View Full Version : AKA 2 liter "mystrey reg" available

08-03-2004, 11:59 AM
This is aka's new reg, it blows away all others for consistency and recharge. I think that the guy that did the testing owns this site:

anyway he is a good guy to deal with, plus his prices are the best, and shipping is included!

Aka should come out with a regulator for N2 systems !

08-03-2004, 12:21 PM
is it really worth $100? pretty steep when you can get a CP reg that has awesome recharge rate and eliminates kick for almost half that

08-03-2004, 12:23 PM
Id be more willing to part with 100 bucks for a reg if it didnt look so hideous. I know it's personal opnion but couldnt they give it some form?

08-03-2004, 12:26 PM
It looks alright. I'd choose th CP over it though. It's short b/c they want you to buy the extender

08-03-2004, 12:29 PM
#1- CP regs have a horrible ratio. (Reg speak, more technical than I care to get into)
#2- Would you care to explain how the CP reg eliminates kick?

is it really worth $100? pretty steep when you can get a CP reg that has awesome recharge rate and eliminates kick for almost half that

08-03-2004, 12:51 PM
I'll just say it, the CP reg sucks compated to either the Sidewinder or 2-Liter. It also sucks compared to the Palmer Stabilizer. So yes, $100 is a good price, you get what you pay for.

08-03-2004, 12:54 PM
I'll just say it, the CP reg sucks compated to either the Sidewinder or 2-Liter. It also sucks compared to the Palmer Stabilizer. So yes, $100 is a good price, you get what you pay for.

I'm just wondering, have you ever noticed a difference when switching between regs?

08-03-2004, 01:04 PM
Depending on the reg yes, I have.

08-03-2004, 01:07 PM
I'm just wondering, have you ever noticed a difference when switching between regs?

In all honesty, if you have a good LPR it would be dam hard to tell if your inline made any difference, unless it was so high it caused damage to the LPR itself. I would be hard pressed to buy a nice inline (100+) if I had a decent LPR, however co2 use is a different story.

Does it really matter? There are so many guns out now that get 20+bps that regs that recharge this fast would only be an advtange to RT styled guns, high input high flow, on the tank and not as an inline reg.

08-03-2004, 01:21 PM
My next reg is either going to be the AKA 2 liter, maybe a medium/short sidewinder, or a Palmer fatty.

I honestly don't care if it looks ugly. As long as it keeps my gun consistent for the price I'll be more than happy with it.

08-03-2004, 01:26 PM
Someone had one on their Ironman matrix the other day and it looked good, he had the extension on it though.

For a 100 dollars shipped YES I think that it is worth it. I have a CP and It was nearly the same price. THis is supposed to be the best reg available, the extra 20.00 is worth it to me...anyone want to buy a nickle Cp reg cheap, 45$ shipped?

08-03-2004, 01:26 PM
In all honesty, if you have a good LPR it would be dam hard to tell if your inline made any difference, unless it was so high it caused damage to the LPR itself. I would be hard pressed to buy a nice inline (100+) if I had a decent LPR, however co2 use is a different story.

Does it really matter? There are so many guns out now that get 20+bps that regs that recharge this fast would only be an advtange to RT styled guns, high input high flow, on the tank and not as an inline reg.

Let's say you have a cocker, the LPR cocks the gun and moves the bolt back forward.

The hammer then hits the valve using air from the main reg. The LPR does nothing with the velocity, the main reg is the boss here.

The LPR in most guns is not used for the gas that does the actual propelling of the ball down the barrel. The main reg is used for that.

The main reg IS important.

08-03-2004, 01:28 PM
someone needs to xray, chopsaw this magical device and reaveal its secrets to the world

08-03-2004, 02:25 PM
someone needs to xray, chopsaw this magical device and reaveal its secrets to the world

This tide you over until someone can do that? --> http://www.akalmp.com/TechDocs/2-liter.pdf


08-03-2004, 02:45 PM
old news buddy...

but why is everyone saying that the CP is better? i've had a $35 PMI reg that did a better job than the CP!!!

when i had a CP reg, it blew pure ***, it couldnt even sustain 20 BPS on my e-bladed freeflow, i threw an old sidewinder on there and bam! MUCH more consistent, and no half-assed recharge... and even the PMI reg that i put on there for one day worked better than the CP - the CP is basically a WDP Minireg if you look at the schematics of one

08-03-2004, 02:50 PM
is it really worth $100? pretty steep when you can get a CP reg that has awesome recharge rate and eliminates kick for almost half that

How does a reg eliminate kick? :tard:

The AKA 2 liter is one of the best regs. It beat the CP reg in recharge rate.

08-03-2004, 03:08 PM
i have never tried a different reg then the torpedo on my timmy. i was told by numorous people that the cp reg and the right dwell setting will eliminate kick. and i know the cp has an awesome recharge rate, i was playin against pro killers last weekend, the guy had the same gun as me except for color and his lpr. he was using a CP reg. i was talkin to ppl about the 2 liter and cp regs. they all said that cp would eliminate kick and has a very good recharge rate. they said the 2liter will deff be better but i figure it cant be that much better

08-03-2004, 03:16 PM
']This tide you over until someone can do that? --> http://www.akalmp.com/TechDocs/2-liter.pdf

that thing's internals look surprisingly like a vert max
think SP will sue em again?

08-03-2004, 03:34 PM
Buddy was full of caca...

i have never tried a different reg then the torpedo on my timmy. i was told by numorous people that the cp reg and the right dwell setting will eliminate kick. and i know the cp has an awesome recharge rate, i was playin against pro killers last weekend, the guy had the same gun as me except for color and his lpr. he was using a CP reg. i was talkin to ppl about the 2 liter and cp regs. they all said that cp would eliminate kick and has a very good recharge rate. they said the 2liter will deff be better but i figure it cant be that much better

08-03-2004, 03:35 PM
Torpedos are like 3rd crapiest for recharge on that diagram, and i've never had a problem with mine on my timmy, or on my NYX when I had it.. And my timmy has very good consistancy..

Regs are overated IMO.. I've havn't noticed a difference between my brothers sidewinder and my torpedo.. It's all just hype.. Plus who needs a recharge rate past like 25bps max anywayes?

08-03-2004, 03:46 PM
if you had all gone to IAO and went to toms tech class... you would have realized that a hammer/valve setup, is its own regulator..... there fore, the inline, doesnt make that much of a difference, only in how it supplies the reg being the hammer/valve combo. Only markers where inlines are needed, is on spool valved markers, such as the matrix and shocker, because that air is the air that travels to the dump chamber....

ever notice how you can adjust the velocity from the back of a cocker? or even a spyder? same difference

08-03-2004, 04:32 PM
You're talking aobut consistency, where you're right, however, the valve/hammer doesn't gte rid of upstream flow limitations that hurt recharge rate.

08-03-2004, 04:58 PM
In all honesty, if you have a good LPR it would be dam hard to tell if your inline made any difference, unless it was so high it caused damage to the LPR itself. I would be hard pressed to buy a nice inline (100+) if I had a decent LPR, however co2 use is a different story.

Does it really matter? There are so many guns out now that get 20+bps that regs that recharge this fast would only be an advtange to RT styled guns, high input high flow, on the tank and not as an inline reg.

The LPR only controls the solenoid and ram in electros , or the recock on a cocker. Input pressure on an LPR can be anything , its just what it puts out that matters to the 'noid.
The HPR regs down tank pressure to operating pressure , the LPR knocks that down again to noid and ram pressure.

The HPR will definately be noticable if it is inconsistant because it actually feeds your valve and therefore your shot speed will vary.

08-03-2004, 05:18 PM
if you had all gone to IAO and went to toms tech class... you would have realized that a hammer/valve setup, is its own regulator..... there fore, the inline, doesnt make that much of a difference, only in how it supplies the reg being the hammer/valve combo. Only markers where inlines are needed, is on spool valved markers, such as the matrix and shocker, because that air is the air that travels to the dump chamber....

ever notice how you can adjust the velocity from the back of a cocker? or even a spyder? same difference

I have to touch on this too.A hammer and valve are not their own regulator.

The hammer is designed to strike the valve pin and open it for a certain amount of time (dwell) to allow air/co2 to get the ball up to velocity. According to the input pressure the rear spring must be harder in relation to the opposing force of the valve spring and pressure to achieve the dwell needed to give proper velocity. The harder the spring and the heavier the hammer the higher the kick.

Now when operating off CO2 the input pressure varies according to the temp of the gas. An inline reg helps by making the gas be a more consistant pressure and therefore more consistant results from the marker. W/o a reg you see fluctuation as the temp changes because the hammer hits with the same force every time against a changing resistance therefore affecting dwell and velocity follows.

When operating on HPA your pressure is always consistant due to the regulated output on the tank. However most (better) markers operate on a lowered pressure so a reg is needed. The reg brings the pressure down so that milder springs or ram pressures can be used to achieve the dwell needed to gain velocity. Resulting in less kick and lowered noise levels and other questionable benefits.

Not all markers need regs , especially blowbacks and the like , but any marker will benifit from a more consistant air pressure. The valve and hammer have nothing to do with consistant air pressure.