View Full Version : Customer service has left the building

07-30-2004, 10:18 AM
I seem to have a nose for buisnesses with crapy customer service. I found my lasted on E-bay and proceeded to use their online store instead... bad idea.

So I ordered new BDU's for work. But when I got them they were to small. According to his site mediums are supposed to fit 31-35" waists. I measured the waist and it's a 32" at best. No where near the 34" I am.

I used the size chart on HIS website. But he wants me to pay shipping both ways, another 20$ just to get the right ones. Am I being unreasonable or is this a little screwy here? When I asked for an exchange I was willing to pay shipping to get them back to him, but I'm not paying both ways for not getting a couple pairs for 34" BDU's


Incase anyone wants to see what I'm talking about (http://stylishcity.com/)

07-30-2004, 04:22 PM
I think shipping both ways sounds unreasonable to me. If it says it fits 35" waist and it doesnt well then it sounds like its his problem not yours. He should at least pay shipping to you. But, what do I know.