View Full Version : Emag Questions

08-04-2004, 10:26 PM
I had some problems with my Emag when i took it out for its first day of play. However, a quick trip to agd later and my emag is shooting great. I have only two questions. #1: I notice that when I start firing strings of paint at high rates of fire on Emode that every once and a while it will stop shooting and you can hear a loud puff from the xvalve. A split second later you can start shooting again but these abrupt pauses in my rof are annoying. What 's wrong with this and can it be fixed? #2: Where exactly do I need to lube the on/off pin on my xvalve? Do I only lube the pin or do i drop a couple drops into the on/off assembly thing?. Thanks in advance


08-04-2004, 10:37 PM
The puff from the X-Valve is probably just the level 10 kicking in if a ball is not fully seated in the breach. What type of loader are you using? When I lube my on/off, I smother the pin in oil and put a little bit on the on/off o-rings.

08-04-2004, 10:39 PM
That puff is what is reffered to as "chuffing." If you're firing long strings of paint, the chuff you hear is possibley the Level 10 bolt kicking in. The level 10 makes a chuff sound when it bounces off a misfed ball instead of chopping it. If you don't have level 10, then we'll need more info to figure it out.

An easy way to oil up your entire mag is to put some drops of oil into the ASA and shoot it about 20 times without a barrel. Take the barrel off so you don't get oil it in. Doing this circulates oil through the entire valve.


08-04-2004, 11:04 PM
Thanks a lot guys. Btw i use an Egg and now that i know about this chuffing with the lvl 10 ill replace my egg batteries (i think i was using pretty old ones) to try and speed up my loading so the lvl 10 doesnt have to shootback or whatever you said. I know about putting 4 drops of autolube into the asa and then dryfiring with a cloth over the end of the body but is that sufficient enough for lubing the entire gun? Thanks.

08-04-2004, 11:07 PM
Personally, I don't feel a few drops of oil in the ASA is enough for the on/off, but it's fine for the rest of the gun. I just lube the on/off separately. Make sure when you dryfire your gun to move the oil through that the barrel is not on.

08-05-2004, 12:00 AM
oh also sometimes the lvl 10 will chuff under high rates of fire that is just the orings wearing in so dont mind it too much it should go away after a couple thousand shots!

08-05-2004, 12:19 AM
good old LX ,got luv it