View Full Version : OMG some buy this for me please!

08-06-2004, 03:34 PM

The Action Figure
08-06-2004, 03:36 PM
sooooooooooo old like 4 years or older

08-06-2004, 03:48 PM
yes ive seen this b4 and i think its HIDEOUS

08-06-2004, 04:01 PM
Just to let you know...those are total crap. The barrel has a lot of trouble with it, breaks balls almost everytime you shoot. Go to WGPpress.com and search it up. No one there has anything good to say about them.

Chicago Pb 7
08-06-2004, 04:02 PM
I just threw up.

08-06-2004, 04:03 PM
Thats just ugly.

08-06-2004, 04:04 PM
sooooooooooo old like 4 years or older

Actually '03 was the first year WGP decided to factory adapt the Flatline.

08-06-2004, 04:08 PM
Actually '03 was the first year WGP decided to factory adapt the Flatline.
are you sure?

I could have sworn I've seen ads for flatline'd cockers for atleast 3 years, now... I saw them back when I had my tippmann- I want to say 00, or 01...

08-06-2004, 04:10 PM
There's a company that's been doing the conversions for quite some time.. but in '03 WGP decided they should start doing this themselves.

I'll see if I can find a link to the place that does the conversion.

08-06-2004, 04:17 PM
There's a company that's been doing the conversions for quite some time.. but in '03 WGP decided they should start doing this themselves.

I'll see if I can find a link to the place that does the conversion.
makes sense... I had always assumed it was WGP that did it to begin with :shrug:

08-06-2004, 04:19 PM
come on guys... all the cool kids are shooting them

08-06-2004, 04:51 PM
there horrible, the curved part gets knocked out of place all the time. plus there fugly. :shooting:

08-06-2004, 07:05 PM
Haha, I was really looking at the price, 320$ seems really cheap;but, I would never buy one ;)

08-06-2004, 10:29 PM
http://pbreview.com/products/reviews/?prod=1668&page=3 Get it right Frag...They were made in 02, read the last pages dates....

08-06-2004, 10:33 PM
Those may not be direct from the factory like frags talking about they may have the conversion peice talked about earlier

08-06-2004, 10:34 PM
http://pbreview.com/products/reviews/?prod=1668&page=3 Get it right Frag...They were made in 02, read the last pages dates....

Oh so sorry my liege, I might be one year off :wow:

Blow me.

08-06-2004, 10:36 PM
:eek: t3h pwnz0r :eek:

08-06-2004, 11:46 PM
:eek: t3h pwnz0r :eek:
My sentiments exactly.

08-07-2004, 12:20 AM
I bought a vertical flatline used off a guy and I have loved it! For woods ball there is no other way to go and since i always stay in the back (big fat guy); I can shoot all the way across the fiel, call out positions of the opposing team and also give cover fire for my team mates. I love when somebody shoots at me and his balls bounce 10 feet in front of me; then i shoot back and my balls are "in range" of hitting him. :shooting:
I put an order in for another one because my brother was looking into one. Tell me what you think of it when you are on the recieving end of one of them during shatnerball :) (i am not signed up for shatnerball but will be in the next week; along with my two brothers.)

08-07-2004, 12:46 AM
Oh so sorry my liege, I might be one year off :wow:

Blow me.

Your a meaniepoo. Your just mad I proved you wrong.

08-07-2004, 12:53 AM
it may perform well...but ew :tard:

08-07-2004, 01:56 AM
I jsut threw up in my mouth.

08-07-2004, 02:02 AM
It would be better if it had a Barrel Shroud thing like the Tippmann flatline does.

08-07-2004, 02:15 AM
2000-2001 sounds right, came out along time ago, cause i have an old apg with an ad for them from wgp. im to lazy to go digging threw them all to really find out the year. i wasnt really to big a fan of the origional flatline, let alone that one, which seems like it would be the worlds biggest hype machine ever lol.
its a cocker, so it automaticly shoots furter with a flater trajectory, and with the flatline, i bet you could hit, well, something really far away...? :p

08-07-2004, 10:15 AM
Anyway thats a really good deal, that might be around the dealer price because there usually 600$.

08-07-2004, 10:21 AM
I dont know whay anyone would want to pay $ for that hideous pos but if you do ehh more power to yah i guess

08-07-2004, 10:25 AM
Haha I wouldn't but it, but if someone really wanted it no way they wouldn't jump on this thing right now.

08-07-2004, 02:11 PM
can't you pretty much do the same thing a flatline does by pointing the barrel up?

08-07-2004, 02:17 PM
The technology behind the flatline makes it so that you DONT have to point the barrel up higher to get the ball to travel farther. It creates enough backspin on the ball to keep it flying flat for a longer period of time instead of "lobbing" balls.

08-07-2004, 02:21 PM
well its adding backspin to a gun that removes backspin (yes, check it out on the wgp forums) hmm..

i actually shot one..ugly, ungodly different than any other cocker, but sorry, it too too ugly

08-07-2004, 02:27 PM
Yes, cockers lob balls, we all know this... the classic "cocker lob".

This is there attempt at a flat shooting cocker.... and it didn't go over to well, not to mention I hear they have MAD barrel breaks.

08-07-2004, 03:09 PM
Barrel breaks were one prevalent problem with my old tipmmann flatline. I tried all kinds of barrel treatments to make it smoother/etc... Then I gave up, got a mag ;)

08-07-2004, 03:45 PM
All guns (besides those that impart lots of backspin) lob balls. Cockers shooting around 300 fps don't magically give a paintball different ballistic properties. I just meant that backspinning a ball isn't any better than lobbing it. The ball with backspin is going to be just as likely to bounce at long range.

08-09-2004, 01:05 PM
I don't know if I'll ever have an erection agian! I...err...nevermind.

08-09-2004, 06:12 PM
One thing I have haerd from people that have had Flatline barrels is that if the marker is tilted to the side the balls will hook in that direction.
Most people I know have gotten rid of the HYPE barrel and went back to a convetional barrel.

08-09-2004, 06:17 PM
Yeah I heard this too.... Apparently you can use this to your advantage however and tag people behind bunkers/trees.

08-09-2004, 06:18 PM
I hated my 98c flatline with a passion. Seemed great at first until I realized it really was inferior to my lapco bigshot. I sold it soon after for just as much as I'd bought it for. Thank goodness for tippmann raising the prices JUST after I bought it :D

As for curving balls around bunkers. Sure it's POSSIBLE... But when the barrel can't hit something in clear view that you could easily do with a conventional barrel, then you'll be really sad.

To anyone trying to claim I'm an idiot. I used good paint, HPA with a lp kit, and I installed it correctly.

08-09-2004, 06:48 PM
This 2003 Vertical Feed Flatline Autococker from WGP offers the accuracy of an Autococker combined with the distance of the Flatline

yeah... because we all know that its the name cocker that detirmines the accuracy of a marker :rolleyes:

08-09-2004, 08:34 PM
the owner of a local paintball shop has one and he loves it. i play with him in the woods once in a while and i cant get use to the way the pain flies but i hated the A-5 he had before it its a great gun/barrel/idea but its not for all. but i will say this ugly or not its put more then its share of paint on my butt