View Full Version : **Northwest AO Day, AFTERMATH**

07-31-2004, 09:29 PM
Alright, I figured I'd start out the thread, I'll have video up in a bit.

First off, having to shove out 150 bucks because the field owner lied to us, kind of sucked.

We were told the field would be ready by 10:30... we didn't get to play till 12:00. And I paid around 9:15, we showed up at 9:00 were told they they're a bunch of wankers who decided we couldn't set-up the field...

None-the-less, the 4 hours we got to play were probably some of the best I've ever had playing.

My favorite part was using Burphel's Sydarm... man that thing is FUN.

Brandon felt the power of it too... haha, we both went to the 50 but I didn't know he was there, I come around to bunker JoeyJoe and Brandon's staring my Sydarm down the barrel, I miss the first shot and come around and we both light eachother up... I got one in the thumb... from about 12 inches away, surprisingly wasn't that bad. Then later on in a Woodsbally game I was just messing around with Burphel and Pullman yelling at them and stuff, Ended up 1-balling them (With the Sydarm) both times I wasn't even trying, just shooting balls their way for fun. :D

07-31-2004, 09:48 PM
Come on need more!!!!!! Missed this one how many of the Eastern Washington / Idaho players made it over??? :cry: I hate my job... :cuss: wanted to be there.

07-31-2004, 09:53 PM
2 from idaho, 1 from portland, 2 from seattle, 3 for us, and 1 from monroe, and 1 from renton.

We usually played 4v4 sometimes 5v5.

07-31-2004, 10:43 PM
:mad: i thought the 31st was tomorrow!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-31-2004, 10:49 PM
You need to check the calender more often! We were expecting you :p

barrel break
07-31-2004, 11:34 PM
dang it, oh well, i was at camp until yesterday so i have an excuse for not going (no gun)

07-31-2004, 11:48 PM
It's all good, we were just expecting more people that's all .

Still a lot of fun, the food afterwords wasn't that bad either :p

07-31-2004, 11:50 PM
yeah, today made me never want to go to STP again, or at least to play walkons just for the fact that they screwed us pretty bad on that who field issue. Other than that I had a lot of fun. Probably some of the most fun I've had playing paintball in a long while. Even though the field wasn't the best arrange field it was still fun to play. Lots of doubling up in the 50 cheese to make for some interesting moves. I had a good time meeting all the guys that showed up and can't wait to do this again.

P.S. Sorry again Ross for running into that bunker as you were coming into it from the other side. Didn't mean to knock ya over.

P.P.S. Where's the pictures joe??? Oh yeah, Just for you getting this whole field thing straightened out it looks like I'm gonna owe ya many rides ;)

08-01-2004, 12:02 AM
And the fact that I have almost 6 cases of paint sitting my garage now! :p

Working on the video ATM should be done in about 30 minutes. And uploaded in about an hour. So stay up! It's about 6 minutes long :D

08-01-2004, 12:46 AM
Video is coming I promise! :D

Joey should get those shots developed and scanned :D

ETA - 20 Minutes on Low Quality version of the video, Over an hour for the Super-High Quality...

08-01-2004, 01:20 AM
Video up!

http://www.sgclan.net/aolq.wmv - LOW QUALITY 35 Megs
http://www.sgclan.net/aohq.wmv - HIGH QUALITY 200 Megs

No pics really, I only got some when we went to Ixtapa... wasn't bad food... I wanted that other burrito now :(

08-01-2004, 02:01 AM

hella ninja yo!
:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

08-01-2004, 02:20 PM
Up for anyone who didn't catch this... pullman... burphel... joeyjoe...sk8ermog...

OMFG! I hate you all :(


08-01-2004, 02:21 PM
im dl the vid now. sorry i couldnt come guys but as i posted in the other thread there was a death in my family. so i hope to make it next time. and i guess i will never go to stp now :)

08-01-2004, 02:29 PM
It wasn't the guy who arranged it's fault. But the poor communication between the two groups.

Justin is trying to get me (us) a refund, he wasn't there and wants to get this resolved, he's just as upset as we are that they pulled that on us.

"Hey bro…sorry about that..i was not there, but you should call me so we can get this resolved…maybe I can get you a refund. Call me today or early tomorrow if I don’t answer, im gonna be at a picnic today..but I do agree with you that was ****ty of them to do…and I will try to you some type of refund.

Take care


08-01-2004, 02:39 PM
And for Pullman, if you're looking for new barrels...

http://www.actvil.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=AqQa0NC1Nboaw5G4RPPaeNoTSpeeUEu3bDc=?Pro ductID=vTesFAY7JUkAAAD8b_SVkciX - Titanium Boomstick 10" $50.00

http://www.actvil.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=AqQa0NC1Nboaw5G4RPPaeNoTSpeeUEu3bDc=?Pro ductID=z7OsFAY7ojEAAAD6PoR1Movs - Ultralite 10" $36.00

http://www.actvil.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=AqQa0NC1Nboaw5G4RPPaeNoTSpeeUEu3bDc=?Pro ductID=kRCsFAY7WYAAAAD3CQ%2elA_2t - Xcel 12" $8.00

90% Positive those are all vert-feed. :D

08-01-2004, 03:18 PM
Well, that's good at least that Justin is going to try and make things right. I'm not sure if I've actually met him or not since this was the first time I'd been there in almost a year. At least he's admitted that the ball got somewhat dropped and is going to fix it. Those other two guys, forget their names did sour my opinion on STP. I mean when the owner comes out and says that he doesn't care if about what the customer wants it's his field, blah blah that's just not good business and they most likely won't get my business ever again except for maybe the 3 man tournies, but that's just a maybe. Like I said earlier other than that everything went realy smoothe and was lots of fun.

08-01-2004, 04:27 PM
so.... If stp is out of the question... where would we go for the next AO day?

08-01-2004, 04:28 PM

08-01-2004, 04:35 PM
:( :( :( Vids not working, crappy server?

08-01-2004, 05:56 PM
Up for anyone who didn't catch this... pullman... burphel... joeyjoe...sk8ermog...

OMFG! I hate you all :(


:confused: Whad I do?

Hopefully I'll have the vid downloaded tonight. Going out for dinner, so my modem will have a few solid hours to chew on it.

Ph34r m4h 1337 m0d3mZ J00! :tard:

08-01-2004, 08:40 PM
video is pretty cool with some funny clips

"What do you do?"

i was laughing at that entire part haha.

08-01-2004, 11:28 PM
Cool video, and that's awesome that Justin is trying to help us out... maybe I can get that $20 back there, Joe :)

08-01-2004, 11:35 PM
Stop being a weenie, I never asked for it, you guys donated :p

I'm going to call him tomorrow (Got his number) and talk to him, we'll see how it works.

08-01-2004, 11:51 PM
I'm gonna have to get a DSL line or sumfink. Thanks for the barrel links. May have to get an ultralite. Here's a pic of the whole gang for those of us that are still 56k, and it's not nearly as back lit as we thought nyyyaah :D

08-02-2004, 12:30 AM
For Teh Dumb People :d

08-02-2004, 03:12 PM
ok I'm downloading the video now. Looks like I don't have the right codec so I'm doing the highres in hopes that it's an AVI file.

I must say that paintballing with fellow AOers is the only way to play. I dont think I've had that much fun paintballing ever. THAT WAS A BLAST!!!! Totally worth the 4 hour drive. Sorry I didn't hang with you guys afterwares at the dinner, but I had to jet home. I started falling asleep on the freeway so I had to pull over at a truck stop to take a nap cause you guys wore me out playing.

Oh and Brandon no hard feelings for knocking me over at the 50. I'm just still sore from Dustins 4 shots to my head. The swellings gone down, but I still have a head-ache lol

Also my belly welt from that first game where I got bunkered is still peeling. Man that was a blast. I just wish the guys there at STP would have been nicer to use and let us set up the field. I went out to give them a hand when I first got there and they just blow me off. I think we need to bring the next NW AO day a little more south like.... somewhere in mid Oregon so we can get more guys from Calie to come up. That way also you guys can show your dedication to the game and AO day by driving the 4 hours this time. lol

Barrel-Break I wish you would have been there. I have an extra X-valved mag that no one was using. It's a lot better then that micromag I let you shot on your birthday... this one actually works. lol

We missed all of you guys. Wish there were more there, but the group of guys we had was great. I don't think I would rather play with any other guys. Everyone's gun worked great and we had no problems other then the field being a pain in the butt to us.

Oh and Blazestorm thanks for only lighting me up like 3 times with that Timmy. It was fun seeing a rope of paint flying at me. At least I didn't get tripped up by anyone like Pullman did. I still wish I would have seen that guy with the Tippmann trip you so I could have avenged you. lol

We still need to market that sweet ducktape pack. We can all it the AO DuckPak We'll just cover it with Burphel stickers and make a holster for the Sydarms that we are all going to get for next years NW AO get together. That would be great to have a just Sydarms game.

Thanks again Joe for setting it all up and for eating that field fee and the cases of paint. You let us know if you don't get a refund and we'll have a NW AO field raising fund raiser.

I can't wait to see this video now. It's at like 40%. What did you use to edit it? What did you use to export it in the end cause the Low Quality one said I need a codec and I thought I was updated on all my MS Media Player codecs. let me know so I can download it again. Later.

Sk8ermog AKA Ross Gunn IV

08-02-2004, 03:19 PM
It needs windows media player 9...

I used Pinnacle to edit it and stuff :p

I had a lot of fun, I'm actually working on getting a lot more mechanical guns (I should have 3 more by the end of this week) I'm buying a VSC Illusion pump on ebay, and trading my broken angel for 2 cockers... hehe :D

08-02-2004, 06:41 PM
If it's going to be in Oregon, tell me way in advance. I'll ask for days off and make a family vacation out of it. Couldn't do what I did AND drive four hours there and back. This day almost killed me. (I must be getting old...............) Blazestorm, I know others said it before, but thanks for standing up and paying the field set up fee along with organizing the event. It was blast. If all AOers play as honorably as this group did, I'll make trips to some of the farther away meetings. Blaze, if you don't get a refund, tell me and I'll send you some cash to help out..........

08-02-2004, 09:11 PM
BTW, I would like to thank AONW day's major sponsor, Blazestorm, for one other thing......winning the "You're the only guy with a warp feed" contest. I got a Black E-mag Warp Feed Left body out of it. THANKS!!!!!!!

08-03-2004, 11:38 AM
Congrads Elliot! If I would have thought of it I would have brought some of my old warp parts to give you too. Next year we should have contests and paint eating races to win stickers or whatever else we bring up. I brought that Shatner DVD to give away along with a few bodies and parts, but we just never got around to it. I think I'll try to sell them to help pay back Joe for the field fee. That is if he doesn't get a refund.

I also think that Brandon should get the "Googed" award for using his mask as a shield more then his bunker. lol That video rocks Joe. Thanks for putting it together. It's always great seeing myself get shot in the head more then once. lol Also Pullman should always be on my team from now on cause I feel so bad shooting him every game. I still don't know how that happened with my gumball paint. I still have like 3 cases that I'm going to donate to my church for there games coming up.

Oh and if any of you need any extra players for any games coming up then let me know. I'd love to play a tourney with you guys.

08-03-2004, 12:09 PM
I wouldn't mind playing a tourney or two. Anybody want a fat, slow, old guy with a mag??.............................anyone????

08-03-2004, 12:45 PM
I also think that Brandon should get the "Googed" award for using his mask as a shield more then his bunker. lol That video rocks Joe. Thanks for putting it together. It's always great seeing myself get shot in the head more then once. lol Also Pullman should always be on my team from now on cause I feel so bad shooting him every game. I still don't know how that happened with my gumball paint. I still have like 3 cases that I'm going to donate to my church for there games coming up.

Oh and if any of you need any extra players for any games coming up then let me know. I'd love to play a tourney with you guys.

Haha. For sure. Just so happens the one time I get gogged during the day happens to be one of the few times we're filming and I happen to be the one being focussed on. Ah well, it was a blast none the less. I believe there's a tournie coming up at Paranoid that's x-ball format. I think the only divisions are beginer and rookie but I'm pretty sure we'd all be able to play rookie. It's towards the end of august, gotta check the dates to be positive. It'd be cool if we could field an all mag team. I'll get back to you for all that's interested.

barrel break
08-03-2004, 12:47 PM
Well, Next AONW day, hopefully i will be able to make it... and by then i wont be shooting my cocker (hopefully!)

08-03-2004, 01:12 PM
That looked like a pretty awesome time. Makes me want to play right now.

08-03-2004, 04:31 PM
Can I ask who sent the email about sueing STP for 150 dollars?

Seriously, let me handle this, if I see it neccessary to get a refund, as far as I'm concerned it's not.

I didn't enjoy paying the 150 out of my pocket, I appreciate the donations, but I did not ask for it.

I talked to Jeff (The owner) about selling DVD's I made of the field, I don't want my business to get screwed because you guys feel like sending hate mail to STP. I'll handle it.

08-04-2004, 07:52 PM
Anybody have pics yet? :confused:

08-04-2004, 08:45 PM
I took some pictures off the video that Joe made. I made a little animation from my head shot that I think looks pretty cool.


Check out my collection page to read what I wrote about the event on my news section. I can take pictures off the video if you want some LoveMyMagMoreThanYou. They aren't great quality cause it's video, but they still work.


Thats about the quality of them. LMK

Oh and Blazestorm I don't know who contacted STP, but that just doesn't seem like something any of us would do. I'm praying that you can get this all worked out. Just know that we are behind you in whatever happens. Thanks again for all your work.

LoveMyMagMoreThanYou: I would really love to see pictures of your mag with the new warp body on it. :clap:

08-04-2004, 11:28 PM
I will get one up soon. It looks really good. I had to remove the sight rail :( because it interfered with the powerfeed plug. But, it does look sweet now....

08-05-2004, 12:13 AM
Here are two pics that I hope I attach right

08-05-2004, 12:14 AM
Sexy! :D

Nice to see it put to use :ninja:

08-14-2004, 09:17 PM
does anyone have any pics yet that they could upload?

08-15-2004, 04:16 PM
I sent out that roll of film to be developed, should have pics uploaded by the end of the week. Us analog people take a little bit longer :)

08-15-2004, 10:01 PM
I sent out that roll of film to be developed, should have pics uploaded by the end of the week. Us analog people take a little bit longer :)
Thanks Joe! I'm just impatient :bounce: :hail: :D

08-18-2004, 08:01 PM
http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_7.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_8.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_11.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_12.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_13.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_15.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_16.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_17.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_18.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_19.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_20.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_21.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_22.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_23.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_24.jpg
http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_25.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_26.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_27.jpg http://joeyjoe.blazestorm.net/aomeetweb/Picture_28.jpg

08-18-2004, 10:50 PM
Here's one I photoshopped a bit... maybe you'd like to use it for a sig image, eh brandon?


08-19-2004, 12:28 AM
Very nice pics man and I think I may just take advantage of that ps job man, thanks. I'm thinking I may take and use that as reference and do a digital painting of it.Good thing those pics didn't capture me getting lit up on that run, it woulda taken the coolness out of them :D Nice job once again man.

08-19-2004, 08:41 AM
Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
I am up waaaaaaaaaaay too early on my day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: <--- to JoeyJoe for the pics

08-19-2004, 09:45 AM
Yeah, let me know if you want a higher res. file. I've got about a 1 megapixel scan right now, when I get the negs. back I should be able to make about a 3 megapixel scan.

Glad you all like them :)

08-19-2004, 11:52 AM
I really wish my bro and i could have made it. It really sux that stuff didn't work out at stp for you guys, I've been pretty satisfied with them and they have been really nice when stuff didnt work out. Lets have another day when i can make it cause that looked like a lot of fun. NW PRIDE!!

08-19-2004, 12:39 PM
Of course I want some higher res stuff :D

Maksimus54: It was the most fun I had in a long time. I didn't see any cheating and everyone was playing for just the fun of being there. Make it next time! ;)

08-19-2004, 03:11 PM
We should go to paranoid next time. The field is better run over there anyway.

08-19-2004, 08:56 PM
Yeah, defiantely paranoid for the next AO meet. We should start planning this thing even more in advance so we can get even more people to come.

Joey-If you do happen to do some high res scans then I'd definately grab that one pic.

08-19-2004, 10:43 PM
Those are swell gazelle pics. Thanks for posting those joeyjoe. I almost look cool in a few of them. :D

08-23-2004, 02:51 PM
ok I had some time on my hands so I photoshoped a few of the pictures also:



oh and LoveMyMagMoreThanYou that body looks soooo nice on your mag. And thanks again Joey for posting the pictures.

08-23-2004, 08:20 PM
oh and LoveMyMagMoreThanYou that body looks soooo nice on your mag.
Thanks, I like the way it turned out too!!!

cool animations too :D

08-26-2004, 05:47 PM
LoveMyMagMoreThanYou I PMed you about your old powerfeed body. I'm looking for a minimag or normal powerfeed body. Anyone want to help me out?

08-26-2004, 06:19 PM
Sweet. I like the Animations you did with my shots. I wish my camera had a better frame rate so they'd be a little more fluid. I'll be getting a DSLR soon that's got 5 fps, 8 Megapixel images. It's going to be awesome.

I'll upload the high-res. shot of you, brandon, soon.

Oh yeah, I got the actual prints back and they look a lot better than these scans. I think I might print a 4x8 of that panoramic shot...

08-26-2004, 09:32 PM
Sweet. I like the Animations you did with my shots. I wish my camera had a better frame rate so they'd be a little more fluid. I'll be getting a DSLR soon that's got 5 fps, 8 Megapixel images. It's going to be awesome.

I'll upload the high-res. shot of you, brandon, soon.

Oh yeah, I got the actual prints back and they look a lot better than these scans. I think I might print a 4x8 of that panoramic shot...
Sweet!! :headbang: