View Full Version : on/off assembly

10-21-2001, 04:29 PM
ok well i gas up my gun with out any things but the valve and the assembly pops out

and i have a leak down the barrel please help

10-21-2001, 04:47 PM
what do you mean anything but the valve in? you have to put the assembly in the gun and it won't pop out. with it in the gun, the field strip screw will keep it in place. this is the screw behind the trigger.

if you are leaking down the barrel, it is somthing in your powertube. replace the powertube o-ring.

10-21-2001, 04:50 PM
ok well i have the valve in the gun and after i gas it up and then ungas b/c of the leak i cant get my valve out b/c the on/off pin is stuck out in the little hole in the body

10-21-2001, 06:17 PM
if you pull the trigger, it will press the on/off valve in... I was staring at my mag for about five minutes before I remembered that ;)

I'm having the same issue with the leaking down the barrel, and I just replaced the power tube o-ring.

10-21-2001, 06:20 PM
lol thx man i think i put the wrong o ring on the power tube tip and thats why it was leakin im not sure tho cuz im out of gas. i think i put one of the on/off orings on there and thats why it was leakin cuz i put one o ring about the size of the on/off one but a little bigger