View Full Version : now that sucks

trains are bad
08-04-2004, 06:41 PM
My flatline is out of commission, I have replaced the reg seat twice and it still is creeping and leaking out the front. I guess I'll have to send it to AGD but I will miss the tourney this weekend.

So I was just at a paintball store and they had a nitro duck tank there that the guy said went up to 1200psi. I bought it. But I just got home and the damn thing goes up to maybe 850 psi and the trigger is completely dead.

I just want to kill someone.

08-04-2004, 07:28 PM
lmao just b/c it has a 1200 guage doesnt mean ti goes that hi some people are soo dumb..mainly that shopowner for telling u so he should tkae it back no rpoblem 850..i have a wgp worrgas that does the same preset

08-05-2004, 02:18 AM
how is 850 not enough?