View Full Version : Wats the best hopper/loader

08-04-2004, 11:00 PM
im gettin a late 03 bko and loads of ups like, zentrim magnetic trigger, chaos chip, blind bolt and other preformence parts.I can shoot 16bps, i have a warp with a revy. should i sell my warp and buy a halo or a q-loader or a egg2 or keep warp. LMK quik, thanx.

08-04-2004, 11:02 PM
I just ordered an Empire Reloader B (mainly because I got an amazing deal on it), but I was reading reviews on it and they seem like they're really nice loaders, and don't have problems with dark paints like Halo B's.

08-04-2004, 11:10 PM
I love my halo b, best loader I have used.

08-04-2004, 11:55 PM
whatever you do, dont get an egg, dont do NEAR the advertised BPS (well, the 4 ive tried), i strictly shoot a halo, and have had no problems with mine, and get a ricochet apache over an egg if you dont want the halo

08-05-2004, 02:16 AM
halo all the way, reloaders are junk, ricochets look gay as hell, eggies break, q loaders are pointless and warps are huge, the only 2 hoppers i have ever liked were the 12 volt and the halo

08-05-2004, 02:32 AM
do not get an egg, im on my 4th shell. the plastic does not hold up for anything

08-05-2004, 10:49 AM
thanx i guess im goin with the halo B

08-05-2004, 10:55 AM
do you like your warp? Does it feed fast enough?

the warp setup is VERY different and not really coprable to the other hopper choices.

Don't get a HALO just because thats what all the other nuckleheads on this board tell you. get what you like. If an eVLution feeds fast enough for you, you might want to consider it because its lighter. However, a HALO feeds quite a bit faster. Hoppers are like markers, there are tons of options. Some are better at one, others at another. Not one has every advantage. You need to find the right one for you.

Personally, I use a Warp and Revvie. it works great. However, i've got buddies who use Eggies and Halos. They both like them. Is one better? No, not really. Are they different? You bet.

Don't ditch the warp and revvie though if you like it and it works fine. Thats just stupid.

08-05-2004, 10:55 AM
welll tell you the truth i like the empire reloader because since i play front ...its light...compact...and itll load everytime i fire...because of the sound activation...