View Full Version : seriously...(about music)

08-05-2004, 08:07 AM
now, i listen to a broad selection..i listen to what feels good...(usually what im in the mood for (from rap, to nerdcore, from r&b to emo, punk to metal..and all inbetwen)

now throughout my time being a member and browsing here, i have seen alot of threads about hating music

i see thread about, hating emo (i listen to taking back sunday sometimes and other times, some other emo bands), about hating rap, zabout hating popular music...well you know what some people ike it...and hate is such a harsh word for an artist putting all he has out into his music..

now i notice them saying that "o they are all over the radio, i cant get away from em" simple, its a recent invention called "the compact disc"...and if your car doesnt have a cd player, and youd like to listen to em in the car...buy a couple of tapes..

seriously, you dont have to like all the music out there..

its really no point to talk about hating em, cause first off your misusing hate...which i see way too much lately...and your dissing that artist(s), and their fan base, by saying things like that

thats all i have to say

08-05-2004, 11:07 AM
i completely agree. im tired of it as well. people dont respect music. i dont care if i dont like it, unless its millie vinellie whom didnt write or make their own music, i will respect it. i dont listen to bethoven daily, but i have respect. Snoop Dog doesnt appeal to me, but i still respect his talent. ETC. QUIT HATING, put down that bottle of hatorade, and get over ur selves

08-05-2004, 11:23 AM
Yeah I totally agree, and TAKING BACK SUNDAY ROCks

08-05-2004, 11:35 AM
http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/allplaylist.htm

check out my playlist, I got everything. cept emo.

08-05-2004, 11:36 AM
Yeah I totally agree, and TAKING BACK SUNDAY ROCksCROWD SURFED for the first time at their show at Warped Tour yesterday!! w00t :dance:

08-05-2004, 11:47 AM
Yeah guys dont hate just because I like to listen to the backstreet boys :tard: :wow:

08-05-2004, 12:49 PM
i totally agree. people gotta quit hatin on slipknot and other metal bands. just cause you cant understand everything they say dont mean ya gotta hate it :rolleyes:

08-05-2004, 12:57 PM
Hey man, here's the thing. Everyone has their freedom to feel or say what they think about any music/ANYTHING out there. Its called having opinions. Now, I myself, do dislike emo(among a few other genres i happen not like), but i have respect for some of the bands out there. Many of them just sound the EXACT some, etc...but thats beside the point.

But that is the freedom involved with having opinions, I have mine on a subject, and you have yours, and so does everyone else in the world. Its all gravy man.


08-05-2004, 12:58 PM
if you want a smaple of my playlist

westside connection - gangsat nation
taking back sunday - timberwolves at newjersey
dope - now or never
mc chris - ther tussin
slayer - disciple
korn - wicked
primus - welcome to this world

i also played a bunch of elton yesterday

i listen to all things that my ear drums appeal to...that my brain responds to

08-05-2004, 05:19 PM
I agree with Who.

I feel that being very oppinionated about music is a good thing. Those with good taste must inform the less fortunate how crappy their music is. :ninja:

08-05-2004, 05:25 PM
CROWD SURFED for the first time at their show at Warped Tour yesterday!! w00t :dance:
and i crowd surfed at their show monday. TBS rocked my f'ing socks off. then i got them to sign my "Where you want to be" cd insert!!!!! :headbang:

TAKING BACK SUNDAY ROCks im glad you got something out of the rant.

hooray for emo. and i never listen to the radio. i hate not being in control of what i listen to. if you're into a lottery kinda thing when it comes to what you listen to radio, rockon. for me its my ipod and my cd collection all the way.

P.S. F the police.

08-05-2004, 07:32 PM
How was warped tour? It is in pittsburgh today, but I am sick so I can't go.

08-05-2004, 10:37 PM
How was warped tour? It is in pittsburgh today, but I am sick so I can't go.

Man, i know someone is gonna get mad at me for this, but this year's warped tour was TERRIBLE. I was thinking about going because it was at the Gorge(great venue in WA), and there was like 2 or 3 good bands, like NOFX, Bad Religion(older stuff though) and Casualties(but ive seen them twice). But then I thought to myself..."If i buy a ticket, that means part of my money is going to bands like Yellowcard, Good Charlotte, Taking Back Sunday(I could go on for hours...) So i decided to throw my money towards an Ozzfest ticket, because this is the first year that has ever appealed to me.,Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Slayer, Dimmu Borgir, Superjoint Ritual, all on the same bill...Yeah, I couldnt believe it either, but it was most certainly a good show.


08-06-2004, 01:01 AM
I agree with Who.

I feel that being very oppinionated about music is a good thing. Those with good taste must inform the less fortunate how crappy their music is. :ninja:
Thumbs up to that.

08-06-2004, 02:14 AM
Thumbs up to that.

I see from your sig, you like Converge. Awesome. Once we finish recording my band's record, I should send some to you, because you would probably like it.


08-06-2004, 04:17 PM
Man, i know someone is gonna get mad at me for this, but this year's warped tour was TERRIBLE. I was thinking about going because it was at the Gorge(great venue in WA), and there was like 2 or 3 good bands, like NOFX, Bad Religion(older stuff though) and Casualties(but ive seen them twice). But then I thought to myself..."If i buy a ticket, that means part of my money is going to bands like Yellowcard, Good Charlotte, Taking Back Sunday(I could go on for hours...) So i decided to throw my money towards an Ozzfest ticket, because this is the first year that has ever appealed to me.,Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Slayer, Dimmu Borgir, Superjoint Ritual, all on the same bill...Yeah, I couldnt believe it either, but it was most certainly a good show.


I wish I could afford to go to Ozzfest this year...

Not only the bands you listed, but most of stage 2 is gonna rock serious socks.

Also, you should shoot some of your band's music over my way when you get it recorded. I'd love to hear it.

08-06-2004, 05:34 PM
I wish I could afford to go to Ozzfest this year...

Not only the bands you listed, but most of stage 2 is gonna rock serious socks.

Also, you should shoot some of your band's music over my way when you get it recorded. I'd love to hear it.

I only payed $20! The venue(white river ampitheater) was having a 1 year anniversery so ALL lawn tickets for the shows one sale right now, were $20 for one day. So on that day, I went and got me one. But, right before the main stage bands started, most of the security had left for some reason...so me and a friend just walked down to the seats and kicked it there the ENTIRE show, nobody even checked us, it was rad. We tryed getting to the floor, but failed:(. Yeah, alot of the bands of the 2nd stage were rad, but some of them at the show in washington(some local bands) sucked.

Once we get in the studio(in august some time...) Ill send some your way, Ill be sure to remember. I could send some of our old stuff, but its different from now, and we have fired our old singer because he sucks, and we got another guitarist, who also sings. If you happen to want some...just shoot me up on AIM-fanboy037


08-06-2004, 09:57 PM
I see from your sig, you like Converge. Awesome. Once we finish recording my band's record, I should send some to you, because you would probably like it.

Excellent, let me know when you guys get done recording.

08-08-2004, 03:14 AM
Excellent, let me know when you guys get done recording.
Will do man, if you want to hear our old stuff, you can get me on AIM-fanboy037.


08-08-2004, 07:56 PM
Hey man, here's the thing. Everyone has their freedom to feel or say what they think about any music/ANYTHING out there. Its called having opinions. Now, I myself, do dislike emo(among a few other genres i happen not like), but i have respect for some of the bands out there. Many of them just sound the EXACT some, etc...but thats beside the point.

But that is the freedom involved with having opinions, I have mine on a subject, and you have yours, and so does everyone else in the world. Its all gravy man.


I know it's already been said before but I totally agree with ya man. If nobody had an opinion on anything this world would be pretty boring.

Man, you definately gotta send some of your guy's stuff my way once you get it done. I still have that practice tape you sent me a couple years ago laying around here somewhere. You guys planning any shows in the near future. I know I'd definately go.

08-08-2004, 11:56 PM
I know it's already been said before but I totally agree with ya man. If nobody had an opinion on anything this world would be pretty boring.

Man, you definately gotta send some of your guy's stuff my way once you get it done. I still have that practice tape you sent me a couple years ago laying around here somewhere. You guys planning any shows in the near future. I know I'd definately go.

WOW! I totally forgot that i gave that to you, that is SOOOO old. I can send some of my more recent stuff with my other band, just get me on AIM - fanboy037

Im still amazed that you have that, i seriously dont even remember what was on that tape! Do you happen to remember whats on it?
