View Full Version : RT Pro????

Masta Blasta
10-20-2001, 09:00 PM
I am looking into getting an Automag and i dont know what to get. I dont want to spend over $800, so that counts out the E-Mag. I was leaning towards the RT Pro. Is there anything bad about the gun? What about good htings?

Masta Blasta

10-20-2001, 09:02 PM
RT Pro is a great choice. The only bad thing is the amount of paint you're gonna shoot! Just make sure you get a 12v revvy, and a good nitro tank. I run my RT off of a preset, but some people think it is too reactive. You might want an adjustable tank.

10-20-2001, 09:47 PM
I got a MicroRT, and it works great. It takes minimal maintanace so I've heard from others. It never has shoot downs depending on your nitro tank, dependable, and it looks cool. Hope this helps.