View Full Version : one piece vs. two piece

08-03-2004, 08:16 PM
when i was readin toms tech tips(love the way to check bore size btw) it said they havent checked on two piece barrels.. and i was thinking.. and i dont have the materials to test this(maybe another toms tech tip, goes with gas effeciency and accuracy as the other ones seem to do).. but when u think about it.. a one piece barrel has the same consistant bore size throughout the whole barrel... with a two piece barrel you are only changing the first like 4-6 inches of bore size... as the rest of the barrel(for most about 10in more) is a different bore size.. usually larger than the front piece... so from what i am thinking.. it will affect accuracy in how the ball is moving throughout the barrel. i would suppose that the ball would be surrounded by air and the theory around that with the larger bore size comes in(i forget what its called).. but with soo much extra length on the barrel of a different bore size it would make the ball bounce back and forth(i forget what that is called too)... so if i am thinking correcty a consistent bored one piece barrel would work better than a two piece barrel?.. i dont know.. i dont have a two piece barrel.. but i was looking at my friends and noticed the little gap and difference in bore size... well my $00.02

08-04-2004, 09:35 AM
ive been using one piece barrels since the begining i have a large and medium bore never had any problems with paint that fit inside well + i didnt have to spend extra $ for sizers and whatnot...a single bore barrel is fine all this need for the correct size is freatly exagerated

08-04-2004, 09:50 AM
i dont think it makes much of a difference. theres porting either way on the front half, so the fact that a two piece has a bigger bore front doesnt matter. As for bore sizing, it doesnt matter on an open bolt gun. I rock a 688 dye ultralight on my timmy no matter what paint etc. For something like a cocker tho, youd definatly want a kit or multiple bore barrels.

Evil Bob
08-04-2004, 10:20 AM
Two piece barrels have an effective barrel length of only the first section where the ball actualy makes contact with the barrel, ie. the interchangeable sleves or backs, the ball rarely if ever actually makes contact with the front half or tip due to the fact that it's traveling at 200 miles an hour.

All markers fire from a closed bolt position, it does not matter the state of the bolt before the final air pressure release, every single one of them fires with the ball actually in the barrel, so barrel size is a factor for every marker out there, not just autocockers or any "closed bolt" marker.

Paint to barrel match is one factor out of many that controls your shot to shot consistancy. Some of the other factors are:

1) Recharge speed of the marker itself; is it able to fully recharge between each and every shot?
2) Ball consistancy; are they uniformly round or do you have alot of shape variance? Varying ball sizes will affect the average shot to shot velocity.
3) Environmental conditions; ie. is it raining, humid, hot/cold, etc. and is those conditions constant during your day of play? As the temperature changes over the day, so does your shooting conditions. Paintballs swell easily with the littlest of moisture, this will affect how well they fit into your barrel of choice and will change your shot to shot velocity.

-Evil Bob

08-04-2004, 11:15 AM
yes all fire from a closed bolt, but in a closed bolt gun, the paintball sits in the barrel before its fired. In an open bolt gun it sits in the breech, behind the detents. for a closed bolt gun it does matter more. if youre paint is way to small for the barrel, its just gonna roll out. itll give you terrible consistancy because some balls will be part way down the barrel when the air hits it.

On my intimidator i have found no noticible performance difference from when i matched paint with a freak kit, to when i just used an ultralight. many people just use a huge bore barrel because the only thing really gained is efficiency unless the match is absolutly terrible.

08-04-2004, 11:20 AM
If you dont believe Evil Bob's info, go outside with a 2 peice barrel and shoot it a few times at some targets. Then, take off the front and repeat. Your shots will be just as accurate as they were with the front on, only difference is they will be louder. I, as well as some freinds have all done this test. We have all came out with the same basic outcome. Almost all shots were just as accurate, we take some of the missed shots do to poor aiming or other factor's such a slight wind.

08-04-2004, 03:32 PM
well anywho.... i wasnt getting at if it would help me or not... i love my wonderful 8in barrel.. i was just reading toms tech tips and i was readin about bore sizes.. i was just thinkin hard.. somethin i dont do much.. but i was like.. wtf.. wouldnt that mess up accuracy and whatnot.. well check yall lata...

08-04-2004, 09:05 PM
I don't think that the ball, as it leaves the rear segment of a two-piece barrel, is likely to be travelling at an angle that would allow it to ricochet off the front piece/tip. In other words as the ball leaves the barrel back I think it's probably traveling straight enough to clear the 6" or so of tip before it's trajectory deviates enough from the line made by the barrel back. It might be more likely to hit the wall of the tip if you're swining the barrel rapidly while firing.

Bob's right, the barrels' effective length is it's rear piece, the rest only really affects loudness.

08-04-2004, 09:10 PM
yes all fire from a closed bolt, but in a closed bolt gun, the paintball sits in the barrel before its fired. In an open bolt gun it sits in the breech, behind the detents. for a closed bolt gun it does matter more. if youre paint is way to small for the barrel, its just gonna roll out. itll give you terrible consistancy because some balls will be part way down the barrel when the air hits it.

On my intimidator i have found no noticible performance difference from when i matched paint with a freak kit, to when i just used an ultralight. many people just use a huge bore barrel because the only thing really gained is efficiency unless the match is absolutly terrible.

LMAO.. one time we got thsi really small paint, one of my teammates shoots a cocker, and did ot have a small enough barrel. The ref walks up to him after a game and tells him somone thinks hes shooting hot. He tilts the marker forward and the ball rolls out of the barrel. Refs like.. umm yeh maybe not.

08-04-2004, 09:34 PM
I've been thinking about this 2 piece thingie. LOL
I believe it's easier (cheaper) to make a 2 piece. Specifically anything of any great length.
I believe that any reasonably priced lathe only has so much stroke(?) length. So making two pieces and pressing/glueing them together is easier.