View Full Version : trix vs viking vs cyborg

08-04-2004, 03:40 PM
so ive been checking these out and im just thinking about the major advantages and disadvantages to all of these. if you've had any experience with them and can tell me about anything that was great or awful about any of em lmk. ie. pretend viking eyes are notorious for exploding :rolleyes: or the trix is the greatest thing youve even shot just post it here. thanks.

The Action Figure
08-04-2004, 03:44 PM
viking is better than the others in my opinon, played against a dm4 and a few vikings and some may laugh, but I liked the viking so much better. nicer feel, as fast, and just plain cooler. Shot a cyborg at reactive and it was nice but get the viking. ;) oh paintmagnet has the nicest viking :) :(

08-04-2004, 04:40 PM
Well saying "get the viking... just get it" isn't really going to help him much. Personally, I'd say it's a tossup between the Matrix and Cyborg, though I haven't shot a Viking. All three (at least when the Matrix is upgraded) can get near a case on a 68/4500 and none of them will have any kick. The Cyborg is probably the lightest and smallest of the 3, also very minimal upkeep.

08-04-2004, 04:49 PM
trix- non-existant kick, very little noise, sounds good, but it just feeld like tis not even on when your shooting, feels almost "heartless" if you will, i want a marker with not "kick" but, feedback, i mean, some markers just seeing the bolt move makes me feel better than shooting a trix, hard to explain, personal preferance issue. also, tehre quite meaty/heavy, and not very attractive.
cyborg- only held one, never shot, seemed preety light, a lil tall if i have to make a complaint, but cant say much due to lack of experience
viking- noticiable kick, but not bad, FAST (well, what isnt), one of my favorite markers just to shoot

also please concider a timmy, personally, my favorite shootign marker, but i always had to gripe about the distance between the clamshell and torpedo, but with the new 2k4 style clammy's i think i have found the perfect marker, whenever i get some $$$ thats what im gonna be shooting.

08-04-2004, 05:02 PM
If your only complaint about the Cyborg is that it's tall, you may want to look again:


08-04-2004, 05:52 PM
well, ive owned 2 matrixes, one a toxic, and one a dm4. i think they are super sweet markers, and the spoolvalve is uber nice. but i am gettin a viking. They are just oh so sweet, and they dont have all the dye bs behind em. the dm4 i just got, then the dm5 is comming out in october... im tired of taking financial its on my guns, so i went with the vik. i suggest you do too..... and you want it to shot like a trix? throw on a mightymax volumiser and lower your lpr.... then you are set. also, the viking will get a case, or damn close on a 68 45

08-04-2004, 05:57 PM
whoever took the pics of the guns lined up, did something kind of stupid. I hope you noticed the RAIL on the bottom of some of the guns (including the cyborg), take that off and they are all about the same

08-04-2004, 06:28 PM
Magman007- You were so diehard DM4. Ever since you saw the DM5 was coming out now you want to get a Viking.

08-04-2004, 06:36 PM
who says i wont trade it for a dm5??

08-04-2004, 06:37 PM
hay fallnangel are all the guns in that pic yours, cuz that X-Mag looks exactly the same as my friends X (the same anno i mean)

08-04-2004, 06:57 PM
whoever took the pics of the guns lined up, did something kind of stupid. I hope you noticed the RAIL on the bottom of some of the guns (including the cyborg), take that off and they are all about the same

We didn't forget, we were just lazy. Hell, if you really want to get technically, I'm sure not all of the barrels were level either... but it was more of a shot so you could check out width, not height, of the markers. The second post is so you can try to check out height and length. Yes, this does mean you will more than likely have to whip out your crazy 1337 MS Paint skills to try to really match them up.

hay fallnangel are all the guns in that pic yours, cuz that X-Mag looks exactly the same as my friends X (the same anno i mean)

No. The Autococker and Cyborg are mine, the Dark Angel is my fiances, the Shockers is a friends and the rest (including the X-Mag) belong to Korrosion.

08-04-2004, 07:05 PM
I hate the inward angle of the Cyborg trigger, I found it uncomfortable. However, PBK is coming out with a new trigger (and lighter trigger switches), so that should no longer be a problem. The Cyborg has slightly less kick than my Russian Legion (with factory settings), it is very low maintenance, and VERY efficient. The build quality is excellent, as is the price. Out of your three picks, I would choose the Cyborg.

08-04-2004, 08:11 PM
Well, I shoot my friends featherlight all the time, and just bought a trix, so I can comment on those two guns. I haven't however gotten to shoot a cyborg, so I'll just leave that out. They both shoot darts, extremely consistent. The viking does have some kick to it, but not much, definately not as much as a timmy, just a bit more than a matrix. The viking is much louder too. With an ultralight barrel it is quieter, but it simply can't get as quiet. Now the matrix is not a small gun, although the viking isn't either unless you get the featherlight. Personally I really don't mind weight, and just loved the way a trix shoots, plus i can play with my friends featherlight whenever I want too.

Someone mentioned using the Mighty Max to lower the lpr and quiet it down and lessen the kick. That does help, but the viking will never get to matrix levels. My friends gun has that and the SCM, with the lpr set at 52 lbs. Viking isn't as soft on paint either, his halo screws up, and he will chop. Not much, but he will. Me and him emptied 2 hoppers in a row in a revy with my trix, raking the trigger at 19 bps, and not one chop.

I would say the viking takes less upgrades to make it really shoot well (WAS and eyes and your pretty much done, the rest is just personal preferance), although the matrix doesn't need too much either.

I really don't think you can go wrong with either one, they're both great guns.

08-04-2004, 08:14 PM
If your only complaint about the Cyborg is that it's tall, you may want to look again:


thats why i said if i HAVE to make a complaint

08-04-2004, 08:24 PM
would someone be able to tell me how much every one of these weighs? im pretty sure the cyborg is the lightest but i'd like to know how they all compare. thanks everyone :)

08-04-2004, 08:41 PM
thats why i said if i HAVE to make a complaint

My point is, it isn't any taller than a Matrix or Angel (at least not with the no-rise I have on there). At most, from the top of the feednecks to the bottom of the grips, the Cyborg is 1/2" taller than that X-Mag.

08-04-2004, 11:58 PM
well, i concider trixes preety tall(compared to like a shocker or mag), and like i said, i only had a few momentsw holding the gun, never even firing it, much less a extended period of time to get to know it

also, i dont measure from bottom of grip to top of body as much as from bottom of body to top of body, becasue your gonna compensate for extra grip height just by the way you hold it.

08-05-2004, 01:02 AM
Viking..hands down.

08-05-2004, 07:28 AM
I'd have to say Vikings.There built like tanks .IMO they rank second in PB Owners groups,Palmers would be first.

08-05-2004, 02:10 PM
i have never shot a viking or a cyborg, but imho the trix is about as great as you can get.

08-05-2004, 02:33 PM
All the guns you are interested in are great, but I went with a matrix. The matrix guns have some great aftermarket stuff available, (boards, eyes, bolts) and you can get them to shoot faster than any gus out there. You can stick your finger in the breech and feel how soft the bolt is on paint.. Plus the Evolve bolt gets "viking" efficiency.
The lack of kick does make the gun feel "dead" though, BUT It is a silky smooth dead gun :D
THe dm4 is really nice too, that's what i'd get if I had the money.

08-05-2004, 03:03 PM
does anyone have experience with all three? i'd like to shoot all three myself, but no one at my paintball "place" has a matrix. umm how does the matrix trigger operate? it almost looks like its a microswitch, would someone be able to confirm/correct me? thanks.

08-05-2004, 03:12 PM
does anyone have experience with all three? i'd like to shoot all three myself, but no one at my paintball "place" has a matrix. umm how does the matrix trigger operate? it almost looks like its a microswitch, would someone be able to confirm/correct me? thanks.

Yes, it has a microswitch on the board.

08-05-2004, 03:22 PM
maybe i dont know much about this.. im saying is the trigger similar to the hyperframe?

08-05-2004, 04:01 PM
If you get a Viking then you have to do almost zero upgrading because it comes with the best parts.

08-05-2004, 04:07 PM
My vote is obviously going to be for the Cyborg :)

The Cyborgs have a super low profile, are lighter than the other 2 guns mentioned, more efficient than a Viking, have very low recoil, and are super easy to maintain. Don't get me started on speed, they rip just as hard as a trix or viking. In this age of advanced electro's, between the 3 listed, I wouldn't say any of them are "faster" than the others. The Cyborg by design is setup to be bounce free, where as Trixes run off of bounce, and same goes for WAS Vikes....

Go and shoot all 3, then make a choice! That's the best advice that I can give.

www.cyborgowner.com for any info u might need about the Cyborg.

08-05-2004, 05:31 PM
I had this same choice a few months ago, well 5 now, as you do. All of those guns are great but at the end of the day I wanted something rare and customized, I went with a featherlight viking. Even if i see another '04 smooth milled feather at my local field it wont be the same color. Also keep in mind that vikings are no longer made, so i think there resale is only going to get better with time, as opposed to the 'gun of the month'.

08-05-2004, 05:32 PM
maybe i dont know much about this.. im saying is the trigger similar to the hyperframe?

no, the switch is not like a hyperframe. it's more like an Angel.

08-05-2004, 06:24 PM
...more efficient than a Viking...run off of bounce, and same goes for WAS Vikes...
Are you sure about that? My Viking gets a full case off of a 70/45, I find it hard to believe it can get better, not saying you're wrong, just hard to believe. Also, my Viking can rip like crazy with no bounce. I have the WAS switch and when I turn up my db filter for no bounce it is still very easy to shoot very fast. Plus, like someone said earlier you can get rid of a lot of kick with the Mitey Max. They are very consistant stock, the lpr is great(if it's 04 it comes with scm) and the HPR is awesome too, it's the Sidewinder. Anyway, I love my Viking and would only trade it for another Viking or an Excalibur. The maintenence is almost zero, put a few drops of oil in the asa and on the bolt and cycle the marker, that's it. I'd say since you can't shoot all three to study up on all three as much as you can. All three guns are great, but my personal preference is the Viking(although I've never shot a Cyborg, so that is between the Trix and Viking), it's fast, consistant, efficient, and tough.

08-05-2004, 06:43 PM
hey gt, lets see some pics of your vike! featherlights rule man... check this


08-05-2004, 09:10 PM
hey gt, lets see some pics of your vike! featherlights rule man... check this


I posted, but not pics :nono:

08-05-2004, 10:09 PM
Are you sure about that? My Viking gets a full case off of a 70/45, I find it hard to believe it can get better, not saying you're wrong, just hard to believe. Also, my Viking can rip like crazy with no bounce. I have the WAS switch and when I turn up my db filter for no bounce it is still very easy to shoot very fast. Plus, like someone said earlier you can get rid of a lot of kick with the Mitey Max. They are very consistant stock, the lpr is great(if it's 04 it comes with scm) and the HPR is awesome too, it's the Sidewinder. Anyway, I love my Viking and would only trade it for another Viking or an Excalibur. The maintenence is almost zero, put a few drops of oil in the asa and on the bolt and cycle the marker, that's it. I'd say since you can't shoot all three to study up on all three as much as you can. All three guns are great, but my personal preference is the Viking(although I've never shot a Cyborg, so that is between the Trix and Viking), it's fast, consistant, efficient, and tough.

'Borgs can rock a case + on a 68/45 with a 45 cool fill.

08-05-2004, 11:00 PM
How is the kick on the cyborg? Anywhere near the almost kickless Matrix? I'm considering a 'borg for my next marker, I think their price is a huge plus too.

08-05-2004, 11:14 PM
How is the kick on the cyborg? Anywhere near the almost kickless Matrix? I'm considering a 'borg for my next marker, I think their price is a huge plus too.

Yep. The action is a bit different, you can tell it's not a spool valve, but there's really no kick to it at all. Very nice. If I had to go with something other than my Cyborg, I'd take either a Matrix or a Freestyle

08-05-2004, 11:22 PM
^^^ what he said :)

08-06-2004, 02:04 AM
If I was to go custom ,I'd still go with the viking.I must say I saw a trix with breakbeam eyes
and it looked so sweet.

08-06-2004, 08:54 AM
Well I do not think you could go wrong with any of your choices. I currently have all three and I am leaning towards my matrix for only one reason(price) You can get a used trix for around 650 and that is cheap. A decent Vike will run you 850- 1150 and a Cyborg will run you around 1000 and does not need any ups. I like shooting my cyborg the most though. A full case of a 68 4500 at 275 FPS around 1700 balls if I crank it up to 300 but I love the sleek design. I personally will keep all three but shoot the trix in tourneys since we are going with dye markers since I am a dealer and they really are a very nice marker. I would not believe in the hype too much about vikings going up in value. I think they have reached their peak. You can only maintain interest if the company keeps producing a superior product to peak peoples interests. No more vikes will be made as of now so there is some last minute gotta haves that will die down. As for cyborgs I would guess they will come down a little once their buzz where off. They are somewhat rare marker so that drives the price.

08-06-2004, 03:22 PM
You can get a used trix for around 650 and that is cheap. A decent Vike will run you 850- 1150
I think my Viking is pretty "decent". 2003 full milled red with WAS, WAS switch, WAS eyes, MM, no rider clamping feedneck, JMJ eye covers, and DYE stickies for $750. The only other upgrades I can get are an SCM, 2 Liter, and aftermarket trigger. For $1150 you can get a super tricked Viking.

edit: Just fyi, the full case I get off my 70/45 is at 300fps.

08-07-2004, 01:16 AM
what would you say is the biggest mechanical/electrical drawback for each of these products? (that means "the price is unfair!!!" doesnt count). thanks.

08-07-2004, 10:28 AM
well, I don't own any of the three but have a lot of experience with each. So I'm not biased. I would have to say imo that the viking would be the best choice. The trixes need more maintenence than the viks. The cyborgs that I've shot I liked but the two my friends have are constantly breaking. Maybbe they're just unlucky but I don't like them.

1. viking
2. trix
3. cyborg

08-07-2004, 11:21 AM
I don't like cyborgs just because of the feel of them. They shoot nice, fast, accuracte, consistent, but I just don't like how they feel in my hands. It seemed way heavier then it was just because of the bad balance of it.

Never shot a viking.

I love matrices, no kick at all, no movement in the gun at all. Feels like you aren't even shooting. Some people don't like this, but I sure do. I'd definitely get a matrix.

08-07-2004, 03:31 PM
what would you say is the biggest mechanical/electrical drawback for each of these products? (that means "the price is unfair!!!" doesnt count). thanks.

I'll just give the one and only drawback of the Viking, since I own one, the weight. It only weighs 3 pounds so if you really have a problem with it's weight than you need to address some other issues, it's not really an issue, just the only thing I could think of that can be improved. I won't give any on a trix or a cyborg since I don't own one. I'll let those who own one list drawbacks since they have more experience with the markers. I played today and had not one chop or brake, got a full case off my 70/45 with a little to spare, and didn't have a single problem with it. Oh, and that was playing while it rained on and off all day. I love my Viking. :D

08-08-2004, 01:08 AM
anyone? anyone?

08-12-2004, 04:14 PM
ok, ive got one more question. what would you compare the matrix trigger to? ie. its the same feeling as _____. thanks.

08-12-2004, 04:50 PM
It's like..warm apple pie....

you should try one, tell what guns have you tried and Ill tell you wich one it most like

08-12-2004, 11:26 PM
i cant try a matrix because no one in my area owns one :S. where i live its all about the angels/shockers/eblades. ive tried a spyder/clones, classic mag, RT mag, emag,
viking <--- :D, cyborg, mech cocker, ebladed cocker, TES, O3, hypermag. hmmm thats all i can remember....

08-13-2004, 12:46 AM
i cant try a matrix because no one in my area owns one :S. where i live its all about the angels/shockers/eblades. ive tried a spyder/clones, classic mag, RT mag, emag,
viking <--- :D, cyborg, mech cocker, ebladed cocker, TES, O3, hypermag. hmmm thats all i can remember....

more reason to get one! you'll be origional and have the sweetest gun around!

08-13-2004, 01:24 AM
well i dont want to just go buy a $600 gun and get it onto the field and it turns out i hate shooting it, so if someone could tell me what the trigger is similar to that would be great.

08-13-2004, 01:28 AM
The trigger itself is almost exactly like an Angel trigger... the feel of the gun when you fire it is very unique though. Very smooth, no kick... really hard to describe past that. Nice guns though.