View Full Version : Is this a good deal?

08-02-2004, 08:53 PM
Is this a good deal?
My 2004 blue extreme milled edition bko
Chrome bob long torpedo reg
14" dye SS
Chrome flame drop w/asa
all stock parts, barrel, etc.
brand new 9 volt extreme rage 9 volt hopper
88/4500 Java nitro tank( reg has a little chip)


Emag w/ 1.37
lvl 10
drop forward with on/off
all stock, no ULE parts

Is this a good deal?

08-02-2004, 08:56 PM
I probably wouldn't do it.

08-02-2004, 09:01 PM
Is mine worth more? or you just wouldnt do it....

08-02-2004, 09:03 PM
your stuff is probably worth more, although i have no idea what a extreme milled bko goes for.

don't do it unless he adds cash

08-02-2004, 09:05 PM
It's an older emag, so its a stainless body. Heavy, probably not center-feed and with older software (easily fixable).

Your BK0 is a newer design, and if you want an electronic gun for high rate of fire, you may not want to trade for an older mag.

Now, a ule E-mag is a bit of different story.

I'd ask for some cash.


08-02-2004, 09:13 PM
Yeah IMO,I'd say your stuff is worth more. As well as faster(ROF),un-need of less upgrades,easier to resale.

An older Emag is going to need $200-$300 in upgrades to be considered 'current' by todays standards. By then you'd have more invested than the cost of a ''new' version Emag or one upgraded to the condiditon already.

08-02-2004, 09:24 PM
mags own all

08-02-2004, 09:58 PM
Personally I think I would have to side with the Mag on this one.

BKO's generally just suck as compared to a Bushy. Regardless of the milling it is still the cheapest marker available from "ICD". Kinda like dumping money into a Civic and comparing it to an Accord. I have owned a Bushy and would easily have given it up for an Emag , old or not. Anything wrong with the mag can be fixed easily. If the electronics go down you still have an RT.... :D The lowers alone are worth as much as the BKO , and all the rest can be updated as you get cash.

andrew 2589
08-02-2004, 10:02 PM
i gotta say the mag cuz while it might not perform so well now it has the potential to be a lot better than the bko