View Full Version : My Tac-One' first outing

Ken Majors
08-04-2004, 08:42 PM
I have had the Tac for a few months now. This past weekend I played in a scenerio game at Realms of Ruin in Illinois. I gotta tell ya it performed flawlessly. I was a bit apprehensive since this is my first mag. I appreciate all the help from the guys here on the forum answering all my questions. I still don't get any trigger bounce even with a ND Xstream turned all the way up but that is not a big deal.
The thing that struck me the most is the pointability and accuracy. This thing puts a paintball where you are thinking you want a paintball. It is more accurate than any paintball gun I have ever shot. I did put a 12" Lapco bigshot barrel on there but even the stock barrel was great. I had no problems with the marker whatsoever. No breaks, chops, stoppages of any kind.
I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who endured my newb questions and tell everyone that you guys know your stuff. Thanks.
The Tac-One is an excellent marker for first time mag owners....it is simple to maintain, clean and it really doesn't need much. Best purchase I ever made.

Ken Majors

08-04-2004, 09:18 PM
I'm glad you like it and I'm glad AGD FINALLY made an accurate gun :wow:

08-04-2004, 09:20 PM
Ya man, every other mag was unaccurate and choppsed a lot! :rofl:

Glad you enjoy your mag, they're fun guns, I like mine, but it bounces too much... with a preset :D

08-04-2004, 09:21 PM
ken, we here at AO are all pleased that you enjoyed your gun, however...

As much as I love AGD, i can't stand the whole "accurate gun" myth, even when it is slanted for my favorite company. No one gun is more accurate than the other, it all lies in consistancy, paint-to barrel match, and the quality of the barrel. After that, nothing in the world can help accuracy.

Once again, very happy to have you here, enjoy your gun, and I am looking forward to seeing you in the future!


:::edit::: Blazestorm... it's "inaccurate", not "un"... muhuhahahah :rofl:

08-04-2004, 09:26 PM
Glad you like it Ken and bravo for doing some research before you bought.


The Action Figure
08-04-2004, 09:30 PM
well there the official word from tom

Ken Majors
08-04-2004, 09:47 PM
ken, we here at AO are all pleased that you enjoyed your gun, however...

As much as I love AGD, i can't stand the whole "accurate gun" myth, even when it is slanted for my favorite company. No one gun is more accurate than the other, it all lies in consistancy, paint-to barrel match, and the quality of the barrel. After that, nothing in the world can help accuracy.

Once again, very happy to have you here, enjoy your gun, and I am looking forward to seeing you in the future!


:::edit::: Blazestorm... it's "inaccurate", not "un"... muhuhahahah :rofl:

Well if that is the case I am off to buy lottery tickets....cause this marker was very accurate. Maybe it was the Draxxus Blaze paint, most of which was dimpled to look like little 2 tone blue stop signs. Or perhaps it was the 75% humidity and the 83 degree temps that made the paint swell to match the bore.....either way....I am either lucky, or I got the ONE accurate gun that AGD made that is accurate. Since I have never owned a mag, and have only owned Tippmanns, it may very well be a perception issue.
Thanks for the reply and I appreciate the experience you bring to the forum.

08-04-2004, 10:00 PM
Just wanted to give you a heads up, most of the adjustable screw in Xstreams will only go up to either 800 input, or just a little less.

I called them and complained when I got my mag setup and bought a new tank from them, and they said that it recharged so fast, they didnt need the 900 input that they originally advertised ( and guaranteed of course )

I had a guy supposedly looking for the original heavier spring to get me up to 900 input for about 3 months and he just always said he was still looking, until the point he just didnt return emails anymore.

I found you need to get up around 850 - 900 input with a ULT setup to get any really noticeable reactivity.


Ken Majors
08-04-2004, 10:33 PM
The gauge is reading a little over 900 but that doesn't necessarily mean that is what it is putting out. I did a little experiment with a different high pressure source. I am firefighter so they are readily available. I charged the valve to about 1200-1500psi and got MAJOR reactivity....well until I blew a macroline and darn near shat myself..
But I did notice that unless I was over 1000psi input....there was no reactivity at all. NONE, Nada, nip, nil....just did not happen until it went over 1000psi. I am sure there is something I can do to achieve a moderate amount of bounce...but since macroline is only rated to 1000 and my bottle can't go over 900 (or 800 if what you say is true)...then I am not gonna sweat it.
To avoid blowing another macroline I just went direct to the valve with a remote nipple...for those of you who were curious... :eek:

08-04-2004, 10:34 PM
it is simple to maintain, clean and it really doesn't need much. Best purchase I ever made.

Sounds like every mag I've owned too. Funny how that is... :rofl: :headbang:

Mike Smith
08-05-2004, 07:26 AM
As much as I love AGD, i can't stand the whole "accurate gun" myth, even when it is slanted for my favorite company. No one gun is more accurate than the other, it all lies in consistancy, paint-to barrel match, and the quality of the barrel. After that, nothing in the world can help accuracy.

Gabriel, I disagree.

The "sight-line" on a tippman is just not as good as the sight-line on a Mag. IOW, when you line up your shot, the Mag is easier to get "on target", thus is more accurate than a tippman. I can whip a Mag up into firing position, get a great "look" at the target and the barrel, and be able to quickly line it all up. It is easier to aim. That makes the gun more accurate.

Eric Cartman
08-05-2004, 08:08 AM
...I am sure there is something I can do to achieve a moderate amount of bounce...but since macroline is only rated to 1000 and my bottle can't go over 900 (or 800 if what you say is true)...then I am not gonna sweat it...

Ken, do you have a ULT? If so, you might try adding one shim to it. That 'll pick up your reactivity a bit and if it causes any problems, then it's no problem to take it back out.
If you're just using the standard on/off, then that's pretty surprising that you're not getting any bounce until you're over 1000.

Good luck with it.

08-05-2004, 09:36 AM
I feel that the mag is a tad more accurate simply due to the fact there is only 1 moving part. Unlike many electros that have a bolt on top of hammer or the cocker with the back block moving the mag seems to shoot smoother with less "kick" Think about a revolver vs semi with a moving recevier. The revolver will feel more "acurate" because less parts are moving around. Also think about it like Dumbo's feathers, if the gun user really believes there mag is more accurate, even if its not, they will eventually become more comfortable with the gun and this leads to them actually being more accurate. Thats just my 2 cents

Ken Majors
08-05-2004, 10:15 AM
Ken, do you have a ULT? If so, you might try adding one shim to it. That 'll pick up your reactivity a bit and if it causes any problems, then it's no problem to take it back out.
If you're just using the standard on/off, then that's pretty surprising that you're not getting any bounce until you're over 1000.

Good luck with it.

No ULT here, just the standard on/off that came with the X-valve. I have everything like it was when it came from AGD. No changes thus far. No bounce until over 1000psi input. Everything I have read tells me that it should start bouncing once the pressure gets over 850-900, which is why I bought the Xstream. I was under the impression that 900psi would be sufficient. Apparently I was mistaken. Is there any chance that once this thing gets "broken in" that it will magically become more reactive? Or am I dreaming?

08-05-2004, 11:15 AM
Give it time to loosen up...you'll get the bounce you crave for soon enough!

08-05-2004, 11:23 AM
AGD has stated that the newer RT and Xvalves are not as reactive as the older valves. I have an older emag valve and at 800 PSI it's reactive that I can bounce the trigger. Don't think it's anything like Zman's 3000psi input, but it's still bouncing.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
08-05-2004, 12:05 PM
haha umm i dont know about every gun being as accurate with paint bore match,
i had a good match with some kind of paint and my stock tippmann m98c and that thing had horrible accuracy compared to my stock Rt Pro with no paint bore match :D

Eric Cartman
08-05-2004, 12:24 PM
Is there any chance that once this thing gets "broken in" that it will magically become more reactive? Or am I dreaming?

I believe that they do become a bit more reactive once broken in. That certainly seems to be the case with my x valve and my brother's. Put a few cases through 'er and see :D

08-05-2004, 12:35 PM
let's not get into a whole debate in this thread, which began as him telling us how much he enjoyed his new mag. If you guys want to start another thread about accuracy, I'll be glad to pop in there every once in a while. Other than that, this is Ken's time to shine. Consider this hijack complete.

Ken, once again great decision, and I hope your mag gives you many years of good service and lots of fun. I know it will!
