View Full Version : Another Vid Post

08-06-2004, 12:36 PM
plz post ur pb vids here , good ones only .lol , also how do u get the vids on the net? who hosts them? i got lots of vids but can get them online

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08-06-2004, 01:31 PM
try pbvids.com

08-06-2004, 01:45 PM
no work, were else do i post? amd com,e on ppl post ur vids

08-06-2004, 01:52 PM
try doing a search for vids, i know ive seen posts with 20+ links

08-06-2004, 02:18 PM
Here is my page of the videos I have made. More will be released at time goes by.


08-06-2004, 02:21 PM
kewl howe do u put them online? wut hosting site u use?

08-06-2004, 02:32 PM
kewl howe do u put them online? wut hosting site u use?

To put a movie online you must find a server that you can place it on. Just like you can upload pictures on AO or places like Jaloo.com (http://www.jayloo.com/) you are sending the image over to another computer that simply allows other to access it. The same it true for movies. you have to upload it to a server.

I happen to own my own domain name (www.zakvetter.com) and I have a company host my site (which includes all the pictures, and movies you see on it). called koimedia. There are many companies that can host your site for you or simply provide online storage space to host your videos.

08-06-2004, 04:14 PM

^^^ An abundance of Cyborg videos made by me and other members of COG.

08-06-2004, 05:21 PM
http://www.doink.vze.com has a FREE public server that anyone can use. Has unlimited space on it as well. If you are confused at all about loading anything onto the server, register for the forum and ask one of the helpful representatives.

08-07-2004, 10:10 AM
http://www.doink.vze.com has a FREE public server that anyone can use. Has unlimited space on it as well. If you are confused at all about loading anything onto the server, register for the forum and ask one of the helpful representatives.

aight thatnks

08-07-2004, 10:14 AM
here are some of my vids .

tireball (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/tireball Linkin park.wmv)

air ball 2 (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/air ball 2.wmv)

pb vid (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/paintball vid sweet.wmv)

air ball (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/air ball vid.wmv)

3 man tourney (http://ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/3 man tourney.wmv)

sup air (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/sup air ball.wmv)

08-07-2004, 11:01 AM
Im waiting for it to buffer now and its REALLY slow.

I was just looking at ur sig and wandering, got any pics of your drop?????? I made one myself and it worked pretty good on my little c02 tanks but now im gonna hafta make a diff one for a nitro tank for my bko

I am not patient enuf to wait for that stuff, can anybody else host it on a faster server or something cause im running cable and usually dont have to wait for a download but that stuff is going to take hours to download a 2 minute movie.

But hey the small part that i saw was really good quality!!!!!!!

08-07-2004, 12:41 PM
here are some of my vids .

tireball (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/tireball Linkin park.wmv)

air ball 2 (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/air ball 2.wmv)

pb vid (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/paintball vid sweet.wmv)

air ball (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/air ball vid.wmv)

3 man tourney (http://ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/3 man tourney.wmv)

sup air (ftp://[email protected]/Public_Server/JMonter/sup air ball.wmv)

These all work cept the 3 man tourney.wmv. Error message says "link could not b found the name may have changed" or something to that fact. The server these are on is serving them very slow (2.9 kB/sec).

Ill look at the vids and if they're cool Ill host them. Then u should see about 80 to 180 kB/sec.

08-07-2004, 12:44 PM
Oh yeah, I have mirrored some of Z-man's awsome vids and there are some others on my site here: http://www.jayloo.com/videos/index.html. Currently 25 total.

08-09-2004, 09:04 AM
I could only dowwnload 4 of them. One was corrupt and one was not there. If you have the other 2 vids contact me via email.

Paintball Sweet Vid (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid.html?pVID=30)
Sup Air Ball (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid.html?pVID=29)
Air Ball Vid (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid.html?pVID=28)
Tireball Linkin Ppark (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid.html?pVID=27)