View Full Version : TOm "The Don" Sleeps with the Fishes (classic Air America)

08-02-2004, 12:53 PM
They don't call me the Don for nuttin!! :shooting: This package came in the mail today.

08-02-2004, 12:54 PM
Very Creative, I must say.

08-02-2004, 12:55 PM
:dance: :ninja: :dance:

08-02-2004, 12:56 PM
um.....how can you take someone seriously when they use smoked Herring to scare you? :tard: :D

The Action Figure
08-02-2004, 12:57 PM

08-02-2004, 12:57 PM
wtf is going on?

08-02-2004, 12:58 PM
i love smoked herring...by chance was the herring wearing a kilt?

08-02-2004, 12:59 PM
The air fresheners are a nice touch!

08-02-2004, 01:02 PM
Lmfao! Nice air fresheners.

08-02-2004, 01:04 PM
What the hell was that???

08-02-2004, 01:06 PM
tom, seeing as how air america is gunning for you at shatnerball, i'll sign up for your side, and if i am on your team, i will be your personal body guard if it is the will of The Don.

08-02-2004, 01:06 PM
They refer to the Air America hamster...

08-02-2004, 01:19 PM
They refer to the Air America hamster...

Isn't it the HamPster?

08-02-2004, 01:25 PM
Nope. No "P" in hamster.

08-02-2004, 01:29 PM
Well yeah, I realize that, but wasn't the 'P' part of the running gag?? Maybe I recall wrong.

08-02-2004, 01:30 PM
Kaye, I'm sending Tribalman as my representitive. He will take all the hits headed for you.. and some extra if he gets annoying.

What can I say, take it like a man..


08-02-2004, 01:32 PM
well, i guess this has something to do with the prank war at IAO, but since i have no desire to read that entire thread i will just take this letter for what it is worth.....effing hilarious!!!!

08-02-2004, 01:32 PM
Sadly, you recall right... The Shirt Ninjas responsible can't spell. ;)

Well yeah, I realize that, but wasn't the 'P' part of the running gag?? Maybe I recall wrong.

08-02-2004, 01:35 PM
Well yeah, I realize that, but wasn't the 'P' part of the running gag?? Maybe I recall wrong.
you're thinking of clemson, where the p's silent, but not really silent and not actually there.

08-02-2004, 02:18 PM
My Don,

My team would be happy to support your men in the upcoming war. "The Shaft" Shatner has made a vital mistake in taking on certain elements for his command structure which show's he is no longer in charge, and is just a puppet.

It is not even clear if his lap-lover Mancow has sided with him ...

Either way, the Screwhead gang is ready to lay down the "law", so to speak, and take some names. In the end, it will be you who decides who broke what code since we will make sure you are the only one left standing.

08-02-2004, 02:23 PM
I'm thinking smoked Mullet would be an appropriate choice for a reply.... :argh:

08-02-2004, 03:09 PM
Too bad you cut yours off. ;)

I'm thinking smoked Mullet would be an appropriate choice for a reply.... :argh:

08-02-2004, 03:23 PM

fishes.. c'mon.


shirt ninjas are far more elite than whatever AA can cook up. remember, we have the hamster.. as seen above. play your next move like a calculated chess game. the wrong move im sure will land a loved one in some danger (ie. the hamPster)

08-02-2004, 04:15 PM
Whats 'schatner ball?' :tard:

08-02-2004, 04:42 PM
oyster, huh? i was planning on being a body guard, of course i was gonna take hits, even bonus balls just to make sure TK doesn't get hit.

and never harm the mullet! if you sent me a mullet, i would find it to be the highest honor that some1 else is sending me their mullet to add to mine.

and yes, there is no "p" in hamster. a friend an i traced it back, and we think the reason people type it hampster is because of hampsterdance.com. i'm sure u've all seen it a some time or another in the past. they put the p there on purpose and we think people thought that was the correct spelling. oh well.

also, i'm not sure when the shirt ninja's were started, but i think Greg Dean created that name for his ninja character in the comic before you guys started, if i'm wrong, sorry.

08-02-2004, 04:53 PM

fishes.. c'mon.


shirt ninjas are far more elite than whatever AA can cook up. remember, we have the hamster.. as seen above. play your next move like a calculated chess game. the wrong move im sure will land a loved one in some danger (ie. the hamPster)

What are you guys going Islamic Radical on the hamster? Leave his head alone! ;)

08-02-2004, 05:59 PM
LoL eat the fishes tom

08-02-2004, 06:16 PM
I see you got my letter...

just kidding, very creative I must say. Kudos points to the person that wrote it

08-02-2004, 09:24 PM
ahh that was good for some laughs... specially the hampster picture

08-02-2004, 10:41 PM
Lol dude OMG :rofl: that hamster pic is the funnyest thing i've ever seen LMAO lol espicaly it makes it better when you see the guy with the knive holding it to em.lol :rofl:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
08-02-2004, 11:05 PM
dude, just send me to AA. i'm like the non lethal nuclear bomb...worst i can do is make them commit suicide

08-03-2004, 10:40 AM
Smoked Herring?

Man, some bagels would be good right about now.

08-03-2004, 10:48 AM
I love shooting him ..... :headbang:

But I want to make sure he isn't on Tom's team. He's already provin' himself untrustworthy.

I'm sure he's going to be Shatner's lap-lover, but there is no mention of him and he isn't really pushing the game as much as I would think. Granted I don't spend my morning's hanging on his every word.

Tom ... will I get to shoot Mancow!?!?!?

I hope we capture him and Shatner ... then line them up .... and then gun them down "St. Valentine" style!!!!!

08-03-2004, 10:50 AM
dude, just send me to AA. i'm like the non lethal nuclear bomb...worst i can do is make them commit suicide

You underestimate these guys. They are great guys, but the last thing you want to do is "Show up at AA":)

08-03-2004, 11:11 AM
You underestimate these guys. They are great guys, but the last thing you want to do is "Show up at AA":)

yeah...that would be a VERY bad idea....

08-03-2004, 11:45 AM
Tom ... will I get to shoot Mancow!?!?!?

i think so. i was at a bookstore and i saw an ad for this event. mancow was pictured.

08-03-2004, 12:19 PM
Well, according to the DVD from last year, he cowered back at the campground. He did make it to the general-specific missions. I know, I shot him at the OK Corral mission. :D

The Frymarker
08-03-2004, 12:51 PM
I guess it is a good thing it wasn't a horses head

08-03-2004, 02:55 PM
I think its time the hamster moves locations... :ninja:

08-03-2004, 03:00 PM
Well, according to the DVD from last year, he cowered back at the campground. He did make it to the general-specific missions. I know, I shot him at the OK Corral mission. :D

Yeah he was to busy feeding his fat face with Pork Steak Sandwichs .... what a puss.

And he talks about how he's done such great things for the sport by playing ...

Would like to see him on the field for more than one shot ....

08-03-2004, 11:04 PM
Hee hee .... we were laughing all weekend about your fedex package.... I may be the assassin, and I will do it with a Mag.....

08-04-2004, 12:52 AM
Man I want to live in States. You guys gt to have all the fun. :cry:
Get them all for me boys :shooting: :shooting: :headbang: :shooting: :shooting:

08-04-2004, 01:38 AM
i am so confused.
oh well :tard:

p u r e e v i l
08-04-2004, 06:12 PM

I knew you were in the mob,it was just a matter of time before the true story came out. So, if one day, Air America is all X'd out, we'll all look back and be like. "Some joke, eh Tom?" and Tom will be look at us with a puzzled look in his eyes and say. "You mean...that was just a joke and they had never actually found out I was in the mafia?" Oh well...see you at ShattyBall.

:ninja: < AGD: Everything works so good cause of the Ninjas.

double wide
08-05-2004, 11:14 AM
That’s right Muzikman and Lord 1234…spread the word…tell these non-believers the power of the Dark Side and how AA had ninja’s converting to the Dark Side in droves…

Was “Lil Shane” (the hamPster for your mental dwarfs) captured? Or was it part of an elaborate plan to ease the AGD clan into a relaxed state of submission and then let the hammer drop…Ask Potato boy who’s idea it was for you to end up with “Lil Shane” maybe he can shed some light on the subject.

As for the fishes…Apparently you should ask the Great and All Powerful Kaye himself about our Sicilian connection…the “Godfather of Paintball” himself will be visiting Tom at SB and then we will see…Ask Tom when he once broke bread at the Godfathers home, ask him about the “purple RT’s”, ask Tom about the power of “THE GODFATHER”…

What’s with all the sheep and chickens??? :D

08-06-2004, 12:37 PM

you should eat the fish... :clap:

08-06-2004, 01:35 PM
If the plans that Dennis “The Menace” Ashley and I have come to fruition, and I feel they will, I offer you this:

20 Active duty Combat Veterans of the 1-502D Infantry Battalion "First Strike", 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) as your personal guard/ strike force! It would be our pleasure to escort you into battle against the Al Quada supporting Mob family headed by "the Shaft" and those teat sucking members of AA. Additionally, a few of my men could be dispatched on sniper missions (actual snipers, not fat guys in furry suits :ninja: )to "remove" any of our adversaries' leadership. Your family's support of my big green family has been exceptional and it would only be right for us to extend a hand to you in your time of need. Let it be known, the "First Strike" Battalion will not let "The Don" sleep with the fishes. :nono:

“Strike 3 November” AKA “Doobie”

08-06-2004, 01:51 PM
Additionally, a few of my men could be dispatched on sniper missions (actual snipers, not fat guys in furry suits :ninja: )


They're great for cover .....

08-06-2004, 01:55 PM

They're great for cover .....

LOL! :rofl:

Nothing wrong...just an observation. I've hidden behind many! :dance:

double wide
08-06-2004, 09:47 PM
Who let the dweebs out?

I love how you post something and the next thing you know everyone who has NO CLUE as to what is going on jumps in and wants to add their 2 cents in (like they can afford it)... I can hear it now "mom's not home I can get on the internet and sound important"

Doobie...put it down and breathe of some oxygen...you have NO IDEA what Tom's post is all about so maybe you should just go away with Dennis and play with your GI Joe's somewhere...Trust me you have no dog in this fight, and with any kind of intellegence you should be happy about that...my suggestion to you would be to do some research BEFORE letting your fingers do the walking.

Mr. Cphillip...I let you off on the smoked fish comment since I "thought" we were cool then "I" end up taking flack over the phone for letting you off...well here it goes plain and simple, NO SPIN>>>>

After seeing how the AO "Army" was so squeemish (sp?) around the dead chicken parts, then the dead frogs, then the liver and pork items, we figured that we would give you guys a BREAK (also the connection to the air fresheners)...Remember we have video of your great ninjs "Army" crawling under tables to get away, skipping like school girls and just acting plain prissy. The last thing we wanted to do was cause a melt down of the entire shirt ninja, kult of Kaye, wang whatever organization before we deal out the ultimate prank...Remember who your dealing with...ask those at the IAO...we don't know when to say enough.

A call to all Ninja's in training...(we should actually make a whole "dark" ninja catagory for those of you who have seen the AA light) help me out here with these dweeby on lookers who have no clue and could easily become collaterial damage like so many before them. As I clearly stated (and proved) earlier when AA becomes bored with entertaining ourselves we look to the general public as lab rats for that entertainment...maybe we should join forces and take on the dweebs...it can be a training mission for those ninja's shifting to the dark side. PLEASE set Mr. Phillip straight....OK you got our hamPster...maybe you kidnapped him, maybe we set you up, you have no proof but old photos, lets see something current.

To those in the know I have it on the highest authority "skunk boy" will be at World Cup...LOOK OUT DISNEY!

And can someone please tell me "WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SHEEP AND CHICKENS"

08-06-2004, 09:54 PM
Wow...sounds like somebody needs to chill out.....

double wide
08-06-2004, 10:02 PM
Spoken Like A True Cheese Head

08-07-2004, 02:01 AM
Man too many knuckle heads that really dont have a clue whats going on around here............

Doobie: You had better make sure that Dennis Ashley knows EXACTLY what you are getting him into. As i told larry with AKA "your guys are writing checks you cant cash" and he found out the hard way, that even if he didnt actually participate, his booth mates DID, and they all paid the price. Also, 1 member of paintball kingdom decided that it would be fun to help AGDjon one morning and their trailer and nostrils paid the price (see Iao prank war thread for pics). Also Remeber that it is in all fun and no hard feelings kinda stuff, as WE AT AA DONT REALLLY KNOW WHEN TO STOP.....................
To quote Thordic on Saturday night "man you guys reallly F****D us up yesterday"

So if the Center Flag gang want in, then you better inform ALL of them whats what...........
Then let us know, as i already have too many pranks for just AGD....................

So all you Dorks who dont really know what this thread is about, go have your "Geek love sessions" in another thread!

AND another little tidbit.................
the look on AGDjons face on friday morning was classic, just like Roy Scheiders in jaws when he said "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat"

AA Darksyde for life!


08-07-2004, 08:42 AM

Creative Mayhem
08-07-2004, 08:56 AM

OH SNAP! :eek:

:shooting: Penguinpunk555

08-07-2004, 11:15 AM
Hey penquin punk: you really dont understand whats going on here, so go back to the school yard and play on the swings like a good little boy, until you know whats up, and your ready to play with the big boys. OR better yet, come to Shatner ball and tell DW personally what you want. I know he would just love to meet you.............................................do rk


08-07-2004, 07:47 PM
Well, according to the DVD from last year, he cowered back at the campground. He did make it to the general-specific missions. I know, I shot him at the OK Corral mission. :D

Are you the one that shot 'im in the right thigh?
I put two in his face right after that. :shooting:

double wide
08-07-2004, 09:38 PM
Hey penguinpunk, what is that some new type of cheese head math...Double minus wide equals prick...get it straight...Doublewide is a prick...the mother of all pricks and if you had a clue you'd know that...right guys...maybe he needs one of those quality "autographed" magazines we were giving away at IAO, that would have helped him understand. But then again with freezer temps higher then this guys IQ scores doubled maybe not....Do the history... take the time to read the posts...most of them were typed slow because many of the readers can't read that fast so you be able to handle it...

Hey BTW I have a small piece of furniture that has a better idea of what's going on here then you do. Get a life...I LMAO at fools like you.

Shane-O good to see you made it. Thanks for reminding me of Jon's "I'm about to have a nervous breakdown" look :eek: . That was a dead on description with the "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat" quote. He was toast by noon on Friday and you were alone on Thursday. I told Tom that night...should we back off..."No, Jon's a good guy he tries hard for me" WOW even the leaders roll when the chips are down. The kicker was they all decided to watch out for themselves, LOL they actually started feeding on each others misfortune to save themselves...LMAO

I don't think they get it yet...can't wait for SB...time to step it up a notch (or 2, or 3). We can use some of the stuff we abandoned when they started to turn on each other.

Spoke with the Godfather on Friday and he's bringing his personal boys to take care of the dweebs so he's not distracted with what needs to be done...

Tom...Calamari? Or would you like something else for a last meal? Will you keep score from a distance as you did at IAO or will you actually participate in this one like the darkside leader?

On a more serious note I remembered that I never actually PUBLICALLY thanked all those that made the dinner Saturday night at IAO...I was great and fun time for all, Maybe we can do it again at SB...Any suggestions on that subject PM me.

ANYONE...what's with all the sheep and chickens :D ???? PLEASE!!!! It's starting to get to me.

08-07-2004, 10:05 PM
Spoken Like A True Cheese Head

Screw "Cheese Heads", I'm not apart of that crowd.

08-07-2004, 11:33 PM
"I don't think they get it yet...can't wait for SB...time to step it up a notch (or 2, or 3). We can use some of the stuff we abandoned when they started to turn on each other."
:hail: :hail: :hail:

I want the position of official referee for Prank Wars.

It's hilarious to watch. :rofl: :rofl:

08-08-2004, 02:06 PM
you're thinking of clemson, where the p's silent, but not really silent and not actually there.


ah, good times.. good times.

08-08-2004, 10:58 PM
Referee? We no need no stinkin' referee!..(in bad mexican accent)

I guess you will be there huh Glenn? YOU know you want to join the dark syde, comeon, its the funnest, and we have margaritas!

SO where is the "Geek Love session" gonna be at for Shatner?

So many plans, and only 2 days to do them in, I hate limitations..................


08-09-2004, 09:27 AM
Hey Glenn. Looking forward to playing Shatner 3 with you this year!

And no, Doobie was the one who capped Shater in the leg. I was the one who took out Mancow (aka Manboobs).

Are you the one that shot 'im in the right thigh?
I put two in his face right after that. :shooting:

08-09-2004, 09:37 AM
Oh yes, I'll be there. Wouldn't want to miss the fun.
Gonna be sure to stay healthy, and mobile for this year's action though.

Gots to stay nuetral in the prank wars ( I've stirred the pot enough lately :rolleyes: ) but am siding with Tom :hail: for the opportunity to stick it to Shaft. :shooting:

Ahhh, but it's all good. :bounce: :bounce:

The world of Paintball remains SOOOOOOO much FUN.

08-09-2004, 10:00 AM
You just like using the smilies more than anything... ;)

08-09-2004, 10:13 AM
You just like using the smilies more than anything... ;)

Absotively !! Isn't that why they are there ?
Emoticons are kewl, dude. Express thy self.

double wide
08-09-2004, 11:01 AM
Glen you are a riot. You know we will turn you to the dark syde, you want to come over don't you! We saw the look in your eyes at IAO :eek: ...The yearning, the desire to be with old friends :cry: ...Go ahead make the change...BTW who needs a reff...you make it sound like there's rules. LOL :shooting:

SO MR. PALADIN...which do YOU prefer...frogs or fish...please UPS is waiting. :bounce:

P.S. I pulled out my Typhoon and I'm having the darndest time trying to find the battery tray..LOL Any help? ;)

Great to hear you going to be there! Please decide the side soon I'd hate to have you end up as collaterial damage. :shooting:

NOTE: smileys added for Glen :D

08-09-2004, 12:00 PM
..BTW who needs a reff...you make it sound like there's rules. LOL :shooting:

OK, can we set up a scoring system at least ??

SO MR. PALADIN...which do YOU prefer...frogs or fish...please UPS is waiting. :bounce:
What ya got handy ? Remember, I'm used to Thai/Lao food. :eek:

P.S. I pulled out my Typhoon and I'm having the darndest time trying to find the battery tray..LOL Any help? ;)
Works on a "Magneto Drive" no bateries needed. Remember, Ya heard it here first. :p

Great to hear you going to be there! Please decide the side soon I'd hate to have you end up as collaterial damage. :shooting:

I have chosen sides in the Paintball game but I'm not buying into other games. Happy being entertained by the show. Thanks anyway.

double wide
08-09-2004, 12:43 PM
You are too much...

Thanks for the help...

I found the Magneto Drive but it appears to be having switching problems...the air drive rotor is engaged but I'm still not getting any output :nono: ...Remember you heard THAT here first.

Will the newlyweds accompany you to the event? Us youngsters need to stick to together.

NOTE: All this S&#$ is either covered undeR some form of Copyright, Trade Mark, Registered Trade Mark, Patent or Patent Pending, Don't even think of F'ing with this s&#$ or we will hunt you down...WE ARE F'ING SERIOUS A$$#%!E

We got you covered Glen :cool:

08-09-2004, 01:30 PM
I found the Magneto Drive but it appears to be having switching problems...the air drive rotor is engaged but I'm still not getting any output :nono:

Oh, THAT... I know what your problem is, but I'm waiting to hear back on the Copyright for the solution. :rolleyes:

Will the newlyweds accompany you to the event? Us youngsters need to stick to together.

Nope, I'm traveling lite and solo this trip.


08-09-2004, 02:13 PM


08-13-2004, 09:53 AM
SO, whats up blunder monkeys? you AOnation guys have been a bit quiet...........
You off in a corner pouting? :cry:
Or in your bedroom stroking off to playgirl? :wow:
Blowing Goats?
Choking the Chicken?

Or MAYBE JUST HUMPING THE "HAM"P"STER" ???????????????????????????

It was once belived that AO could be a worthy adversary, but now i am begining to wonder why we should even have to do anything to you at SB, as we are so far ahead on pranks, that we could quit now, and never lose..........................

The Almighty Shane-O