View Full Version : Paintball drills

08-07-2004, 05:26 PM
Hey what paintball drills do you guys do with your teams?
Or what drills do you do by yourself that seem to help?

08-07-2004, 05:31 PM
Ive seen snap shooting, communication (its a must) , and switch your front dudes with the back guys.

Just start making up your own and stuff they arent to hard just play a couple games and if you notice things that need help, make a drill for them.

08-07-2004, 06:04 PM
Idea 1:My friends/ team uses painted pie plates as targets. These are afixed to a trees around the woods by one player (creating the course). The rest of guys just run full tilt through the couse trying to hit all of these tins while 2 or 3 people shoot at them w/ pump guns to keep everyone kosher.

Idea 2:Split the team in half. Have your back players be assalted by your front/ mid players and vise versa.

Idea 3:Have a 50 round tourney. Basically EVERYONE gets only 50 rounds to shoot.

Idea 4: Chicken cross. Basicaly, for 2 players. One member is given his standard gun. One is given NO marker at all. The player without the gun must cross from point A to point B without getting shot by the player with the marker WHO IS IN A FIXED POSITION.

yes, the chicken cross is very evil, but thats why you just switch positions after the first round.

08-07-2004, 08:07 PM
check out tygers website hes got some drills on there...i think itswww.webdogradio.com (http://www.webdogradio.com)

08-07-2004, 08:53 PM
I run around my house sliding behind couches, beds, chairs and other furniture peices. Yes it may sound funny and yes I do it because I'm bored. But it does kind of help me find out good positions to get in behind a bunker so that I can keep my profile down and still get a good angle on my opponent. Maybe I'm just wierd... yup that's it.

08-07-2004, 11:06 PM
Its actually webdogradio.us (http://www.webdogradio.us) and it ROCKS!

08-08-2004, 01:47 PM
Heres a drill my team does. Its called "One Ball"...

2 people do this drill at a time. Each have only 1 hopper full of paint. The players standa bout 20-30 feet apart and take shots at each other. Its 1 shot at a time. So Player A takes 1 shot at Player B. PLayer B tries to dodge the shot. After that Player B takes his 1 shot. You continue doing this until both player's hoppers are empty. If Player A accidently takes 2 shots then Player B gets 2 shots, and then it goes back to 1 shot each. Both players have to keep their gun posted at all times.

The point of the drill is to work on 2 things:
First, taking a hit. If you get hit try not to flinch. If a ref is watching you in a game and you get hit and you flinch hes going to come check you. But if you learn to just take the hit and not move he wont notice anything.
Secondly, it improves dodging. Because well obviously you dont want to get hit, so practicing this will improve your dodging alot. Now sure its near impossible to dodge 10-20 balls coming at you in one string, but at least you wont get hit as many times.

Note: For this drill, you want to have good barrel to paint match. And you will want good paint. It sucks if all your shots are curving off and you keep getting hit. :bounce:

08-08-2004, 02:41 PM
i make my team do field analysis.

we have a bunch of cheap ghetto bunkers: racks, garbage cans, etc.
we arrange those into a field. my teams A group and B group each have 5 minutes to make a plan on the field. then they play against each other. it shows who has leadership ability and gives them training in executing plans.

08-08-2004, 08:35 PM
flyinasian - my team does the same thing but we call it dodgeball. We start at about 50 feet and move closer every 20 or so shots.

08-08-2004, 08:48 PM
Running and shooting drills are good to do, working the bunker drills are good to do, its not hard to make your own drills, just make them to what skills you want to work on or need to work on.

08-08-2004, 08:54 PM
some cool ideas. Try scrimmaging offhanded. Will help weak side shooting.

08-08-2004, 09:32 PM
10second drills are good. you basicly go off the break for 10 seconds. it helps back players and front players become faster and a little bit more stratigic.

08-08-2004, 09:35 PM
Here are two more good drills:

1 v 1. Very Very good drill to do.
Its basically a 1v1. Games are limited between 30-60 seconds. This keeps the game intensity going. Do it 4 times total. 3 times offhanded, 1 time with whatever hand. You can use however much paint you want to per game.

Running and Gunning:
Take out maybe 3-5 Plastic Sleds, trash Can Tops, or whatever. Have someone hold each one in the open lanes, all except for 1 sled. Take the largest sled and put it at the opposing start gate. Now, everybody takes out 1 hopper of paint and thats it. The game starts normally, 5-10second count and go. The front guys shoot at the opposing start gate trying to hit the large sled while the back guys aim at the sleds in the open lanes. Once everyone is in tehir bunker you make your second move. These are 15-25 second games. At the end of each round you should have emptied your hopper. This is a great drill for running and gunning, laning and making second moves. Work on doing this opposite handed too.