View Full Version : X-valve leaking

07-30-2004, 01:26 AM
Okay here is my setup:
--lvl 10-longest spring, 1.5 carrier, 2 shims
--ULT-3 shims
--I use KC trouble free oil and all parts are WELL lubed.
--I have tightened grip frame screw and field strip screw.
--Plenty of air in my 88ci 4500psi AA melee tank.

Now for the problem:
There is a small leak that I can't seem to identify. I have tried going to a smaller carrier and the leak is still there so I think that it is not the normal pt leak associated with carrier o-ring wear-in. I have also tried adding and removing shims to the lvl-10 with no effect. I have switched back and forth between the normal on/off and the ULT on/off with no effect. This leak occurs staticly when the trigger is not pulled, after I pull the trigger and hold it will continue to leak for approximately 5-10 seconds then stops. I release the trigger no leak but as soon as I pull it again it starts to leak again in the same fashion. The previous owner of the valve had used dow-33 as lube however, I completely tore the valve down cleaned all the o-rings with alcohol and generously relubed the valve and all parts with KC trouble free. I suspect that the leak is somewhere in the back of the valve but just wanted to run this past a few other people before I buy a parts kit and completely replace all the orings. Is there anything simple that I am missing?


07-30-2004, 01:32 AM
have you checked the airline it could be comming from there

07-30-2004, 01:43 AM
All the air fittings are good to go...the leak is most definetly coming from inside the valve.

Carbon Blue
07-30-2004, 03:53 AM
how was the gun shooting before you tore it down?

07-30-2004, 03:59 AM
Well that's a mystery because I tore it down cleaned off the dow-33 stuff and relubed before I had air so, I don't know.

07-30-2004, 11:05 AM
have you tried fliping all the orings inside the gun? this can help sometimes

07-30-2004, 11:22 AM
Okay it's official i'm a dumda$$! It looks like that i was kinda between carriers...I took the
o-ring out of the 1.5 that I was using and put it in the 1 worked like 4 tanks full of air thru it with lots and lots of lube and it is working like a champ! No more leak and hardly if any at all bolt stick. Thanks for the inputs guys!

07-30-2004, 02:05 PM
glad to hear ya fixed your problem

07-31-2004, 12:08 AM
Well it looks like I actually installed the .5 carrier not the 1 carrier so I am starting to get alot of bolt stick, so there I am trying to find my one carrier and it is now where to be found... :cuss: now I have to wait to play with my new gun until I can get one from AGD. Oh well at least I am well versed on troubleshooting now :clap: .

Cheers :cheers: