View Full Version : (Supposed Local X-Mag Abundance)

08-04-2004, 03:28 PM
Hey all, some snot nosed punk close by is starting a 'shop' and he says he has 160 X-Mags in stock. Any way in hell this is possible? I know the kid, hes 14 / 15, arrogant and bratty. Email: [email protected]

Flame away.

EDIT: Fixed the email address.

08-04-2004, 03:31 PM
LMAO :rofl:

I yhink ya get the idea :rofl:

I dont think that is a possibilty at all, that kid is such a bad liar. He coulda at least made it believable and said he had maybe 5 or so....if that. :rofl:

08-04-2004, 03:34 PM
I'm going to have to say, that that is impossible. They stopped making the X-mag, I don't think they ever even made 160 at one time, much less ship them to the same person. Lets do some simple math. Lets say even if you did have 160, they were $1000 each (ultra low dealer whatever). That is $160,000 worth of stock in one gun. Does that even sound reasonable? No.

Okay, next. He is 15 tops? Don't believe anything he tells you. Sorry, but no 15 year old is running a business like that.

08-04-2004, 03:40 PM
if he could get his hands on 1 or 2 it would be amasing. lol

08-04-2004, 03:41 PM
Does he have AIM or anything like that?

I really wanna talk to this fool.

Creative Mayhem
08-04-2004, 03:41 PM
I'm in your area, where is this supposed "business"? Maybe a trip to this "shop" is in order... it sounds like he needs to see a REAL Xmag, and not just the ones in his overexhaggerated imagination...

08-04-2004, 03:44 PM
Did you really need to post asking people here if this sounded real? You said yourself he is some snot nosed fifteen year old. That should have set off something in your head that maybe he is full of it.

08-04-2004, 03:47 PM
What can I say, I'm a trustworthy person. I kind of wanted to beleive him (For obvious reasons) but I knew it was a lie.

CM, hes located in Hamilton I beleive. I dont even think he has a shop, hes just a trafficer.. I'll find out though, I'll tell him I want an X-Mag.. Purple.. ;) :p

Hamilton sucks as far as paintball goes. so many 'AGG' players, its like PBN City. I gotta start playin at the same fields as CM..

08-04-2004, 03:48 PM
Does he have AIM or anything like that?

I really wanna talk to this fool.

The email i provided is also his MSN. :cheers:

08-04-2004, 03:48 PM
ummm.....don't you know tom has and underground super uber agg secret shop in canada and is rolling out xmags like nobodys business? :rolleyes: 160 is the minimum order a shop can place

08-04-2004, 03:49 PM
ummm.....don't you know tom has and underground super uber agg secret shop in canada and is rolling out xmags like nobodys business? :rolleyes: 160 is the minimum order a shop can place

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Nice man, that was nice..

08-04-2004, 03:57 PM
if this were true at all i think a minor "mission impossible" type operation in canada would be in order. :ninja: :shooting: gimme yo mone...MAGS!!!!

08-04-2004, 03:58 PM
damn, If it were true, I feel sorry for him, It would be next to impossible to move inventory like that. My local dealer has 3 left (2 black gloss, 1 dark blue gloss), and they have been on the wall for about 2 months. and its not like the $1350 is any more unreasonable than anyone elses.

08-04-2004, 04:01 PM
yeah, i found SP's satellite reconaissance photos of his compound. My "shop" (the back of a van in an alley downtown) just placed and order for 500, we have all colors and 15.2 software on them :rolleyes: :wow: :argh:

08-04-2004, 06:48 PM
CM, hes located in Hamilton I beleive. I dont even think he has a shop, hes just a trafficer.. I'll find out though, I'll tell him I want an X-Mag.. Purple.. ;) :p

click my sig ;) im at least telling the truth :D besides im so lonely right now some one call lol

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
08-04-2004, 07:32 PM
post his email on pbnation (shudder who goes on that site anyways) and wonder how much hes going to get flamed

50 cal
08-04-2004, 07:46 PM
I have got to see a pic of 160 X Mags in one place. That has to be a sight to see!

08-04-2004, 08:04 PM
*retarded PBN lingo* shens, i want a video! */retard PBN lingo*

08-04-2004, 08:36 PM
Someone should send him an email saying they want to buy all of them :)

08-04-2004, 08:37 PM
Now hes saying he can get a minimum of 4, in each color. I pissed him off and asked him to send me a pic, so he says 'fine'. I'll keep you guys informed..

08-04-2004, 08:39 PM
UPDATE! Mere seconds later he says he doesnt want to show pics as it will 'Give his site away'. So he blocks me, saying, you get people who want them and I'll get them the :cuss: x-mags'

Funny, because when I mentioned tom kaye he said 'Whos that'. I said pres of AGD 'AGD??'

Someone please ask to buy.. 20.. :D

08-04-2004, 09:45 PM
That's just sad! :nono:

08-04-2004, 09:45 PM
im sure national has never had 20 let alone 160. Where is that BS smiley

Chojin Man
08-04-2004, 11:22 PM
mabey he is confused and is mistaking x-valves for x-mags :confused:

08-04-2004, 11:28 PM
mabey he is confused and is mistaking x-valves for x-mags
That's still ~$30,000 worth of valves.

08-04-2004, 11:53 PM
by x-mag he meant blade 2's, 160 in stock is no problem cuz they are everywhere and cheap.

08-05-2004, 05:27 AM
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: wjp are ypi
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: who are you*
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: hey
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Do you sell Xmags?
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: if you want one
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: yes
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Can i get a discount if i order bulk
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: I need 5
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Its for my team
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: no, because i am getting them ask cheap as i can already
t33kyboy.cjb.net says:okay, whats the price for one
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: first were do you live
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: california
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: ...
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: whne do you need these
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Within a month
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: ok could you wait till my site is up and then all the prices will be on there
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: alright, how much does the xmags cost though?
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: because i cant drive it out to california nor do oi wana pay shipping on it, so just wait till my sites up
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: So how much do they cost
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: your payin U.S right
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: yes.
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: well if you want one of the b lack blue red (solid colours) they are 1482 plus tax
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: and if you want a fade they are
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: 1700 plus tax
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Do you have these in stock?
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
no, not at my store id have to order them
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: im not 100% sure if i can get them
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: So where are you getting them from
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: i cant say
Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
they dont shoot that fast..if your looking to go high end get an angel a4 fly
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: no thanks
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: because im not 100% sure i can get xmags, my dealership may have run out althouhg on the site it says they havent
Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: so im not sure if i can get them sorry.
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: Can you get atleast ONE?
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: any color, pink for all i care
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: i dont know, you would have to wait until my site is up
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: then youu and your buddies can order of it
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: (my site iwll be up imn 1 week tops)
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: can i have the address
t33kyboy.cjb.net says: so i can bookmark it
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says: its not made yet, when it is i will give you the adress

He wanted to know where i heard about him, I said google... said i saw something about xmags and his sn....

[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
thats oysterboy
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
i jokingly was like ya well i have 160 in stock lol
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
i dont even know if i can get em
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
but maybe

I cut some things down to keep it short. So, anyone wanna buy a Xmag? :headbang:

08-05-2004, 08:40 AM
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
who are ya
I TOG AutoMag says:
i would like to order an X-Mag please
I TOG AutoMag says:
i am jim
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
were do you live jim
I TOG AutoMag says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
I TOG AutoMag says:
guam, USA
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
o ok
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
well can you wait?
I TOG AutoMag says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
ok my site is gona be up soon so when it is up and runnning i will give you t he link and you can order of my e-shop alrighty?
I TOG AutoMag says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
ok im kinda busy now tho, pleasure meeting you
I TOG AutoMag says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
were did you hear about me?
I TOG AutoMag says:
I TOG AutoMag says:
er, ao
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
o ok
I TOG AutoMag says:
Automags online
[Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:

08-05-2004, 08:47 AM
oysterboy...beat him..he is obviously lying.

08-05-2004, 11:13 AM
lmao, I love that 'kind' attitude hes throwing on now that he knows he's busted. I should post one of the convos I recorded off of him.. Matter of fact..


{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
dont make fun of me gettin a new gun
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
first of all
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
I didnt diss your gun as yo said
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
second of al
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
I just find it funny how you are so dead set on a gun, then a week later you see a new toy
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
but when i get tht gun
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
whoooo hoo it will rip
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
your jealous
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
yes, I am, I am so jealous its un beleivable
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
you know you are
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
If that will make you happy, sure
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
seems like your spending an awful lot of money to impress people is all
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
who am i trying to impress? im buying it cause i can
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
then why are you telling me all of this?
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
i just thought id start a conversation, but i guess you dont kow what they are
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
This started a lot earlier and you know it
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
after the second 'gun possibility' you started to get very competetive
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
Im not competing with you for better guns, if we are, you win. There you go.
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
im not competing with you, if it was a competition i would of already one with my autococker lol but no im not competing, i just want to buy the best because i have the moeny to
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
And again, your wallet is faster then your brain it seams
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
you spend so much time worrying about what the best is you dont refine your skills so that YOU are the best
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
actualy your wrong again
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
i have not seen you at the feild yet i have gone eeither every wensday or every saturday since the scenario game, so i am improving my skills and my equipment at the same time
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
well congrats. And just because you havent seen me at SOF you are making a judgement about my activeness
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
I admit I havent been paintballing in a while, but its because my automag body hasnt arrived from the states yet
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
i am not, i am saying since you have not seen me anywere who are you to tell me that i am not refining my skills?
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
Because if you were frankly I wouldnt have to hear you whine when I offer advice
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
Heres somethin for ya; you have a wad load of cash, yes? Buy a phantom! Dont have to use it all the time, but when you do youll notice a difference
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
i dont take your advice because you are just as old as me, maybe you know alot about guns because all you do is sit and critizize others acomplishments and others hard earned money (yes i work) going towards a cause THEY FEEL will help them, and if i want to spend 2 grand on a gun, i will
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
You say that but again, your here arguing with me
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
stop with the phycoology **** you dick head
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
talk normaly
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
I guess one of the reasons I am 'critisizing' is because hell, when I do you get all pissed. Which is good I guess, a rival can help if you want to get better
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
see look at you, you are such a loser and i dont need your help, yuo know stuf about paintball, it doenst meen your good on the field. notice how you got raped in young gunz pets when you are MR. Know it all and i bet you can agree to that
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
the final line is i dont need your advice, help, or input i want a gun i get it you on the other hand try to dwell on others mishap which links to your low self esteem
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
well, ok
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
im done
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:

~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
I dont break a swear for this so why should you
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
i dont, i just find it amusing how you think your the best
~-Rэם ДгмЏ-~ says:
Haha, ok.
{A.Y.B.}...Queen' Paintball Products Brand new e-shop opening soon, here to give you a deal on the necesities of pball tak to me! says:
well i dont find it amusing so you go ahead and be smart well i sit and laugh.

08-05-2004, 01:22 PM
Queens paintball products] [Blue Thunder][Red[ says:
they dont shoot that fast..if your looking to go high end get an angel a4 fly

thats as far as i read....time to e-mail somone :mad: