I play. This new setup, which ever it may be, will be for a Middle-Man in tournaments and if I want to play front, the Q-Mag is perfect.

But if I end up with the E-Mag (Which I honestly think will happen, hehe) then I'll borrow jwalkers CMS and see what I can do with the battery pack. Or maybe I'll find a new place to mount it, who knows. *shrugs*

07-28-2004, 01:57 PM
Why not just buy Emag lowers and a stock on/off so you can save some money? It may not be as easy as just picking p the emag, but it'll save you money.

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 04:19 PM
Well that's probably what I'd do, just buy the lowers.

07-28-2004, 05:04 PM
Major Ho is selling his lowers right now ;)

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 05:44 PM
Really, why?!

Does that include the carbon fiber panels? :D

07-28-2004, 05:53 PM
Did I spell unveiling right? :\

Setup 1:
AGD Z-Grip
RogueFactor Winged Rail
Custom Products Foregrip

with a z and a foregrip, you will need to get a fore grip extender, cause ohterwise the bottom of the grip will hit the bottome front of the z and will not fit because of this. also, if you go with a winged rail, you'll need to get an RT version zgrip.

Empyreal Rogue
07-28-2004, 06:05 PM
I talked to Rogue and Frag, with the Rogue Rail I won't need the extender as long as the Z-Grip is not Dove Tail'd.

But what I think I'm going to do is just go for the E-Mag setup now and maybe the Z-Gripped setup later. But I'm still open to ideas and suggestions, as long as it revolves around those two setups. :P

07-28-2004, 06:10 PM
Really, why?!

Does that include the carbon fiber panels? :D

I think he's going to go with the devil mag setup. and I do believe it includes everything except the rail and above. hop on it, its a pretty good deal... :ninja: and you know it works 'cause you saw him ripping on it a couple of days ago :shooting: