View Full Version : Bolt stick... where do I lube?

07-31-2004, 11:08 PM
Like the title says. Where do I apply copius amounts of oil?

08-01-2004, 12:12 AM
inside the power tube to the carrier o-ring and also to the stem of the bolt

08-01-2004, 01:20 PM
you can also put a few drops in the asa and dry fire into a towel 15 or 20 shots to lube the insides up, that akways helps me.

08-02-2004, 07:39 AM
If it's a Level 10, you might want to add a shim. This sometimes stop bolt sticking.

08-02-2004, 09:17 AM
So does moving up a carrier size to something a bit bigger. But you have to give a little more information in order to fix it. Lube doesn't really solve anything, it just band-aids it.

08-02-2004, 12:05 PM
Dayspring, your idea intrigues me...

It's an E-Mag with Level 10. Currently running 2.0 carrier (IIRC) with no shims (the no shims I know for sure).

The bolt stick doesn't happen often while in E mode, maybe once or twice a day. Happens mostly when the Level 10 kicks in (didn't have my HALO that day).

But when I was at the field this last Sat, my battery ran dry (my fault completely) and I had bolt stick at least a dozen times in mechanical mode. My solution on-field was to either take a squeege and gently (cause there's paint in the breech) reset the bolt. I also found out closing then opening my slide check (basically re-gassing the marker) would do the trick as well. Still, it's not something I'd like to do in the middle of the game.

I'll defintely try moving up one carrier size.

I thought to remove bolt stick you'd step down on the # of shims, not the other way around?

08-02-2004, 12:18 PM
Take your on/off assembly out of the gun. Directly lube the orings in the valve itself as well as the assembly (make sure the pin slides up and down easily.)

Next, take the reg pin out of the valve (you have to separate the valve halves). The white oring you see on the bottom of this pin needs a little lubing. I do a combo of some dow 33 and KC oil. Nice and slippery. Lastly, make sure the reg seat orings are lubed.

And no, by removing shims, you are decreasing the amount of space between the vent hole in the bolt and the oring, therefore keeping more air behind the piston. The spring can only push so hard, and if there's more air in the chamber than the spring can compress, you get your bolt stick.