View Full Version : Thanks AGD @ IAO

07-30-2004, 11:49 AM
A little late, but I just now got time to sit down and write.

I had a great time at IAO. As slow as it was the first two days, the scenario game really made up for it. Hanging out by the AGD booth and meeting some of the faces behind the names was great!

Your tech class was unbelievable. I learned more in that class than I did in a week of school classes. You have talent. Then your speech at the Player's Briefing just blew Spiro's speech away! And the YMCA dance... hilarious! When Team Effort Events asked us if anyone could get you some Diet Pepsi's, I jumped at the opportunity. Nearest open store was out of county (power outages), but it was a fun adventure. :) I had a great time talking with you, and I know my dad did too (you talked with him for a while in the trailer with Spiro). Oh, and my dad loves his new Tac One too. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see you again at another scenario game soon!

Jon, Brad, Roman:
The first AO'ers I met on the trip. Thanks for introducing me around at the AGD booth. Was great to finally meet some of you.

Don't let NFG valves get ya down. They are great paperweights! I can see it now!

New AGD Paperweight!
Specifically engineered to resemble AGD valves!

The Karta's are even more beautiful in person, and that hAir trigger... WOW. :wow: Thanks for lettin me try it out.

Riot, Spydarm, and Magman:
I can't believe you guys were there, and I didn't even know it! haha!

Was nice meeting you and playing against you in the scenario game. Maybe next time we’ll be on the same side.

Spiro and Kitty:
Great job with the game! Can't wait for the next one.

Hope I didn't forget anyone..

Edit: C_Mayhem has reminded me to throw props up to AFTICA. Good job in the owners group guys. I didn't get to see it, but I wanted to!

Thanks for the good times!


07-30-2004, 04:27 PM
ah yes...thanks go out to...

Tom and Jon and the rest of AGD. Ya'll were great. seriously guys, I love AGD. You are the best bunch of employees/owners/dudes I guy could ask for to go to when he needs something. You're always there for dumb-$$$s like me. Thanks yall

AFTICA and all the boys: Ya'll rock. Free beer rocks more, but ya'll are prtty cool cats. But I guess I already knew this. Thanks fellaz.

To the converts (AO members who played for a non-AFTICA team at OGD): yall are traitors...but then again...so am I. Stay cool guys


07-30-2004, 08:14 PM
Ahh... and thank you Kevmaster for setting up the OGD. From what I hear, it went great! I just wish I had seen it.

07-30-2004, 11:31 PM
Thanks for the props! Had a great time with everyone, AO dominated!! We were in the majority everywhere we went!


07-31-2004, 12:06 AM
....except at the OGD

07-31-2004, 12:56 AM
....except at the OGD

I wouldn't say that. Just because AFTICA didn't kick arse on the field. There were a lot of AOers in the OGD, just maybe not playing for AO.

07-31-2004, 01:21 AM
what muz says is true. think, matrixowner.com placed well, alot of the AKA guys are on AO as well, not to mention the POG guys swing by here as well. AO did well

07-31-2004, 05:29 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry:
Stands with my head held high. Drying to tears from my face. Clicking my feet together and say:
I wish I was there. I wish I was there. I wish I was there.

Damn that did not work either.

goes back to the corner and starts to ........ :cry: :cry: :cry: