View Full Version : AO's thoughts on HK(Hostile Kids)

07-30-2004, 11:38 PM
I do not want this to be a flaming thread, so if you are going to flame, do not post.

What is AO's thoughts on HK? Do you support HK, or are you not into that. Just wanting to see what everyone thinks.

For those who don't know about HK, heres a link..

07-30-2004, 11:45 PM
I support them. I like how even pros still take a break to go play weekend ball with their friends. Its nice to see pros who still are in it for fun and not just to be the best.

07-30-2004, 11:48 PM
they are ok :ninja:

07-30-2004, 11:52 PM
I did forget to post, that I do support them, for more information on HK visit www.hkarmy.com

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
07-30-2004, 11:58 PM
heh let us raise our guns in a salute

07-31-2004, 12:03 AM
I have always supported them...GO CLARE!!!! :clap:

07-31-2004, 12:09 AM
I suppot them. I like those black long sleeve shirts too...

07-31-2004, 12:15 AM
the idea i support, some of the members irk me a bit, but i have nothing but love for the idea. Altho, some of it does get out of hand some times.. and can we please do away with the word AGG?

07-31-2004, 01:03 AM
I think the few teams they have are good, but all the wanna be's and crap annoy the heck out of me. Also, some of them seem to be jerks. Plus, I think some of there lingo is homo. However, I have nothing against them as a team. I think a lot of them are very good players. I don't support them by saying agg every ten seconds and I don't have their stickers everywhere and I don't have one of their avatars, but I'm not against them either. I'm in the middle I suppose.

07-31-2004, 01:20 AM
I suppor them, they do some cool mods and stuff and are nice people. What pisses me off though is the mass amount of kids going around with HK army shirts, stickers, whatever trying to be part of a bandwagon. I mean, if it was only them that said AGG, that'd be fine with me. But the bandwagon started moving and next thing you know, all the kids are saying AGG !!!

07-31-2004, 01:31 AM
And who is HK? I don't read PBN much anymore, everytime I go there I ended up wanting my 15minutes back.

Edit: Eh, I went and clicked on the link. I want my 15min back...

07-31-2004, 03:59 AM
OK, let me start by saying I am an older guy, I doubt I speak for all, but from an old guys point of view who really cares.

Do I support HK? To me, HK stands for a German gun company.

I do not look up to or desire to be like ANY "pro" paintball player. In fact the only one I might recognise by sight is Bob Long. But if he was standing with a bunch of other large bearded guys, I'd have my work cut out for me.

I can understand the younger crowd "hero worshipping" a particular team or good player. Its human nature. I don't care for the band wagoning that goes along with that sort of thing, but realize they go hand in hand.

I think there is a myth of the "pro paintball player". I'm sure its great to be sponsored, so you get free toys, but there are other things to consider. Do you get medical and dental when you play for a team? Is there a 401K? Accidental death and dismemberment insurance? Can you afford your rent/mortgage/car payment/utilities/groceries on your salary? Or do you just get to impress people with the cool free stuff you get? I honestly don't know.

I read some of the PbN article and they refer to them as being street kids. Maybe my definition of street kid is different. When I think of street kids, they arent hanging around a paintball field every weekend. We all know its a very expensive sport. They aren't going with out much if they can afford to play every weekend.

They mention arrogance. I don't think that is ever something to look up to. You can be good, just try not to be to full of yourself. You weren't always that way.

I really thinks its a sad state of affairs when its accepted that you have to be good at cheating to be competitive. Its a game, nothing more.

I think a lot higher of the guy who takes his kid out to play, and teaches him to play fair, than I do of the "hot shot" who teaches someone the correct way to wipe a hit so you can continue to play after you have been legally eliminated. Its a basic rule of the game. I think its the equivalent of being tackled in football, then getting up and continuing to run. It should be that simple. You get hit, you go out.

Of course since I don't desire to be competitive in that area of paintball I can stand back and look at it with different eyes. I have reached a certain level of skill I'm happy with. I'll try to improve a bit, but I have other things to do in life than just play paintball. Its not important for me to run drills and practice constantly.

When I play there are 3 possibilities. I'm either outclassed in skill, and I hope I don't get beat up on too badly. I outclass the newbie, in which case I try not to ruin their day of fun by abusing them, or I'm equally matched, in which case I think both sides have a real FUN day of paintball. I think that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing. Sometimes I think that gets forgotten too easily.

So to sum up, no support, since I have no knowledge of who they really are. I don't care how good they are or aren't. Unless they are helping to make paintball fun for anyone they meet it just doesn't matter.

Sorry about the rant. Now you kids get off my lawn... ;)

07-31-2004, 04:14 AM
I never really go into. i was at Velocity the other day, and apparently some Pro player was there, and 80% of the players were seriosuly like
OMFG HES ON HK OMFG !!111!!!. It topped off my Day, when the guy they were talking about, Played with a dust Silvery DM4.......with AGG MOWER KILLER ON THE SIDE.

07-31-2004, 06:35 AM
Blennidae: not going to quote your whole post, just going to say i agree and could not have said it better no matter how hard i tried.

edit: i just went and read some of the thread. i'll miss those iq points......

07-31-2004, 07:52 AM
Blennidae: not going to quote your whole post, just going to say i agree and could not have said it better no matter how hard i tried.

Ditto! Nice post Blennidae. :hail:

07-31-2004, 08:51 AM

Street rats mind you that....

were fearless and came to SC every weekend to have fun with their friends.

Do you know any street rats that can afford to play paintball everyweekend with there friends!?!?! No

In fact these are no street rats, but rich kids that make there mommies and daddies pay for them to do so, thus progressing in skill lvl beyond anyone like myself that cannot :mad: afford to play every weekend


07-31-2004, 09:11 AM
Do I support HK? To me, HK stands for a German gun company.

Well, there's Heckler & Koch, true...but there's also Hello Kitty! :p



07-31-2004, 12:26 PM
I What pisses me off though is the mass amount of kids going around with HK army shirts, stickers, whatever trying to be part of a bandwagon. I mean, if it was only them that said AGG, that'd be fine with me. But the bandwagon started moving and next thing you know, all the kids are saying AGG !!!

Well, I am not part of HK or the army, but I support them enough, that I do go around and play with their jersey, their stickers on my halo, their tank cover, their headband on my head.

07-31-2004, 12:33 PM


07-31-2004, 12:38 PM
You complain about pbn, but im seeing more stupid crap being posted in this thread than over there.

Yes, I support HK. I like the message they convey, and the look and style that they have.

You wont get a very positive answer over here, because as far as im concerned majority of AO is recball, or doesnt play tourneyball religiously. Dont start a' flamin' now, thats just the truth. If I didn't like it I wouldn't post here, so dont think im bashing anything either.

07-31-2004, 12:41 PM


07-31-2004, 12:41 PM
what is hk?

sorry i could care less about whos who in professional paintball

07-31-2004, 12:47 PM
what is hk?

sorry i could care less about whos who in professional paintball


Sorry, I cant really sum it up, but ffry does, in his post.

07-31-2004, 01:22 PM
Hk is a pretty cool idea gone wrong. HK is all about playing paintball for the love of playing. Some of the members on HK are complete morons. After seeing their behavior at chicago open I can do nothing but laugh at them. They think they are gods because a bunch of 13 year olds follow them around. What the hell? They carried a smaller cooler around with beer in it and tried to look like bad arses infront of the little kids. It seems where ever they go problems happen. Everyone of their games at chicago open seemed like their was something going on. I don't like them one bit.

07-31-2004, 01:23 PM

07-31-2004, 01:32 PM
Hk is a pretty cool idea gone wrong. HK is all about playing paintball for the love of playing. Some of the members on HK are complete morons. After seeing their behavior at chicago open I can do nothing but laugh at them. They think they are gods because a bunch of 13 year olds follow them around. What the hell? They carried a smaller cooler around with beer in it and tried to look like bad arses infront of the little kids. It seems where ever they go problems happen. Everyone of their games at chicago open seemed like their was something going on. I don't like them one bit.

Everyone has their opinion on HK, some will love them and some will hate them. Atleast you have your honest opinion on them.

07-31-2004, 02:02 PM
is their hyped-up mods that you supposedly can't get unless you're in with them. Yeah, that makes sense. You have super-secret mods that revolutionize the marker, but you won't sell them to anyone unless they're cool with you. Furthermore, when these markers have been back-engineered, said mods turned out to be nothing more than some fliped switches and other common improvements. HK=Hype Kids. From the street! DHAHAHAHAHA!

07-31-2004, 02:30 PM
I dont really take a side when it comes to HK but i dont mind it. The only prob i really have with it is its been twisted into a "fad" and agg is just annoying. Go to pbn and look around a lot of the HK followers and stuff are real ********. Im not saying all of them are but some are. So in conclusion i think HK is a good idea but some people give it a bad rep.

07-31-2004, 04:07 PM
good grief, this has found its way here?
to me hk=totally insignificant and getting to be highly annoying.
thank god im on the east coast.
there seems to be an ever increasing group of people who take themselves and paintball in general way too seriously. in the grand scheme of things its insignificant , period.

a style?, a look? an attitude?
all that crap is for posers.

07-31-2004, 04:27 PM
good grief, this has found its way here?
to me hk=totally insignificant and getting to be highly annoying.
thank god im on the east coast.
there seems to be an ever increasing group of people who take themselves and paintball in general way too seriously. in the grand scheme of things its insignificant , period.

a style?, a look? an attitude?
all that crap is for posers.

I simply asked for what AO thought of it, I am not bringing HK over to AO, I to am on the east coast, HK is big over here to just in some parts of the coast, maybe not in your area, but it is in my area.

07-31-2004, 08:37 PM
good grief, this has found its way here?
to me hk=totally insignificant and getting to be highly annoying.
thank god im on the east coast.
there seems to be an ever increasing group of people who take themselves and paintball in general way too seriously. in the grand scheme of things its insignificant , period.

a style?, a look? an attitude?
all that crap is for posers.Well, in the grand scheme of things, EVERYTHING is insignificant.

07-31-2004, 08:45 PM
Well, in the grand scheme of things, EVERYTHING is insignificant.

including my little post.
dont make too much of it. its only my opinion.

07-31-2004, 09:11 PM
Eh Ill give them some credit..

But my crew being sorta the east coast up and comers that sorta play and build guns like HK... Hell there are even exclusive ECA guns right now that nobody speaks of...

Ill give them some props.. but I dont respect them Id actually love to play them some day and blow up the East Coast Vs. West Coast , Crunk Vs. Agg , Bimmys Vs Aimmys , ECA Vs. HK Some day maybe :)

07-31-2004, 09:16 PM
I had never heard of them untill now. I, myself being 14, believe in half of what they stand for.

a bunch of kids not afraid play anyone, want to get better at paintball, and love the sport = the good

a bunch of kids that use "agg" and have mouths of saliors = bad

I dunno, someone needs to point me in the right direction


Edit: 200th post!

07-31-2004, 09:45 PM
insignificant? i wasn't gonna post until i read dave_p's post, in my opinion, i eat breatha and sleep paintball, its what i do, and i love it, and maybe its just me but if you are calling paintball insignificant, than maybe this isn't the sport for you, and yes, i support HK, i don't wear 18 headbands and i don't say AGG but i support them, i'll support anyone who loves paintball.

07-31-2004, 09:48 PM

07-31-2004, 10:12 PM
insignificant? i wasn't gonna post until i read dave_p's post, in my opinion, i eat breatha and sleep paintball, its what i do, and i love it, and maybe its just me but if you are calling paintball insignificant, than maybe this isn't the sport for you, and yes, i support HK, i don't wear 18 headbands and i don't say AGG but i support them, i'll support anyone who loves paintball.

It's good to see such an ardent proponent of the game, but I would ask if you have a fulltime career, family to support and other bills to pay. If circumstance dictate such changes in your future you may change your viewpoint. I hope you don't ever lose your love for paintball, but priorities change. And honestly IMHO the average attention span for most paintballers is < 3 years before they burn out and leave.

07-31-2004, 10:28 PM
It's good to see such an ardent proponent of the game, but I would ask if you have a fulltime career, family to support and other bills to pay. If circumstance dictate such changes in your future you may change your viewpoint. I hope you don't ever lose your love for paintball, but priorities change. And honestly IMHO the average attention span for most paintballers is < 3 years before they burn out and leave.

Yes, priorities change, paintball may not be part of your life anymore, so enjoy it while you have the chance to ball. I have been playing paintball for 5 years, going on 6 years, I havent burnt out and left yet.

07-31-2004, 10:53 PM
insignificant? i wasn't gonna post until i read dave_p's post, in my opinion, i eat breatha and sleep paintball, its what i do, and i love it, and maybe its just me but if you are calling paintball insignificant, than maybe this isn't the sport for you, and yes, i support HK, i don't wear 18 headbands and i don't say AGG but i support them, i'll support anyone who loves paintball.

I love paintball too, especially when I play on the weekends. Just don't get the HK thang. I play for me, and I play cause it's fun. End of story. Don't need to 'belong' to a group or anything. I just go out and play.

I did see an HK shirt today...

No sKiLLz
08-01-2004, 03:39 AM
HK (one of them in particular) is responsible for a good deal of cheater boards made. My personal thoughts on them is they are punks who are looking to go pro through connections and skip paying dues.

08-01-2004, 04:04 AM
I don't really have much against HK, but the bandwagon-jumping agg kiddies everywhere tend to get on my nerves.

08-01-2004, 03:08 PM
OK, let me start by saying I am an older guy, I doubt I speak for all, but from an old guys point of view who really cares.

Do I support HK? To me, HK stands for a German gun company.


Same here. When I saw Clare in an HK Army shirt I thought she should be toting an MP-5!

08-01-2004, 08:08 PM
Same here. When I saw Clare in an HK Army shirt I thought she should be toting an MP-5!

Y'mean like this? :D


08-01-2004, 08:55 PM
I think they use the guise of "support" as a way to rip you off. Whenever someone mentions something about the price of the jerseys you always hear about hatorade and bs about how expensive the sport of paintball is. Charging $80 for a shirt and then ruining a good thread like agg 101 and turning it into an ad for hk gear. MattG may have been mocking people but atleast he wasnt selling something. The Agg Style 101 thread reminds me about the article for "The Ropes" in the back of Maxim. It looks like a real testimonial until you see the thing that says this is an advertisement. I liked the idea of paintballers having their own style but I think its sought of retarded that hk has decided to declare a monopoly on it (IE getting on someones case for being smarter than hk and trying to make a profit off the agg thing).

•HK gear are some of the freshest in style!
•Designer headbands, tailfeathers, etc
•45s to the sky!
•Lose the drop, rock the uni
•Longsleeves > Jerseys
•Rocking the tailfeather!
•Assume the position (see examples)
•Shoot faces
•Post pics here

08-01-2004, 09:16 PM
Y'mean like this? :D


LOL! Now only if she was wearing her HK jersey, that would have been perfect, I mean a perfect picture.

08-01-2004, 09:21 PM
Y'mean like this? :D


Exactly!!!! :clap: :rofl:

08-01-2004, 09:44 PM
I support HK in thier idea of playing for the love of the game, i dont support all thier stupid fashion stuff and trying to act "agg" and being the "bad boys" or w/e there starting to do, if they get back to what HK was started for, then i'd sport their sticker on my halo.

i also think it was BS how jules foote was calling codes fro Infamous when they were playing Dynasty at Tampa, as rodney said while cussing jules out "Thats no class man, no class, let them play"

08-01-2004, 09:46 PM
From HK army site

5/09 - It has come to our attention that several companies are making profits off of our image. Up until this point HK Army products have not been available to the public on a large scale, and we have not pursued selling merchandise because HK Army is about unity not profit. Until now. We have heard that people are making our stickers and SELLING them when we are giving them out for free. Do NOT support companies like www.aggwear.com (or Legacy's new chant: A-G-G what? find your own slang), do NOT buy stickers from non-HK affiliates. To combat these beasts we are working on our own line of clothing coming out in the next few weeks. Currently for sale are our ever popular HK longsleeves. Look for more in the future - casual, hats, beanies, playing apparel, pants and more. Keep HK technology cheap by supporting the original and we will undercut our competitors to better serve you.


we have not pursued selling merchandise because HK Army is about unity not profit. Until now.

Yes unity not profit, this was until we found there was a market for our bs merchandise.

Do NOT support companies like www.aggwear.com (or Legacy's new chant: A-G-G what? find your own slang), do NOT buy stickers from non-HK affiliates.

No, give us your money instead, unity, unity, unity

To combat these beasts we are working on our own line of clothing coming out in the next few weeks.

Buy all you A-G-G What? HK army merchandise from us instead!

whoever started this A-G-G whatnot deserves a beating


Spicegirls > HK army

08-01-2004, 09:56 PM
From HK army site


Yes unity not profit, this was until we found there was a market for our bs merchandise.

No, give us your money instead, unity, unity, unity

Buy all you A-G-G What? HK army merchandise from us instead!

whoever started this A-G-G whatnot deserves a beating


Spicegirls > HK army

You, sir, are sig'd.

08-02-2004, 08:12 PM
step off yo!!1

08-02-2004, 08:23 PM
only thing I really hate about them is how they rip people off selling there crap.. 30$'s for an HK headband.. I guess it's reasonable..

80$ for an HK jersey - Understandable, they look good, but it is a little high..

But what really gets me is

30$'s for there tank covers.. Have you seen them? There just foam on the front and back with an HK sticker.. it is such BS, makes me angry when they say there not in it for the money, and then rip kids off selling that crap.

08-02-2004, 08:41 PM
only thing I really hate about them is how they rip people off selling there crap.. 30$'s for an HK headband.. I guess it's reasonable..

80$ for an HK jersey - Understandable, they look good, but it is a little high..

But what really gets me is

30$'s for there tank covers.. Have you seen them? There just foam on the front and back with an HK sticker.. it is such BS, makes me angry when they say there not in it for the money, and then rip kids off selling that crap.

The headbands and are 30, big deal, people sell gucci headbands for 30 and no one has a problem buying them. 80 dollars for an HK jersey? HK never sold them at that price, people were willing to spend that much money. Most of the HK jerseys, were given away for free, to kids, some of the HK didnt even get a jersey. Since there is such a high demand for the HK jerseys, they are making better jerseys, are going to be selling them at a very very good price. The HK tank covers, are Kalibur tank covers, so what if they are 30 dollars, NXE tank covers are 25, JT tank covers are 25, Dye tank covers are 24. My HK tank cover has been the best tank cover I have ever used, I have owned Redz,JT,Dye tank covers. I have bought an HK jersey, HK tank cover, and an HK headband, I am VERY happy with my purchases from them, I am glad I did, they products are very well made and are better then most of the Dye and JT things I have owned. Also, HK with every order I have made from them and has thrown in free stuff, Iv gotten HK sunglasses, a DVD, a ton of HK stickers. In my eyes, HK has always put their fan's first, them selves second.

08-02-2004, 08:44 PM
as far as im concerned its stupid plain and simple.

08-02-2004, 08:50 PM
i gots my hk stickers for free, i don't see a problem with that ? :confused:

08-02-2004, 09:18 PM
HK never sold them at that price, people were willing to spend that much money.

I am sorry I didnt realize it was people buying them and not hk selling them :rolleyes:

I would also expect a little bit more especially since they make atleast a 400% profit on the stuff they sell.

08-02-2004, 09:31 PM
I am sorry I didnt realize it was people buying them and not hk selling them :rolleyes:

I would also expect a little bit more especially since they make atleast a 400% profit on the stuff they sell.

Some of the jerseys were sold by HK, mostly from Steve(FT57), for about 50 dollars, then some kids that were not HK turned around and sold them for 80 dollars. Besides, whats the difference from an HK jersey, a Dynasty jersey and an Oakland Assasian jerseys going for 100 dollars? Sure, HK jerseys are made from a long sleeve shirt, I like them better then other jerseys.

08-02-2004, 10:31 PM
don't worry slip, they just be hatin' on us street ballas

08-02-2004, 11:04 PM
Crazy, its alittle off topic, but you know here I can pick up some skull stickers? Steve is out, I would like to have some before I got ballin again, I got the cash if needed.

08-03-2004, 03:56 PM
For those of us who don't like the HK agg bs, don't worry, it'll be gone in a year like a all other trends. For those of you who think agg muppet mowers are where it's at, don't worry, you're cool. :rolleyes:

Anyone who doesn't like agg you call a hater, that's not true, we just see through trendy bs and realize it's all about image and money.

08-03-2004, 03:58 PM
For those of us who don't like the HK agg bs, don't worry, it'll be gone in a year like a all other trends. For those of you who think agg muppet mowers are where it's at, don't worry, you're cool. :rolleyes:

Anyone who doesn't like agg you call a hater, that's not true, we just see through trendy bs and realize it's all about image and money.

I have never called anyone that didnt like agg a hater, so dont say I have.

08-03-2004, 04:03 PM
I have never called anyone that didnt like agg a hater, so dont say I have.
I wasn't necessarily saying that you did, but that seems to be the general idea of what those who are into agg and hk say about those who aren't.

also, i'm not saying hk are bad players, they got skill, they are good players, their image is just ridiculous.

08-03-2004, 04:09 PM
OK, let me start by saying I am an older guy, I doubt I speak for all, but from an old guys point of view who really cares.

Do I support HK? To me, HK stands for a German gun company.

Sounds like a bunch of little girls drooling over the latest boy band.....an age thing that seems to be going around.....

so, I'm with you Blennidae, and I'll bet I'm older than you also :)

08-03-2004, 04:27 PM
The headbands and are 30, big deal, people sell gucci headbands for 30 and no one has a problem buying them. 80 dollars for an HK jersey? HK never sold them at that price, people were willing to spend that much money. Most of the HK jerseys, were given away for free, to kids, some of the HK didnt even get a jersey. Since there is such a high demand for the HK jerseys, they are making better jerseys, are going to be selling them at a very very good price. The HK tank covers, are Kalibur tank covers, so what if they are 30 dollars, NXE tank covers are 25, JT tank covers are 25, Dye tank covers are 24. My HK tank cover has been the best tank cover I have ever used, I have owned Redz,JT,Dye tank covers. I have bought an HK jersey, HK tank cover, and an HK headband, I am VERY happy with my purchases from them, I am glad I did, they products are very well made and are better then most of the Dye and JT things I have owned. Also, HK with every order I have made from them and has thrown in free stuff, Iv gotten HK sunglasses, a DVD, a ton of HK stickers. In my eyes, HK has always put their fan's first, them selves second.

Did you even really read my post?? I said 30$'s for a headband is reasonable.. 80$'s for a HK jersey is understandable.. And I know he didn't sell them at full price, I post in the HK thread to, i've seen it all, your not letting me in on something new..

But my statement still stands

30 bucks for this:


is just dumb.. It's a sticker, and two pieces of foam.. And I would way rather have a JT or Dye tank cover for cheaper.. Everything else HK sells is cool in my books, I just can't justify this so called tank cover.

08-03-2004, 10:15 PM
HK people are some of the coolest people on the planet.

08-03-2004, 11:04 PM
HK people are some of the coolest people on the planet.

Yes, they are.

p u r e e v i l
08-04-2004, 04:44 AM
I'm probably talking out of my butthole right now, but oh well. I'm too lazy to read everything that all of you wrote on this topic, but I do plan on doing one thing. I plan on giving you my two cents on what HK means to me.

HK means nothing to me, I mean sure, if I knew any of the kids...it might. Then again, I highly doubt it. As for the kids being "Street Rats" and playing at the field every weekend. They could...but only if they worked for their field time and paint, which I could understand. But I sadly doubt that any of them actually put towards ANY effort in doing that.

As for getting good, it doesn't matter how much you play. I mean, look at me! I played for two years twice a week and I still suck! Seriously though, it's all about determination. You could go out there with a newbie who's determined to shoot someone off the break. You show him and tell him what to do and when to do it and he'll do it eventually! Granted, might take him a day or two..even longer, to perfect it. Point being? He or she will be so determined to do it that they wont stop until they do. Sadly...this is not the case for many "better" paintballers.

For example, myself. I use to look forward to paintballing until soon, it was no longer fun. It seemed that practice was all everyone did, forget getting to know a fellow paintballer. Names were all I knew, and that's about the extent of it today. Not much more...As I continued to play I lacked in some qualities, but assumed that the position I played in was perfected enough, therefore, there was no reason for me to work on any other position. Reality check!!!

As I said before, HK means Hostile Kids to me and nothing more. The Article that Fraige wrote...what about it? In all honesty, I didn't even bother to read it. I know a bunch of Dynasty lovers did read it and were like. "HK is cooler now cause Fraige wrote about them" Big deal. I don't hate Dynasty, nor do I like them. At one time I did like them, until I realized there were better teams out there that didn't get first all of the time, but that doesn't matter...anyways...

If HK is your cup of tea, go for it. Don't pose like the kids at Atomix do. I mean, when I wear the JUSTICE Jersey I got from a friend off of the team (Chris Jollie) it's just cause I do. Be who you gotta be...be yourself and play like you learn how. Not like someone else does. Where's the individuality in that?

Peas and Carrots.

Teh Jiz zo. (no spaces!)

"Who needs a team when you got a fa...errr...mag?"

08-04-2004, 01:57 PM
HK jerseys are sexy as a mutha.. If I was buying another jersey, I would forsure take theres.. Just because they look so damn good..

But with that being said pureevil, your right, it is just a name.. Oh and the more often I practice, the more I suck :rofl: .. So I don't like practicing much lol.

08-04-2004, 02:20 PM
HK jerseys are sexy as a mutha.. If I was buying another jersey, I would forsure take theres.. Just because they look so damn good..

Yes, their jerseys are very sexy, I wouldnt trade mine for anything. I have one of the orginal jerseys, I think its the best one of all, but I havent seen the new ones that will be out in 2 weeks, I think I may pick one up just for the fun of it, also I promised Magman007 I would get him one.

08-04-2004, 05:39 PM
HK, to me, has almost got to be a grand hoax. It's so corny that I hardly believe people take it seriously at all.

I don't "hate" HK, I just, mostly, think it's lame. Which is not necessarily the actual team's fault. A lot of people took "agg" and the whole army thing and turned it into some sort of zen club, which is rediculous. If you like that style, that's fine... I think the way they dress looks foolish.

They're gun "mods" have mostly been ugly, esp. those tar eye covers they put on angels. They also had cheats built into them.

What really gets me about all of it is that they think they started a trend with "streetball," which, after reading it sounds just about like any rec game played. But they do "moves." I guess...

I've not met them, so I have no clue what they are like personally, and they may be really nice folks. "Cool," however, isn't something that I think applies.

For those of us who've been wearing camouflage in tournaments forever, it's hard to see how on earth people think it's "agg" now. Headbands and headgear in general is way too hot to be comfortable. I have no idea why anyone needs that many rags hanging off of them. And, of course, the stickers... eh, I've never had any use for stickers anyway.

I love how everyone who thinks they are lame are automatically e-tackled by 50 folks calling them "haters.." I don't think they know what a hater really is.


08-04-2004, 05:50 PM
how does a picture of an Infamous player getting gogged define agg (even tho that picture makes me very happy, i dont see the connection)

08-04-2004, 06:18 PM
how does a picture of an Infamous player getting gogged define agg (even tho that picture makes me very happy, i dont see the connection)

Gator Glaze defines what agg is.

08-04-2004, 06:22 PM
is that the guy who got gogged in the pic?

08-04-2004, 06:26 PM
so agg means getting gogged cuz you were too busy looking like a tool to remember to lead out with your gun up?

08-04-2004, 06:27 PM
i could be agg in no time then! :dance:

08-04-2004, 07:27 PM
... i'll support anyone who loves paintball.

I won't. Some of the people that love this game are jerks and newbie-bashing bullies. I can't support those people.

HK? Never heard of them before last week. Not surprising given the distance from SoCal to central Canada. They have a cool name, and nice looking stickers, though. If they play straight-up ball, I can support that.

08-04-2004, 09:23 PM
I personally don't care at all. I think it's a waste of time to care that much about good teams. I'm not some kid who idolizes them or anything, they are good ballers, so what? :headbang:

08-04-2004, 10:13 PM
Did you even really read my post?? I said 30$'s for a headband is reasonable.. 80$'s for a HK jersey is understandable.. And I know he didn't sell them at full price, I post in the HK thread to, i've seen it all, your not letting me in on something new..

But my statement still stands

30 bucks for this:


is just dumb.. It's a sticker, and two pieces of foam.. And I would way rather have a JT or Dye tank cover for cheaper.. Everything else HK sells is cool in my books, I just can't justify this so called tank cover.

its called battle armor, SP sells it, it is a clear protective thing for tanks, firefighters use them as well.

08-04-2004, 10:21 PM

08-04-2004, 10:30 PM
HK, to me, has almost got to be a grand hoax. It's so corny that I hardly believe people take it seriously at all.

I don't "hate" HK, I just, mostly, think it's lame. Which is not necessarily the actual team's fault. A lot of people took "agg" and the whole army thing and turned it into some sort of zen club, which is rediculous. If you like that style, that's fine... I think the way they dress looks foolish.

They're gun "mods" have mostly been ugly, esp. those tar eye covers they put on angels. They also had cheats built into them.

What really gets me about all of it is that they think they started a trend with "streetball," which, after reading it sounds just about like any rec game played. But they do "moves." I guess...

I've not met them, so I have no clue what they are like personally, and they may be really nice folks. "Cool," however, isn't something that I think applies.

For those of us who've been wearing camouflage in tournaments forever, it's hard to see how on earth people think it's "agg" now. Headbands and headgear in general is way too hot to be comfortable. I have no idea why anyone needs that many rags hanging off of them. And, of course, the stickers... eh, I've never had any use for stickers anyway.

I love how everyone who thinks they are lame are automatically e-tackled by 50 folks calling them "haters.." I don't think they know what a hater really is.


People only wear the headgear playing, and it doesn't get hot at all.. Infact it is probablly cooler having somehting protecting your head then having nothing.

its called battle armor, SP sells it, it is a clear protective thing for tanks, firefighters use them as well.

So there is actually something there other then just the foamy looking stuff?

Gator Glaze defines what agg is.

quoted for truth..

If you can find someone that looks this good getting gogged, you've stepped upon a gold mine.


08-04-2004, 10:34 PM

I dont know how he does it. Did you see the stickers he is having made? They are so sexy.

08-04-2004, 10:50 PM
only haters wouldn't agree.

08-04-2004, 11:06 PM
So there is actually something there other then just the foamy looking stuff?

Yep, take a look at mine...

08-04-2004, 11:32 PM
People only wear the headgear playing, and it doesn't get hot at all.. Infact it is probablly cooler having somehting protecting your head then having nothing.

Not unless that something is a straw hat. Beanies made from black polar fleece and oven wrapped noggins in bandanas get to be about 175* during the summer. :)

Then again, I recently shaved my head completely bald. Long hair = teh hot.

Till then, bandanas are for suckers. ;) Play proud, play with your hair showing.


slowly growing contra-agg

08-04-2004, 11:34 PM
I wear a sandana and a headband, my head has never gotten hot.

08-05-2004, 03:41 PM
bounce like a trampoline.

08-05-2004, 11:11 PM
Did anyone else email Gator, ask for a free Gator Glaze 76 t shirt? I did :D

08-06-2004, 12:30 AM
Go away Ian, why you gotta be such a downer? :)

Now... about the tank covers. Its not foam; its rubber with a coating between them that slides over the bottle ;) I see what your talking about; the pictures do make it look slightly like a foam piece of crap :)

The HighMan101
08-06-2004, 02:50 AM
Ok well i know nothing of this HK stuff and frankly I dont care i wont say i like them but i certainley dont hate them. But I must comment on some of the things that have been posted here
first off
You complain about pbn, but im seeing more stupid crap being posted in this thread than over there.

If I didn't like it I wouldn't post here, so dont think im bashing anything either.
Wait a sec if I'm not mistaken you just called people's valid opinions stupid and then said you arn't bashing anything. Please, if im wrong, correct me.

HK people are some of the coolest people on the planet.
Wow that was general, too general to be true actually. Mabey all the ones you've met have been nice but assure not all of them are great guys there's just a certain inevitability to things like this. Its like saying everyone who likes the Maple Leafs is a drunk Canadain. Though for the the most part its true there are some Minnesotans who like them ;)
(ahh hockey humor)

As the word Agg im ok with it just as long as you dont say it in my presence.

PS 50 bucks for one of those cool lookin Jerseys that is hot :cool:
on the other hand i would never pay 30 for a headband and honestley thats the ugliest tank cover i've ever seen

Also so called "Haters" (ain't ebonics fun) If you dont like the look these guys choose to convey dont wear it but also dont rip on others for what the choose to wear, rip on them for what they choose to do.

robert heatwole
08-06-2004, 12:51 PM
slipknot = wannabe hk rahhhhhhh hhaaahaaa

08-06-2004, 01:45 PM
slipknot = wannabe hk rahhhhhhh hhaaahaaa

Atleast I dont try and make HK things, I get the real deal.

08-06-2004, 02:13 PM
Wait a sec if I'm not mistaken you just called people's valid opinions stupid and then said you arn't bashing anything. Please, if im wrong, correct me.
I was talking about AO, as in, im not bashing AO or I wouldnt post here.

Consider yourself corrected. :)

08-06-2004, 06:48 PM
Yep, take a look at mine...

I take it back then, they don't look to bad, the pic made it look like crap to me, that one looked cool though.

DK1 - I have pretty dense tick curly hair that looks retarded when it is loose, and really heats up when it's hot, so headgear does keep me cool :)

08-06-2004, 07:54 PM
I take it back then, they don't look to bad, the pic made it look like crap to me, that one looked cool though.

I highly suggest picking one up if you need a new tank cover.

The HighMan101
08-06-2004, 09:43 PM
I was talking about AO, as in, im not bashing AO or I wouldnt post here.

Consider yourself corrected. :)

Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up for me. :)

08-06-2004, 10:09 PM
I highly suggest picking one up if you need a new tank cover.
'I might have to, i've been using my brothers for a long time :rofl: .. I just want one of those damn HK stickers though, they look so cool lol.

08-06-2004, 10:19 PM
'I might have to, i've been using my brothers for a long time :rofl: .. I just want one of those damn HK stickers though, they look so cool lol.

Very well made stickers, but FT57 is out, because the sticker guy is not making them fast enough. If you order a tank cover, it will come with a sticker, but it may be the shield sticker, I was lucky enough to get the skull sticker.

08-06-2004, 10:23 PM
Maybe I will hold out for awhile, and ya they do look well made..

I thought the sticker on this gun was actually anno'd into it or something.. It's amazing how it can still keep the curves of the DM4 threw the sticker.

08-06-2004, 11:24 PM
Maybe I will hold out for awhile, and ya they do look well made..

I thought the sticker on this gun was actually anno'd into it or something.. It's amazing how it can still keep the curves of the DM4 threw the sticker.

Like I said, the HK stickers are very well made, when I put mine on my halo, it didnt look like a sticker, it looked like it was printed on the shell, they are amazing.

08-07-2004, 12:46 AM
Like I said, the HK stickers are very well made, when I put mine on my halo, it didnt look like a sticker, it looked like it was printed on the shell, they are amazing.

**Must find out who makes there stickers**

08-07-2004, 11:26 AM
The halo I just bought had 4 hk stickers on it.

08-07-2004, 12:37 PM
Got my Gogglestraps today, and no HK stickers :(

He said he was including a couple.

08-07-2004, 12:44 PM
2 goggles straps?

08-07-2004, 12:58 PM
Got my Gogglestraps today, and no HK stickers :(

He said he was including a couple.

Dont worry, as soon as they get some more in im almost positive, tell FT57 that you ordered a goggle strap and got no stickers, he would ship you some.

08-07-2004, 03:35 PM
I just got my HK headband, FT57 threw in a free pair of HK sunglasses, a video of the 04 Tampa open. Awsome guy.

08-07-2004, 03:40 PM
East Koast Kidz. Thats where its at


08-07-2004, 03:44 PM
East Koast Kidz. Thats where its at


Na, Hostile Kids is where its at.


08-07-2004, 03:53 PM
East Koast Kidz. Thats where its at

They do have cool lookin shirts. I think I'm gunna pick one up.

08-07-2004, 04:04 PM
Na, Hostile Kids is where its at.


It's all about the west baby

08-07-2004, 04:13 PM
Newest Addition to my headband collection, my HK headband, its right above my HK tank cover...


p u r e e v i l
08-07-2004, 06:56 PM
Newest Addition to my headband collection, my HK headband, its right above my HK tank cover...


And this is important to the HK discussion because...

I mean, I'm not trying to be a party pooper. But the last time I looked at the header it was. "AO's thoughts on HK" not "What do I have from HK that you don't" or "West is better then East, etc"

08-07-2004, 06:57 PM
And this is important to the HK discussion because...

My HK headband rules...

08-07-2004, 10:11 PM
Go away Ian, why you gotta be such a downer? :)

Squid, just cause I love you, here's a big picture of my foot.

Next time I see you, I'm going to kick you with it. ;)



now with 100% more degrees than normal!

08-07-2004, 10:52 PM
Squid, just cause I love you, here's a big picture of my foot.

Next time I see you, I'm going to kick you with it. ;)



now with 100% more degrees than normal!


robert heatwole
08-07-2004, 11:55 PM
east coast!!!

08-08-2004, 02:39 AM
I just ordered a headband today.. I'm curiouse to see if I will get any free stuff to be honest lol

08-08-2004, 11:09 AM
I just ordered a headband today.. I'm curiouse to see if I will get any free stuff to be honest lol

Usually, if you IM FT57 he will ask you what you want to be included.

08-11-2004, 10:01 AM
the hk thread will not die!


08-11-2004, 10:50 AM
I really don't know who HK is or care to be honest. First of all I'd like to say that was a great post Blennidae, I couldn't have said it any better.

08-11-2004, 12:26 PM
OK, let me start by saying I am an older guy, I doubt I speak for all, but from an old guys point of view who really cares.

Do I support HK? To me, HK stands for a German gun company...

I just want to add that I completely agree with you. Well, not completely. I would like to be able to play competitively. Life won't allow it (other things are WAY more important). And with the sad state of tournament paintball I wouldn't play seriously anyway.

Otherwise you sum up my feelings quite well. :hail:


08-11-2004, 01:24 PM
you're not streetballas

08-11-2004, 01:34 PM
you're not streetballas

I'm not entirely clear on the definition of a "streetballa" is. Would you care to elaborate on what defines a "streetballa"?

08-11-2004, 01:43 PM
Streetball means playing with your fats and battling fools on the field. Whoever wins stays, losers walk, winners battle other fools. you see the best moves on the field when you watch streetball. And calling your own fouls is simple, he shot me, I spun and shot him, then he ran down the tape and shot two other guys, 1 for 1 and the two stay in.

08-11-2004, 02:06 PM
Streetball means playing with your fats and battling fools on the field. Whoever wins stays, losers walk, winners battle other fools.

OK, so I'm old and don't know all the cool new slang. Let me know if I get this wrong.

fats = friends, fools = the other team

If that is the case, then you describe just about any game of of paintball.

And calling your own fouls is simple, he shot me, I spun and shot him, then he ran down the tape and shot two other guys, 1 for 1 and the two stay in.

Reading this makes it sound like you cheated. If he shot you, you are out. You aren't supposed to spin and shoot him after he has moved on to try and get your other two players. If I read it wrong, can you clarify it in laymans terms?

08-11-2004, 02:11 PM
he's out, i'm out and theres a 1 for 1.

done nitpicking yet? ;)

08-11-2004, 03:04 PM
done nitpicking yet? ;)

Still waiting on a clear, slang free definition of "streetballa". :D

08-11-2004, 03:16 PM
lol, you can use algebra to put it togther, you've pretty much got it. :)

08-11-2004, 07:12 PM
What kind of visor is gator wearing. Is that just a redz neoprene? or something else.

08-11-2004, 08:10 PM
What kind of visor is gator wearing. Is that just a redz neoprene? or something else.

I believe it is, but it many not be, knowing gator. But I think I saw somewhere in the All things HK and AGG thread, his mom made it for him or something...

08-11-2004, 08:45 PM
I believe it is, but it many not be, knowing gator. But I think I saw somewhere in the All things HK and AGG thread, his mom made it for him or something...

Oh god its like 275 pages..this is gonna take all night.

08-11-2004, 09:07 PM
Is this it?

08-12-2004, 03:17 PM
Is this it?

Dont really know, maybe you should email or IM Gator, ask the pimp himself.

08-12-2004, 03:25 PM
Ok here is what I think. They are generally cool guys although rowdy and a little unbecoming at tournies who have gotten hyped up beyond all semblance of reality. I know kids at my field who think they are the Xball champs and the best performing team in the sport. I think alot of this is due to the fact you can't say anything other wise on PBN without being banned or flammed out by the mods. So in summary declare HK your one and only God if you like PBN.

08-13-2004, 07:59 PM
Ok here is what I think. They are generally cool guys although rowdy and a little unbecoming at tournies who have gotten hyped up beyond all semblance of reality. I know kids at my field who think they are the Xball champs and the best performing team in the sport. I think alot of this is due to the fact you can't say anything other wise on PBN without being banned or flammed out by the mods. So in summary declare HK your one and only God if you like PBN.

HK isnt my god, but they are up there with everything else I love. You can say anything you want on PBN, as long as its in the rules, its not your fault if mods/users dont agree with it, everyone has their own opinion on everything. Thats why I brought HK to AO, because I wanted the people here to be aware of HK, I wanted to hear everyones opinion on them, because as we know, AO users arent big flamers, we have control over here.

08-13-2004, 08:26 PM
buncha wannabes

08-13-2004, 09:10 PM
I support em' I guess. I'm more into the fashion they bring. Yes I said it the fashion they bring into paintball. Nothings better than looking good on and off the field :cool:

08-13-2004, 09:28 PM
Nothings better than looking good on and off the field :cool:

Thats totally true, you gotta look good all the time.

08-14-2004, 10:18 AM
You can say anything you want on PBN, as long as its in the rules, its not your fault if mods/users dont agree with it, everyone has their own opinion on everything.
Not totally true. I've seen many threads that view there opinion as against Agg and HK and are closed when there is no flaming going on. Many of the mods over there will delete anti Agg stuff for no reason other than they love HK. If you express your opinion that you aren't into HK or Agg they'll call you a hater. This is not all mods, but a choice few HK freaks.

08-14-2004, 10:24 AM
Not totally true. I've seen many threads that view there opinion as against Agg and HK and are closed when there is no flaming going on. Many of the mods over there will delete anti Agg stuff for no reason other than they love HK. If you express your opinion that you aren't into HK or Agg they'll call you a hater. This is not all mods, but a choice few HK freaks.

My point exactly or how a person looking for an angel in the angel forums gets moved to the BST forums but an HK player looking for an angel gets a sticky on the Angel main page.

08-14-2004, 12:32 PM
Not totally true. I've seen many threads that view there opinion as against Agg and HK and are closed when there is no flaming going on. Many of the mods over there will delete anti Agg stuff for no reason other than they love HK. If you express your opinion that you aren't into HK or Agg they'll call you a hater. This is not all mods, but a choice few HK freaks.

Well, most of the people that make those threads, use curse words, which results in a closed thread. Now people who make threads that say that they are against HK and AGG, use proper wording, yes will get flamed, but ones those threads are made, they usually become a huge flaming battle, which mods dont not want, so they have to close the thread. But thats part of PBN. Remember because of PBN has played a huge part in HK becoming very popular, alot of PBN users support HK, dont like to see people bash them, so they become protective, now they could not flame show much, or the better thing to do, would just to let those threads go, not post in them at all.

08-14-2004, 01:00 PM
Well, most of the people that make those threads, use curse words, which results in a closed thread. Now people who make threads that say that they are against HK and AGG, use proper wording, yes will get flamed, but ones those threads are made, they usually become a huge flaming battle, which mods dont not want, so they have to close the thread. But thats part of PBN. Remember because of PBN has played a huge part in HK becoming very popular, alot of PBN users support HK, dont like to see people bash them, so they become protective, now they could not flame show much, or the better thing to do, would just to let those threads go, not post in them at all.
Pro Agg and HK threads turn into flame fests too, but you don't see them get closed. The mods just delete the people's posts who aren't for HK or it just stays. PBN is the reason HK became as popular as they are, they used the internet to their advantage, which was a very good idea.

08-14-2004, 05:31 PM
PBN is the reason HK became as popular as they are, they used the internet to their advantage, which was a very good idea.

Yes, it was a good idea, alot of members of HK post on PBN and really see how much people support them, which I think is a great thing.

08-15-2004, 01:18 AM
i wonder how good those hk cats really are, if i ever get to go out to socal w/my buds we should try to ball w/them. We have never been able to afford to spray 25 balls a second and we are better players b/c of it. Id bet theyd all suck if you made them play for real w/o wipes :cool:

08-15-2004, 09:37 AM
i wonder how good those hk cats really are, if i ever get to go out to socal w/my buds we should try to ball w/them. We have never been able to afford to spray 25 balls a second and we are better players b/c of it. Id bet theyd all suck if you made them play for real w/o wipes :cool:

way to talk **** about someone from behind your computer, your a real pro.

08-15-2004, 10:00 AM
i wonder how good those hk cats really are, if i ever get to go out to socal w/my buds we should try to ball w/them. We have never been able to afford to spray 25 balls a second and we are better players b/c of it. Id bet theyd all suck if you made them play for real w/o wipes :cool:

You actually have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone from the HK, or the army could take you and your friends probably. HK has a huge amount of skill, so does everyone within the army. Maybe you should come to the cup and actually go up against them instead of talking smack about them.

08-15-2004, 10:15 AM
You actually have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone from the HK, or the army could take you and your friends probably. HK has a huge amount of skill, so does everyone within the army. Maybe you should come to the cup and actually go up against them instead of talking smack about them.
I agree. HK does have skill. I'm not a fan of their image or the Agg thing, but they are good players from what I've seen and heard.

08-15-2004, 10:22 AM
Although I have never seen HK play in person, I only have videos of them playing, but from watching them, they have much skill. I do however have members of the army, I play with, they are insane.

08-15-2004, 10:43 AM
OK, I did read the article written about HK, so now I know who they are.

I didn't read this entire thread, just a few posts here and there.

What I don't understand is the wide spread fascination. The stickers, head bands, and shirts, why would you pay money for their insignia?

08-15-2004, 11:01 AM
What I don't understand is the wide spread fascination. The stickers, head bands, and shirts, why would you pay money for their insignia?
From what I gather, mainly to look cool and show support. At leats that's what people seem to say.

08-15-2004, 11:22 AM
OK, I did read the article written about HK, so now I know who they are.

I didn't read this entire thread, just a few posts here and there.

What I don't understand is the wide spread fascination. The stickers, head bands, and shirts, why would you pay money for their insignia?

Why pay money for company stickers, or a dynasty jersey, or any other kind of team jersey? To show your support for that team, thats exactly what the HK stickers, jerseys and headbands are for, so people can show their support for HK. HK has become very popular due to PBN, as we all know, there are alot of PBN users, so HK stuff became very popular, once HK began selling them to people, they became very popular once people saw how awesome they look. But alot of the jerseys and stickers werent sold, they were given away for free to kids at events and practices. Since they did that, HK jersyes became rare, so when people sold them, they could ask for 80 or so dollars, the most I ever saw an HK jersey sell for is 120 bucks. Now the HK stickers, I never once had to pay for them, because FT57, threw them in for free with everything I got from him, but out of the 1,000 HK stickes made, 100 of them were sold, 900 of them were given away for free, now 1,000 custom stickers isnt going to be cheap, these stickers are very well made, I am sure cost a nice amount of money to make. So what I guess I am trying to get at here, is I dont know why alot of people have a problem with HK items, because if you look around, other teams do the exact same thing, sell their jerseys and have team stickers they sell, they dont get bashed only HK does.

08-15-2004, 05:38 PM
geez im sorry ppl i didnt know much abt these cats and obviosly they can ball, my bad :dance:

08-15-2004, 06:54 PM
geez im sorry ppl i didnt know much abt these cats and obviosly they can ball, my bad :dance:

Alot of people dont know about HK, think its just a stupid fad, when its really not.

08-15-2004, 07:04 PM
Alot of people dont know about HK, think its just a stupid fad, when its really not.
Personally, I think their style of play is not a fad, but I think their style of dress is.

08-15-2004, 08:50 PM
Personally, I think their style of play is not a fad, but I think their style of dress is.

I dont think it is, I will be wearing my designer stuff for a very long time. :)

08-15-2004, 09:07 PM
Personally, I think their style of play is not a fad, but I think their style of dress is.

I would think that this is a fair assessment. They are the current flavor of the week. Alot of these trends fall by the wayside quickly. Whatever the popular team wears/uses is the in thing to have. If you think otherwise, just remember how popular drops and sock hats were at one time.

08-15-2004, 09:09 PM
just remember how popular drops and sock hats were at one time.

I remember that, my head got so hot because of my sockhat.

08-17-2004, 01:18 PM
HK will be at pittsburg, so if you are there, watch them play, see the skill the have. :dance:

08-20-2004, 04:32 PM
Has anyone seen the new HK headbands? They are awesome and come at a new reduced price. Everyone take a look, tell me what you think. http://www.hkarmy.com/store.htm
The real tree ones are now offically gone, so if you were lucky enough to get one, hold on to it.

If anyone who was looking for an HK jersey and had no luck getting one, dont worry, HK has you covered, brand new jerseys supposed to come in today, I will notify AO if this is true, Steve tells me its supposed to be today, they will be at a great price.

08-27-2004, 11:35 PM
Attention EVERYONE!

New HK jerseys, are now for sale, please check the "All things HK and AGG" thread on PBN for more information. They are at an affordable price to everyone, limited run, so get them while you can.

08-27-2004, 11:53 PM

Is it possible that the whole "streetballer" or "for the love of the game" has been a marketing gimmick? Everyone really seems pre-occupied with what kind of HK merchandise they can have.

Everyone was going on about how they play in long sleeve shirts, but then they turn around and sell them for big money. How much profit is there on a long sleeve shirt sold for say $80?

Sure they give out free stuff, but whats the cost on a sticker? Every paintball place you order from online throws in a sticker. Whay do they do that? In hopes someone will stick it where others wil see it and they get free advertising.

I wouldn't have brought this up, but your thread has started to drift from your original question, into something on the verge of a for sale ad.

08-27-2004, 11:57 PM
i guess im impartial to em, "streetball" isnt quite my thing, but, i cant say i dislike them, because i dont really know them or much about them other than what i read, which, who knows whats true

08-28-2004, 12:01 AM

Is it possible that the whole "streetballer" or "for the love of the game" has been a marketing gimmick? Everyone really seems pre-occupied with what kind of HK merchandise they can have.

Everyone was going on about how they play in long sleeve shirts, but then they turn around and sell them for big money. How much profit is there on a long sleeve shirt sold for say $80?

Sure they give out free stuff, but whats the cost on a sticker? Every paintball place you order from online throws in a sticker. Whay do they do that? In hopes someone will stick it where others wil see it and they get free advertising.

I wouldn't have brought this up, but your thread has started to drift from your original question, into something on the verge of a for sale ad.

I have no clue how much profit you would get from selling an 80 dollar jersey, because I dont know how much they cost to make.

You are right, the thread has drifted from the orginal topic, but I guess I got very excited, when I saw the jerseys were up for sale, Iv been waiting for 2 months. I do know some people on AO, wanted a jersey, but didnt want to spend 80+ dollars on one, so I thought I would just give them a heads up on these, get the word out, because HK has been through alot, they paid 1,000 upfront for these new jerseys and only recieved 11 of them. They paid for there streetball jerseys up front, only got 12 of them, the guy ran off with their money. They have had a hard time, but they still continue to give jerseys and stickers to their fans for free, so now I am returing favor to them, for everything they have done for me.

08-28-2004, 03:45 PM
I ordered a couple, and about 5 minutes after I ordered them I had my second sold to a friend already, with other people wanting it to lol..

Heres my thought though.. HK (especially ft57) is a very smart guy, and I think he knows what he is doing with this marketing thing..

Oh and I could get jerseys just like the HK ones made for around 20 bucks a piece, and thats a rather expensive place. So 80$'s is a big profit, but I only seen people selling them used for that price and hey.. If you can get 80 for one then go for it.