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trains are bad
08-04-2004, 01:01 PM
I recently switched to a more sedentary job and in the interest of health and overall wellness decided that I need to do at least some exercising.

but I have no idea what is actually 'right' or the best way to go about it. So anyone who wants to chip in and give me tips on what I should change is welcome to it.

Every morning and night I do 50 situps and 25 pushups, and 25 pullups, in as few sets as I can.

Every night I run 3 miles in no more than 27 minutes and when I feel like it like 3 times a week I run an additional mile in the morning.

I stretch a lot.

I especially want to keep my backl/abs in decent shape for when I get to ride my bike, and I want to trim some flab off my stomache. I'm 6' tall, 19, and weigh around 165 lbs.

I play paintball mostly.

Do not suggest anything that requires gym equipment.

08-04-2004, 01:25 PM
what your doing sound good, chrunches are great for you abbs and one of the few ways to lose a beer belly or stomach fat. as for you back a stronger front section helps keep your back strighter and is much safer