View Full Version : Dumbest / Funniest Events Witnessed

08-01-2004, 08:03 PM
I got this idea off another forum. Tell us about the dumbest or the funniest things you witnessed relating to paintball.

I will start off with an example.

AO CA, Extreme paintball park. Before the break, I announce "Everyone run low, I will cover fire". Break! AMOEBA (fellow AO'er) runs with his body completely upright, not through but along my fire. He ends up taking like 10 of my balls to his back, and he screams many unpure words.

Indulgence (another fellow AO'er) couldn't grip his turf on the break, he tries to take off but he's just scraping dirt. Ends up losing complete balance, and falls completely face forward onto the floor where he had started before the break.

Your turn.

08-01-2004, 08:11 PM
This is a great idea for a thread lol. Ok, me and my friends were playing at our local field and this one kid tried to bunker my friend but tripped did like a bull ram thing into a barrel and then shot himself, meanwhile he was gettin lit up. I swear that was the funniest damn thing i have ever seen in my life. The only other thing i can think of at the moment was the time these two guys both bunkered a guy at the same time and shot each other in the process it cost them the game and the only kid left on the other team was so low on air he could barely shoot a ball 10 feet. Ill prob think of more later but theres a start.

08-01-2004, 08:22 PM
I have a vid somewhere, but while running the flag back I tried to jump a 1'8" snake and my size 20 shoes cought the bunker, I did a face plant and messed up my wrist. It looks alot funnier than it sounds.

08-01-2004, 08:27 PM
hmm... the only thing i can think of right now is when two tourney players (jerseys, packs, upgraded shockers, etc.) wouldnt talk to me and my friend after we bunkered both of em the first two games with my mag and his spyder...

08-01-2004, 08:36 PM
I have a vid somewhere, but while running the flag back I tried to jump a 1'8" snake and my size 20 shoes cought the bunker, I did a face plant and messed up my wrist. It looks alot funnier than it sounds.

That reminds me of one, this guy (older, like 45-50) tried to jump over a good sized tube on the hyperball field and caught his foot, was goin fast first down and decided to ditch his gun and it when right into the ground, barrel first. When he got up he pulled the gun outta the mud and the tip broke off in the mud somewhere. He tried to find it by digging in the dirt but couldnt find it so he used a rental the rest of the time (he didnt have a diff barrel and his gun was hella muddy). Thats all i got, i know theres no more that ive seen.

08-01-2004, 09:15 PM
kick'n 03 indoor tourny, center fify had two bunkers about four feet apart two feet away from the fifty and in between them hung the flag, so some guy tries to hurdle the first bunker grab the flag and land in the next bunker, both bunkers are about 3 feet tall, needless to say, he falls incredibally short and face plants, and get lit up, it was really funny.

08-01-2004, 09:17 PM
Hmm, off break I was running to the snake and did a superman over it, landed right in a fire ant farm, it sucked, I hate those ants.

08-01-2004, 09:21 PM
Load SM5 shot Tom Kaye in the butt :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-01-2004, 09:21 PM
Load SM5 shot Tom Kaye in the butt :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


08-01-2004, 09:56 PM
well ive got a bunch but this one stands out in my mind the most. i was playin woods ball with like 20 or so people on my friends land. there was this old house in the back of the woods that every one thought was haunted for some reason, idk why, but no one ever went in it. well it was in one of the main areas where every one always ended up at so my team captain decided that we would go in and sniper advancing people. well know one wanted to go in but we thought it was a great idea so we flipped coins to see who was a sniper and who got people to come to the house. i ended up being outside. well one thing led to another and me and the other 2 guys outside got over wellmed by the advancing people and in the end the hole team ended up in the house. so we knew the other team was outside surrounding the house so we tried to come up with a plan because we knew that they didnt know wich room we were in. we finally decided to wait it out and attack when they least expeceted it. well it didnt work that way. they found out wich room we were in and that is when we heard the noise of shattering glass. we knew we were screwed but we fought it out any ways. then we heard a noise we didnt expect to hear. 2 guys on the other team were kicking a wall right next to us. we were like aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. the wall was about to come down and it was maddness. paintballs were flyin every where and in the end our hole team was shot out. we later got in trouble for pretty much tearin down the house but it was the funniest and one of the best games that i have ever played.

08-01-2004, 10:20 PM
I was playing pickup speedball at the proshop a couple weeks ago - you know, anti-bunkering rules, 15 people on a side, five little kids behind a bunker, stuff like that. The owner allowed paint mines and grenades if you wanted to use 'em, just to make things interesting. I had a grenade from the last woods game we played, so I went out with it in a pod. It had started raining a little bit earlier so the ground was a little slippery - and I had my skate shoes on (no grip).
Well, off the break one game I saw like eight kids run to the side bunker on the 50. I figured this would be as good an attempt as any, set my marker down and snagged the gren out of my pod. I took off running, slipped in the mud, rolled over, stood up, slipped again, hit the air bunker the kids were behind and almost rebounded off of it, then finally pegged the grenade at the ground behind the bunker. I ran back to the bunker my marker was at - thinking I looked like an idiot for nothing. Just then, two kids (and one of my friends) stood up from behind that bunker and got bonus balled all to heck by my entire team.
I ended up doubled over laughing, covered in mud behind one of the back bunkers. The ref on their sideline told me it was the most ridiculous thing he's seen anyone try.

08-01-2004, 10:40 PM
We were playing woods ball at night and a friend of mine didn't have a gun so he had a plastic samurai sword, and if he touched you with it you were out. Well anyways, 2 of my friends (on my team) were walking and the other guy (the one with the samurai sword on the other team) came up behind them and tapped both of them out. :ninja:

08-01-2004, 10:47 PM
We were playing woods ball at night and a friend of mine didn't have a gun so he had a plastic samurai sword, and if he touched you with it you were out. Well anyways, 2 of my friends (on my team) were walking and the other guy (the one with the samurai sword on the other team) came up behind them and tapped both of them out. :ninja:
Haha, that would be awesome, it would be a total game of ninjaness and stealth. I want to do that sometime!
I played paintball in a pie suit :eek:

08-01-2004, 10:48 PM
this one is easy!

first time ever playing/hearing paintball...didnt know what to do...
went with friends to TAG cali, old field rec wooded.

game on! rush to the nearest bush and hid. fire fight left and right, i...hid.
through the cracks of this bush...saw an experienced player mowing my team left and right like rambo...didnt see me...20 feet away i stood up...bam...googed him!
and my first word out of my mouth was....sorry! you ok...? ref and everyone around started laughing...i was like what?

08-01-2004, 10:48 PM
HAHAHA Pictures are great! Good post!

08-01-2004, 10:49 PM
alright it was a 2 on 1 i think and nt2004, came walking up the side of the field to close up the game and he shot the kid and he started freaking out so he started turning in circles firing while nate and my friend dave kept shooting him and he never really called out... :rolleyes: :tard:

08-01-2004, 10:57 PM
erm....i miscalculated and dove head first into a bunker.
:cry: owwy my head

08-01-2004, 10:59 PM
OK I got two but the first one i will keep short.
1) This happened to me. I was in a speedball game and realized I was low on balls, I did not take out my pack for I was playing newbies. So thinking that I had about 40 rounds left I decided to make a run. Off the tape I go. First bunker success, one guy out. Next bunker was a trap though I left myself only five shots left after my first bunker, and there was four guys behind this one. Needless to say I lost and was shot probably twenty times. THANK GOD FOR CUPS!!!!!

2) I was playing at a speedball field with Sup'air bunkers and they were filled to much. Also the bunkers were put to close together. So this is how the game went. It started as a 7v7 with both sides taking loses of the break, 5v4 advantage them. Then we lost two guys and they lost one, 4v2 advantage them. Seeing this me and my teammate decide to spread the field and cover our angles. He went to back left I went to the 30 right. After making this move, I saw one of their guys wide open in his back left can. But I did not get him I was just pouned his bunker, giving my teammate time to move up to the 30 left. Well after my bunker bashing I see three opponents get up from one bunker and walk off the field painted pink. I thought my teammate shot them out on his run for he had their angle. I found out later he was shooting orange paint because he bunked the last men, while laid cover fire. I got three guys out from bank shots.

08-01-2004, 11:09 PM
har..ive seen a few people slide into bunkers,and there was someone on the other side,and they knocked the person on the other side back and down..and..then they shot the ones who fell down..

08-02-2004, 12:29 AM
AO CA, Extreme paintball park. Before the break, I announce "Everyone run low, I will cover fire". Break! AMOEBA (fellow AO'er) runs with his body completely upright, not through but along my fire. He ends up taking like 10 of my balls to his back, and he screams many unpure words.

Your turn.

hahaha that sucked...*counts welts*
you make me feel ashamed...


08-02-2004, 01:04 AM
At scp I watched a kid run down the left tape off the break, fall head over heals and then get shot. I also watched where a person on the opposing team had passed by another player and just played for another minute till they turned around and shot each other. Also to those who just love SCP or basically all the ao norcal guys Z man especially, all the regulars were playing in intermediate because an advanced game hadnt started so things like overshooting, 5 or 6 balls, over shooting while out another 5-6 balls, and finally shooting your own teammates were some of the problems. I got shot 3 times in the leg by my own team walking off the field, bonus balled 3 games in a row, and when i was trying to get out of my bunker i put my hand out yelling and someone shot my palm and then my body as soon as i thought it was clear again. my friend got shot 4-5 times in the neck by his own team and later another 4-5 times plus a throat shot, also by his own team. most of these players were high level intermediate and advanced. my favorite quotes of the day were "overshooting is part of the game, deal with it" followed by "if you dont want to get bonus balled go play a beginner game" i guess beginners just know better :rolleyes: and my favorite part was the player who i believe told me me stop complaining got owned by four guys, walked off the field swearing throws away his eggy cause it had paint in it and drove away. otherwise a good day because i met a lot of nice people.

08-02-2004, 01:50 AM
I was chasing 2 guys in the woods, they were pretty far away. I stopped to catch my breath, saw the one guy look in my direction while he was running. He ran right into a tree at full speed.. bounced right off.

08-02-2004, 02:15 AM
I was chasing 2 guys in the woods, they were pretty far away. I stopped to catch my breath, saw the one guy look in my direction while he was running. He ran right into a tree at full speed.. bounced right off.

Sounds like something I might do. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-02-2004, 02:48 AM
Perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen in paintball was when Paul Lerner, a local fieldowner, decided to hop into a game of pickup ball at his own field. His goggles on his forehead, he and his team discussed strategy. The other ref yelled go, and Paul ran all the way to the fifty, slid in, brought up his gun and started shooting...with his goggles still on his forehead...protecting the brain I'm convinced he doesn't have. I saw this and hauled it across the the field, dove on him and dragged his goggles onto his head. Thank GOD nobody at that field had any game (and DM4's and the Alias hadn't been invented yet) or he'd be blind. :wow:


08-02-2004, 02:53 AM
Don't mistake my previous post for a statement meaning that I've never done anything stupid in paintball myself. I've done my share.

During play at the Worr Lords Scenario game Ben and Bonnie Torricelli put on at Jungle Island Paintball in California, I was playing with Bud Orr's team against Tom (with an XMag of course, to keep everyone confused). Mike Paxson from Shock and I got into some trenches near Tom's staging area and of all people, Tom himself was defending it, shooting around a corner in the net with his Warp. He was playing "whack-a-mole" with us and I popped up from the trench in the same place twice. He gogged me, and I abruptly stood up, shouting "Hey Tom, nice shot...ACK" Stupid me, Tom doesn't SHOOT slowly...he had about twenty balls in the air and he hit me in the adam's apple :eek: ...I couldn't talk for an hour.
PS: I still owe you for that one TK

08-02-2004, 03:53 AM
Haha, that would be awesome, it would be a total game of ninjaness and stealth. I want to do that sometime!
I played paintball in a pie suit :eek:
Pie suit! Did you lose a bet? That is pretty funny.

08-02-2004, 06:30 AM
Uh lets see...

On saturday we had a small NW AO Day... and Burphel (From Evil Inc, AGD sponsored team) brought his Sydarm along, he let me borrow it for one game, well we ended up being on opposite teams :D

I decide our group of AOers should go sneaky down the left tape line (woodsball) and well apparently the other guys think the same, so it's AO vs. AO on the left tape and newbs vs. newbs on the right/center.

I start to recognize people from 150ish feet away and notice Burphel's long hair, he's hiding behind one of those netting bunkers (Netting wrapped off, protects you but has holes and people can see you) well I yelled at Burphel a few times taking random pot-shots at him (He had Pullman in a bunker behind him. Well I'm sitting there and a bee starts buzzing around my bunker so I yell at Burph to stop shooting at me while I shoot the bee, it snuck into the tire I was hiding behind and I ignored it, I pop out once more and say "HEY BURPHEL, WAZZUP" and take one shot, it managed to sneak through the netting and hit his mask... all I heard was "HIT! HIT!" and I started laughing so hard, This was with HIS Sydarm (A pistol) at around 150 feet. Earlier Pullman was behind a wooden pallet over-exposing himself to the left side, I take a shot and wave at him, I tucked behind my bunker but according to him he saw the ball floating through the air and didn't think much of it till it landed and broke on his gun. and sprayed all over his mask. :D! Then our AO guys circled the rest of the field and closed up the game, that was a lot of fun though, and probably made me want to get a Sydarm.

The other rediculous thing that's happened to me... probably when some 300lb guy decided to super-man into the hyper-ball snake BREAKING it. So instead of being about 2 ft high, it was... about 10" high... well I didn't realize it till it was too late, I dive in there and had to lie perfectly flat and right against the bunker... paint was spraying all over me, I had to take my pack off and lay it beside me and I just sat there and waited... occasionally poking out the side to take a few shots at the back bunker, but man was that a mistake :p I had about 3-4 guys posted on me waiting... :eek:

Ooo Ooo wait one more! :D

Our airball field was about to be taken down so we hopped on for one last game, it was basically as soon as we got to the starting gates GO, I still had the sydarm so I run to the center 50 (I mean why not?) and I hear Joey shooting out left, I figure ooo I can bunker him, what I didn't realize is Brandon is at the 50 too, as I come around Brandon meets my Sydarm and stares down the barrel, I miss the first shot and Brandon is going holy ****... then we start blasting eachother point blank, me holding and shooting the sydarm gangsta style, funniest thing ever, we both run off the field laughing. Good times...

08-02-2004, 07:45 AM
Pie suit! Did you lose a bet? That is pretty funny.
Nope, I volunteered to do that. That was at SC-AO 1.. Hehe

08-02-2004, 09:50 AM
1) Ok Challenge Park Joliet IL. I was there for memorial day week end and were playin Bedlam ok off the break i go in the "post office" and a coupple kids said they'd go with me but are too big of wossies. So i'm in there alone i stop mid way through when i notice theres around 10 people agenst the wall on the out side wateing for me to get shot out to come in. so i see one of my buds is there and he trys shooting me out so i pop out and gog him. so there like 9 ppl left. i say "eh what the hell" creep up slow tilt my mag, and light up everyone that was standin there. not 5-10 sec later the ref calls game over. dude the look on thoughs ppls faces when i saw them after the game was priceless.

2)another game in bedlam, i was unloading and shooting everyone out and i see right in the middle(town hall) there was a kid looking where to go(he was on the other team) so i yell "ARMBAND???!!!" he yells back yes(i'm not with an armband) so i think, "ok time for my tricky ness to kick in" so i yell "COME ON OVER HERE RUN!!!!!!!" he runs over and looks around, i wave and go hi, point to my arm and light him up. it was great

08-02-2004, 12:38 PM
mine aren't as funny as what u guys have said, but here are mine.

funniest thing i've ever seen was at the same event that sniper king mentioned, a kid at bedlam with a tippman 98(not sure if it was a custom). and he had a halo, and a 22 inch barrel. he didn't have the response trigger on it. and just seeing him trying to wrap around the corner of the building was great.

then at ccp in IL playing an open game, about 10 people go into the back right bunker, i was on the other team in the left trying to get an angle on them. well, i just see a person run up the right tape, making sure to be far enough way so he can shoot them, and just light them up.

same field, diff day. went with 2 of my friends. so myself and one of my friends take the same bunker, he's low on paint so he decides this game he is going to bunker tap every one out. our other friend is a bit up field an to the left, we see a guy in my mirror. he keeps shooing out the left and right. upfield friend posts left, i post right. other friend runs up and taps the bunker. to our surprise, 5 people walk out. he did this quite a few times. by the end of the day most of the people there started to hate him cause he kept tapping them out.

08-02-2004, 01:16 PM
man, i had one yesterday, we were playing a game with a lot of noobs that dont move. So, the idea was, when teh whistle blows, you gotta move, im at the fifty(cant cross it) and they blow the whistle, so im running, fall, drop my friends cocker and get hit twice

08-02-2004, 06:30 PM
My funniest paintball experience:

My fraternity went on a paintball excursion to HeadRush paintball in Syracuse, NY. I know the HR guys pretty well, and so I was excited to play at the new facilities before the grand-opening.

It was a blustery day that day, and the field was not quite up to its current condition. I had just purchased my paint and was getting ready to gear up when all of a sudden I hear my brothers yelling,
"What the <beep>?"
I turn around to see that the XBall middle X has detached from its anchors and is sliding towards me with enough speed to knock over a HANDICAP sign. Now, this all happens within a second or two. I turn around, see the sign go down and all of a sudden I'm bowled over by this massive X.

All of my brothers rushed in to pull it over me and get me up - I was so discombobulated!

Anyways, it may be lame, but being hit by an out of control bunker is pretty freaky!

08-02-2004, 06:37 PM
ok i have many but ill post my favorite first..

so im playing and it gets to be a 2vs1 me being the one and my friend takes out my whole left side this is a canyon field no mind you so its pretty hard to do anything bout that! so i see this and start running straight at a spindle that is snugged in between two hills facing the way i need it to. so i go to run past it by steping up on the hill and my leg slides down and my whole left side slams into the spindle so i spin around land on my back and lay there thinking ow!!! then i hear my buddy start to shoot at me. so i roll over behind the spindle stand up and think that SOB he shot at me while i was down so i pull down my pants and moon him just for spite. i jump back behind the bunker cool he didnt hit me. so i pull up my pants and as i do so i stood up a little to far and this kids mom shots me in the side of my head from like 80 feet away.. oh man we still laugh about that one.

the other is when i was playing airball at the sportspark and i bunker my buddy todd who is on a good team. then i go to bunker his back player well the guy starts to come out the right side so i cross over and come around the left and to my surprise the ground is covered in paintballs. so i slip on them like a bad movie on marbles but the guy i bunkered panics and trys to run around to keep me from getting the angle, but he slips and falls as well so i roll over and being nice with my classic shoot him once in the leg well he walks me up hitting me twice in the armpit!! then proceedes to tell me that the hit on his leg was caused by the fall!!!! the next game a bright orange splot suddenly appeared on his shirt smeared to all heck so yeah the next time i see that guy the x gets a work out on bps!!!

50 cal
08-02-2004, 07:02 PM
1) We were playing a five man in the woods(before speedball) I pinned a guy down behind a very small hump in the ground, every so often he would yell and jump up. I thought he was gonna rush me. Me and my brother let him have it! He would get back behind the bump, we thought he caught a bunch of bounces. He jumped up a few more times, we let him have it each time.
He finally jumped up and ran straight back the way he came from, all the while he was stripping out of his clothes. We had pinned him on an anthill. By the time he got off the field he had on just his underwear. We all laughed till we cried.

2) I was reffing the Knoxville Indoor one of the last years it was held. There was this girl on one team that made some great moves on different people. On a break, she made for the 50 on one tape. Some guy passed by her from the other team trying to slide into a bunker just past her. While she was sliding into her bunker, she spun and fired one shot that tagged the guy in the side of the mask. Everyone stopped what they were doing while they watched her make this shot. The entire arena broke into applause. It was a heck of a great shot.

08-02-2004, 07:21 PM
1) Playin Recball about 2 months ago when my field had a 10-man hyperball field. My plan was to go to the right 45 off break, which was about maybe 30-35yds off the gate, well right off break i am running and my hopper falls off about 15yds into the run. So i have to turn around pick up my hopper and continue running to the 45. By now, their back guys were settled into their bunkers and here i am still trying to make it into mine. about 5yds before the bunker i do a baseball slide right into a huge pile of mud so i slide right into the bunker, butt first. I had a sore butt the remainder of the game. I also made a move from the right 45 to the center 50, and i dive headfirst trying not to hurt my butt anymore and i end up hitting my barrel against the bunker putting a HUGE scratch on my barrel. And then i got bunkered :(

2) At the previous AOVA day at Pevs we were platyin the hyperball field. So i get to my primary bunker without a problem, i go to make my secondary move which is the bunker right beside mine. First step out of my bunker and i slip, drop a pod of paint onto the ground and most of my hopper. So im scrambling to get to my second bunker without getting shot. Luckily i made it. But Right when i stand up in my secondary bunker i fall again:(. It was very slippery and my cleats were pointless seeing how they had mud between the studs.

I guess i have bad coordination and bad balance. :dance:

08-02-2004, 08:07 PM
oh yeah i forgot to post the best one ever:

one time i was at an airball field where the teams were changed every game, so no one could remember who was on their team. about 2/3 of the way through the game, someone slid into the bunker next to me and asked where the last player on the other team was. i told him where he was and then i moved up to the next bunker, shot at him, and missed. the player who was at the bunker i just left gogged him, leaving the two of us on the field. the refs didnt call the game. we waited about 30 seconds, then i said to him "what side of the field did you start on?" he said "i started over there" and i said "oh... i started over there..." we paused and then dived behind our bunkers, then started shooting at each other. i ended up hitting him. i dont know how he ended up beside me if he was on the other team, but he ended up shooting his own teammate out and then i got him out.

and at the same place towards the end of the day we played a recycled game, and eventually there was only me and one other person left. at the start of the game, we both sprinted towards the dorito at the 50 without the other knowing it, then heard the other, and (since there was a surrender rule) we both went around the bunker and shouted "surrender!" at the same time. the next game i didnt want the same thing to happen, so i sprinted to the center 50, a huge x on the ground (not the x-ball x). then i looked around, didnt see him, and went to the next notch in the x, the one on the right side. i didnt see anyone from there, so i went back to where i was in the x before (facing my side of the field), and then went to the notch in the x on the left side. i didnt see anyone from there. i then saw all of my friends on the sideline laughing, and thought they had played a joke on me and he had left the field (but i didnt have my glasses so i couldnt see if he was there). then i heard something across from me, stood up, and yelled "surrender" exactly when he did. aparently we had both run to the center x, and moved in the same pattern around it always staying opposite from the other, and then realized where the other person was at the same time.

08-02-2004, 10:01 PM
i'll try to keep it short

playing recball at my field:

pb4jc and i were reffing. my brother and a bunch of other kids were playing. my brother is in the snake.

someone on the opposing team(NOT my brothers team) called for a paintcheck on a player on my brother's team.

pb4jc went to check him. he ran past the snake(where my brother is).
as soon as he passed the last barrel in the snake, my brother, very surprised and unexpecting put 2 in pb4jc's groin area

my brother obviously thought he was an opposing player trying to bunker him.

not the funniest story ever, but it's always fun to see someone get shot in the groin

08-02-2004, 10:33 PM
ok i just remembered this. Trible man you probly remember this. now i didn't show up till the end of the game my gun was jacked up. ok when i show up Sn Y per was playin Xball with a pump, he makes a bump from the 30 or 40 to the 50, crawls around and he just yells "ahhhh 1 ball" then starts picking balls up off the ground, looks at em, and puts em in his gun,craws some more and takes out the other team. it was awome

another sn Y per one :D ok off the break in a hyper ball field he runs to the 50 with nothing but a stick, no sydearms, pumps, xmag nothen but a stick picks up some paintballs and throws them at the guy infront of him who was on the other team. so i gave him one of my pods that i had in my pack. and he says "what should i throw the hole pod?" so i told him just trow em 1 at a time or w/e. so he throws his stick at the guy on the other teams 40 and goes "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SURRENDER?....PLEASE?" since the ref has his 2 PT extreams he took em back and bunkered the whole right side of the other team, walks up behind the other teams side, not run but walked....casualy...even probly said hi to me. so he takes out that side and owns the game.

08-02-2004, 10:34 PM
okay i have two

one was of my friend at scvillage. The ref had called 30 seconds left so he decided to go rambo with about five other guys. He said ready GO!! then fell over a root shooting himself and two other guys. It was hilarious :p .

the other one was of a guy who wanted to see how far he could get up the feild without a gun. Eventually there were two guys on the other team left that no one could get so he ran to bunker both of them telling them to surrender and he one the game. The two guys who surrendered were no doubt humiliated and made fun of for the rest of the day :rofl: .

08-02-2004, 11:25 PM
Hey first story their was a total newb on the field and as scared as noobs are the have to shoot and hide at the same time so the ref comes out to check on someone and the newb shoots the ref like 20 times until the ref takes a gun and bunkers the kid.

Me and my freinds were playing at a place with really bouncy bunkers and I jumped on the 50 and jumped over the dorito need less to say i landed it and got shot like 60 times.

I also had an expierience in an old house where one of my friends was walking on the 2nd floor and fell straight through the floor and then straight into the basement. When he got back up stairs he found that I had took out one of the support beams to the floor haha

08-02-2004, 11:26 PM
A fourteen year old kid comes out to the field while I'm reffing last year tricked with the angel fly his mommy bought him and a barrel plug that is so loose it rattles in his barrel. I see this and am walking over to him in staging before he can get on the field and he bumps his angel with the mouse-click trigger job - shoots the barrel plug right past the face of a young boy who was there with his dad. Not so cool. I kick the kid out (and here's where it gets a bit funny) so he calls his mom on his cell phone. She comes back to the field and literally starts screaming at me that I can't kick her kid out. I told her he didn't even safe his marker in staging and was using a barrel plug that he knew was not at all functional. Her reply was "It's electronic - it doesn't have a safety! You can't kick him out because the gun doesn't have a safety!" I started to explain that not only can you safe the marker but you can turn the whole thing off, but her blank stare told me it was a waste of time and I just walked away.

When deflating the airfield, sometimes little Chad would sit on one end of the giant sausage and hold competitions to see who could jump on the other end and launch him the farthest.

At a 3 man tourney, in the silence right after the 10 second warning, the other guy on the team randomly says, "Nothing better than ****ing a five year old..." The chick and I were laughing so hard we almost missed the breakout.
If you're a newer team trying to find a grove together, remember: in the early games of a tourney, try to lighten the mood a bit and play smooth - sometimes you just get too tense trying to make it happen early and you forget to play naturally. Or, worse, you start venting your tension onto your teammates. The first wins will keep the morale up throughout the tourney.

08-02-2004, 11:59 PM
heres what i can think of off the top of my head:

we're playing 5 man on a super 7 field...which is very very long. we have a guy on our team who is 53, and he doesnt run too rapidly....quite slowly in fact. His name is Ken. so he is playing a standup on about the 20 or so. a kid slides into the snake and crawls up to the 50 box on the snake. Ken decides that the kid isnt allowed to be in the snake anymore. So he runs from his standup over to the tape, then down the length of the snake. As he goes by he BARREL TAGS the kid in the snake. straight pokes him in the back with his barrel. Ken made it that far, i dont know how, considering that there were 3 guns shooting at him, and he is not fast. But he kept going and got shot or something. But it was definatly one of the funniest things ive ever seen....because it took him to long to get there.

08-03-2004, 12:31 PM
Playin a pickup speedball game one time, everyone but my friend tagged out, there were I think 3 guys left on the other team. They start moving toward his back bunker pretty fast, pretty confident cause he was alone. From like across the field my friend nails this guy in the neck while he's running, knocked him flat on the ground. Proceeded to win the rest of the game :D

08-03-2004, 01:23 PM
couple more:

playing recball at my field
it was 2 on 2 to start off with. off the break, i run a few feet and get shot in the balls - from ACROSS THE ENTIRE FIELD. it hit just perfectly to drop me(he wasn't shooting hot, because we use a chrono)
i start falling and my trigger finger already had some momentum. i put 3 in my teammates back from about point blank range. after that, i just layed their........for the whole game.

a player moves up from the back. he slid feet first - only a little too late. both feet kick the bottom corner of the bunker and completely spins the bunker one half a turn.
so he's left completely exposed w/ his bunker turned the opposite direction of the rest.
and of course, he got totally lit up.

------ ---- ----- <----the way the bunkers should be
l <----- His bunker

08-03-2004, 04:39 PM
Another funny:

Playing Hyperball, and the back row is 3 double standups. Well, this kid who is only like 10-11 runs to the center double and somehow manages to knock over the bunker completely. He is only like 90lbs, and the start gate was about 10feet away. We had the bunkers nailed to peices off 2x4's which were hammered into the ground about a foot. I dont see how this little kid knocked over such a big bunker but he did it.

My field purchased the mudi-gras X-ball field from the 2004 Mardi gras. so the way we have it set up is on the right tape theres a dorito, 2 laydowns, then an aztec, another 2 laydowns and a dorito. Well, one of the guys on the other team who is like 50+ decides to bunker a kid on the opposite side of the aztec. Well, in order for him to do this he must jump the laydown and come around and shoot the kid. Well, everything the bunker was going smoothly until he tried to jump and got his foot caught in the bungy that was holding the ladown still. So he jumps but doesnt get to far before he falls on top of the laydown.

Funny bunker:
Our back guy, which we call whopper, is the onyl 1 left for our team. its a 1v1, both people are in the back bunkers. Whopper makes a run to the X without the opposing player seeing him and comes around the x. Whopper takes a couple of shots to tuck the other player in and runs full speed(which isnt very fast) right into the guys bunker. Seeing how the other guy was tucked close to his bunker he flew off the bunker about 10-15 feet and got shiot about 6 times.

^Try it, just run full speed into the other guys bunker and the hit will push him off his bunker in which you can just give the guy 1-2 shots and still be alive.

08-03-2004, 06:55 PM
it was 2 on 2 to start off with. off the break, i run a few feet and get shot in the balls - from ACROSS THE ENTIRE FIELD. it hit just perfectly to drop me(he wasn't shooting hot, because we use a chrono)
i start falling and my trigger finger already had some momentum. i put 3 in my teammates back from about point blank range. after that, i just layed their........for the whole game.

did they just leave you there?
Thats why I wear a cup :cool:

08-03-2004, 07:13 PM
did they just leave you there?
Thats why I wear a cup :cool:

i made them leave me there. i was in way too much pain to do anything. my teammate took my gun and went rambo style running down the field w/ two guns - rippin' both of 'em as he ran towards the opposing team screaming like crazy

08-03-2004, 07:58 PM
Great thread , some really funny stuff in here.

Unfortunately the funniest thing I can think of happened to me. I was in a back standup and started running for the head of the snake on the right side of the field. As I get about 3 steps out of the stand up a guy cross field starts blasting a line of paint at me. As I tried to duck down my foot gets caught in a root and I flip all the way over and onto my back in the bunker at the head of the snake. As I do so , I miss every paintball like I was Neo or something.

The refs had seen exactly what happened as they were standing right at the snake. They were both laughing like crazy. What made it really funny was that to everyone else on the field it appeared that I had done this on purpose to avoid an elimination. So after the game they are all complementing on an awesome move , while the refs busting my balls are snickering "yeah it was a real TRIP!"...

Here is another actually funnier.

One game I was reffing standing near the snake. There were guys on opposing ends that had been battling it out hardcore. Right in the middle of this a 4 foot long King Snake slithers up into the snake right behind the head where one of the players were.

I walked over , leaned down and told the guy "hey bud , theres a snake.."

I guess he took this as being able to get the guy at the other end. He crawls out one side of the bunker to squeeze around to the space on the other side protected by the knuckle. Meanwhile the King Snake is coiled up on the other side , rather disturbed that he has managed to crawl into a barrage of paint. As the kid crawls around the bunker the snake strikes at him. He jumps off the ground from his belly into a run that would have made Jackie Joyner proud. Me and the other ref were laughing so hard we had to call a time out in the game to recover , and get the snake off the field.