View Full Version : Flatline questions

07-29-2004, 10:23 AM
Well, I got my Flatline today. For some reason, it seems like it's a lot harder to shoot fast on this tank without shortstroking than my old Nitroduck. I also notice whenever I shoot it seems like it takes in an awful long time to fully recharge looking at the gauge, I have the pressure dialed in at about 850psi, and I notice when I take shoot it goes down to about 600psi and takes a good half a second to fully get back to 850. I'm getting a fill of about 1600 psi on my scuba.

Also, I noticed whenever I tried to disconnect the macro from the gun after turning the gun off, it was impossible due to some pressure stored in the line, I actually had to cut the macro the get the little bit of pressure out of the line, what can I do about this?

On a side note, my foamie blew off my bolt the other day, is it necessary to have one on there?

07-29-2004, 10:31 AM
about hte pressure being regulated its possible you need a new reg seat was this a new tank or usd one? Abou the pressure in the line, since the flatline isnt a screw in tank your gonna need to get either a proconnect or a slide check, persoanly id go with the proconnect they just seem like there better quality. Hope this helps.

07-29-2004, 10:46 AM
Yea, I got it used, just got it today.

07-29-2004, 10:47 AM
Also, where can I get a proconnect? Are they expensive?

07-29-2004, 11:01 AM
Action village has them but id recomend going through tunaman to get one

07-29-2004, 02:18 PM
Wow, those things are expensive!

Another odd thing I noticed when I took the tank out of the box, I heard a little jingle coming from the reg, it seems to make this noise everytime the tank is turned, is there something loose in the reg?