View Full Version : Bastard kids just paintballed my house and neighborhood

07-30-2004, 03:23 AM
So I get home at 2am after winning $31 at poker (yay)... check AO and PM's before I'm about to go to sleep.

There is an open window facing the street by my computer... hear this noise "Thwack...... Thwack..... THWACK" by this time I started to get up... we had a run of kids shooting out car windows with BB guns like 6 months ago, but they were caught... I stood up by the open window just as the car was driving by and WHAM one paintball hits the window I was standing by... So those kids were purposefully trying to hurt me. grrr....

I know all you are saying to youself "Go out and hunt the bastards!" I'd have loved to, but all my guns were in pieces, or had a massive leak... I suppose I had an ACI Maverick Pump I could have used to go vigilante style on them, but driving, shifting, pumping, and chasing kids doesnt sound like a good way to end the night...

So I just called 911, let them know the area, the type of car, and now I'm about to go to sleep...

Bastard kids....

07-30-2004, 04:03 AM
I would have called the cops, also. I t would not have been worth it if you went out and got caught yourself. Hope they catch those guys.

07-30-2004, 05:06 AM
Just make sure to wash the house siding as soon as possible. A lady nearby had her house marked but she didn't notice the paint right away. The sun baked it onto the siding. Not good.

07-30-2004, 05:09 AM
GAAAAAAH. Hearing stuff like this makes me wanna kick people in the teeth. Good luck! Hope they catch those chumps man.

07-30-2004, 05:17 AM

Sucks to hear about that, some kids shot our bus coming home from school a year ago, one ball went through an open window (Was a hot day) and flew by a girls head, nearly missing her, splatting on the edge of the window on the other side of the bus. The kids were hiding in some buses, probably using something they got from Walmart... :p

07-30-2004, 06:10 AM
I hope they catch the punks! They give our game a bad rap! :mad:

07-30-2004, 07:15 AM
Yes i had a similar problem in my neighborhood after halloween some kids thought it would be funny to smash a pumpkin through my windsheild :mad: needless to say i was not happy in the least so after filling a report with the police i decided to see if the where stupid enough to try it two nights in a row.......I should've known. This was back before i played or had ever heard of paintball but i had a wonderful 9mm look alike pellet gun with the pointed tip pellets that hurt like hell but won kill ya.well the first couple nights nothing happend but that weekend ol' dumbasses come rolling down the street, they were very lucky they were in a car but i would have loved to been there when they explained to there parents where al the dents in the car came from :shooting: :cuss:

Run Rabbit Ruuuun Rabbit
(house of 1000 corpses)

07-30-2004, 08:29 AM

Koosh- Now don't you wish you got my X-Mag from me. Talking about some serious fire power there.

You lead such a more interesting life than me, bud. First you tackle a kid on meth who was shoplifting at the store. Now this.

What a CRAZY life.


On another note.

That is foolish and it pisses me off to hear of it happen'ing again and again. Thats the next generation in MY sport. The sport that I got 10's to hundreds of others in and I supported. Grand my sport is this.


07-30-2004, 09:28 AM
Care to mention about tackling a kid on meth at a store Kosh? :D

07-30-2004, 09:44 AM
I just had a dream last night of some punk kids down the street (that have been pullin pranks on my house for a while now... and I'm starting to loose my cool) walked over in paintball gear and started lighting up my house.

In reality, they've only:
1) Thrown dog crap near our porch (finally stopped smelling)
2) Written on our f/s van's windows (thankfully we didn't have a buyer coming that day)
3) Put traffic cones at the end of our driveway "blocking our cars in"
------ <- crossing the line between prank and criminal
5) Dominos pizza delivery (thankfully the deliveryman was understanding and gave us the phone # of the caller, and we didn't have to pay for it)

And just two nights ago... egged my sister's window.

It's starting to get ridiculous. The big problem is... we don't know exactly who is doing this, and I don't have the $ to throw a camera up on the corner of the house. All we have so far is a number that we haven't bothered to call yet (I've been busy). I was about to go to each of the punks houses and talk with their parents, but my parents suggested I not (would only encourage "revenge"). If they'll get consistant again, I'm going to stake them out and either carry them up to their parents or just let the police take care of them. One idea my friends and I came up with involved some rope (pig tieing), duct tape (duct taping to a tree/lightpost outside our neighborhood cop's home), and a note that says:
Rope - $3
Duct tape - $3
Catching the vandal pranksters that have been terrorizing my house for over a month... priceless

07-30-2004, 09:58 AM
Care to mention about tackling a kid on meth at a store Kosh? :D

I work at a retail store, and occasionally the store Loss Prevention guy asks for help if he thinks certain people he plans on detaining might not go "quietly"....

It was about a week ago, he called me in the LP office at about 9pm, a guy had taken a watch out of the package, then stashed the package. We watched him for probably 20 minutes before him and his overly fat, underly dressed (ewwww....) girlfriend left the store. He was buying probably $100 worth of things in his cart, but when he tried to leave the store, myself and the LP guy caught up with him outside, calmly identified ourselfs as security, and how we wanted to ask him back to the office for a few questions...

Well we got about halfway through that spiel before he started the "What are you doing? I didn't do any..." then he took off running. Now I'm not in the best shape, so I didn't get to be the one to catch up with the fool and take him down, but belive me, when our LP guy got him down, I made sure he wasn't getting back up :)

The LP guy got him on the ground and they slid up against a Jeep... at this time I got there and held him down. A passerby showed up and asked if we needed help. I'm sure from his perspective it didn't look good, one plainclothed, one dark shirted guy holding down a skinny kid screaming "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING", he probably thought we were trying to mug him :)

Anyway, cops show up, bring him back to the LP office search him. They didn't find a watch anywhere. What they did find? Needles and other paraphanalia. After we brought him in the store, the girlfriend started yelling and screaming about him being detained illegally. Since we couldn't find the wath on the guy, the cops searched her since she was being a pain. No watch, but thats where the found the meth...

All in a days work...

07-30-2004, 10:04 AM
Immature punks like this tick me off...

If you have there number, do a reverse lookup of it online dude... then go talk to there mommy and daddy and use fancy words mixed with lawer, jail, bodily harm done to my family, and if you lived in TX(or similar states) atleast, I fear for my familys saftey now and will start excersizeing my right to protecting them.... AND theres nothing like sitting out on the porch and cleaning the ole 12guage at night afterall.... theres also nothing like pumping some punk full of rocksalt propelled from said shotty...

07-30-2004, 10:26 AM
now i normally wouldnt condone or encourage using paintball guns or just paintballs in slingshots or such in prank wars but one time a ways back i heard a rumor that my house was going to be TPed/ paintballed by some bastard little punks, you know the type, skateboarding clothes (they dont skate), new "punk" rock and wallmart guns, when i heard this i got the date and my teammate that lives in the same town and i did a stakeout. they came at about 11:30 and i unloaded with my emag and he with his WASed imp, the next week in school i saw the kids with welts (we were shooting hot) and felt satisfaction. apparently when their parents saw the car they were grounded to all hell

i know it was not helping paintball at all but it wouldn't have helped if they had got my house either, thats was my logic, and these kids are peices of **** anyways, like codeMA said exersizing your right to protect your property

07-30-2004, 11:22 AM
Last halloween I came out side to see my van covered in yellow goo.
I thought it had been egged, but was glad to find it was only paintball goo.
Still I was not amused that people were going around my nieghbourhood shooting up places with paintballs.

07-30-2004, 11:26 AM
You say your house would have got it, well you should have left it to get it and called the cops on the kids. I doubt they were wearing masks and guess who would be up infront of a judge if you had hit them in the eye. It takes a bigger man to walk away. You really didn't think that situation through..it could so easily have turned the wrong way....still could have done as I hate to say it but a decent lawyer would have called those welts "actual bodily harm". I know it seems so wrong that a vandal or burglar has "rights" but that is just the way the world has turned.

07-30-2004, 11:40 AM
damn I wish ya were local... I would help ya stake it out and bring some rocksalt "deterrent" shotgun ammo. Things would stop FAST, I swear.

Spartan X
07-30-2004, 12:05 PM
But if he had hit them while they were on his property it's a different story.

07-30-2004, 12:06 PM
Wow, screw the paintball story, you should of just posted the meth story :clap:

07-30-2004, 12:24 PM
See, thats why its always a great idea, to have a paintball gun that is aired up and a have paint in the hopper, cause you never know when you are going to need it. :)

07-30-2004, 01:44 PM

Spartan X- Sad to say but no. Even if they are on your property. Criminals still have their rights.

We live in an odd society.


07-30-2004, 02:02 PM
I personally dont agree with most of our laws in the way we treat criminals...

Anyway... In TX, we can blow peoples heads off if we fear for our lives, and its on our property, I beleive we dont even have to drag em in the house before we call the cops anymore, just has to be on your property, it was also suggest to empty the clip were allowed when doing this... but thats TX for ya... gotta love our self defence laws

07-30-2004, 03:12 PM
I personally dont agree with most of our laws in the way we treat criminals...

Anyway... In TX, we can blow peoples heads off if we fear for our lives, and its on our property, I beleive we dont even have to drag em in the house before we call the cops anymore, just has to be on your property, it was also suggest to empty the clip were allowed when doing this... but thats TX for ya... gotta love our self defence laws

Lucky bastard... You can get 20 years out here for shooting the "poor defenseless raccoons" that routinely make a mess out in Carmel. And don't even talk about the Red Legged Frogs!

Dude if someone EVER paintballed our house I'd be in the tuck with that QLoader and scuba tank. Private property for 1 mile in any direction. I would be twitching with excitement.

07-30-2004, 03:20 PM
This kind of stuff gives our sport a bad name :cry: . I hate it :mad: :cuss: .

Temo Vryce
07-30-2004, 03:39 PM
Dude if someone EVER paintballed our house I'd be in the tuck with that QLoader and scuba tank. Private property for 1 mile in any direction. I would be twitching with excitement.

Dang Z, as bad as it is for the sport, in that situation I would offer to drive for ya just to see ya lite that mag up on the scuba in person.

07-30-2004, 05:01 PM
I hate when people vandalize property... Especially if they use paintball guns to do it...

But calling the cops was probably the best course of action. I would NEVER shoot back at them even if they are shooting at you. You could hit one of the little idiots in the eye and then it'd be YOU getting in trouble. I know you really couldn't do much about it, and when you're being shot at with paintballs the last thing you want to do is leave your face open, but I would have loved to have their car damaged before they got away.

My friends wanted to use my paintball guns to shoot up things/people around the town and I of course told them to piss off. But they've all got bigger problems than vandalism now (drugs) and I have nothing to do with them.

-off topic-

The car thing reminds me of when a dumb driver almost hit me while i was riding my bike. I got my baseball bat jammed in my front spokes because I had to swerve and I almost knocked myself unconsious on the curb. I tried to throw my bike at the car as she accellerated and drove away really fast, but it was tangled/attached to my legs (quite literally).

the larch
07-30-2004, 05:11 PM
too bad you couldn't modify a cheap marker to shoot turds in response. Maybe thin shelled skunk balls at about 150 fps. :D

07-30-2004, 05:19 PM
I personally dont agree with most of our laws in the way we treat criminals...

Anyway... In TX, we can blow peoples heads off if we fear for our lives, and its on our property, I beleive we dont even have to drag em in the house before we call the cops anymore, just has to be on your property, it was also suggest to empty the clip were allowed when doing this... but thats TX for ya... gotta love our self defence laws

Not sure about the law in illinois but if someone is on your property and you feel endangered and they should be able to shoot/kill the person, hopefully stupid robbers will think about that before they go onto your property.

07-30-2004, 05:44 PM
empty the clip


07-30-2004, 06:53 PM
Not sure about the law in illinois but if someone is on your property and you feel endangered and they should be able to shoot/kill the person, hopefully stupid robbers will think about that before they go onto your property.
Thats a pretty good law but what if say someone was taking a shortcut through your yard. Sure it was trespassing, but did they really deserve to get their head blown off?
Now if you see someone in dark clothing darting around your yard, I say let 'em have it. :shooting: