View Full Version : About the Intelliframe to Revolution....

10-21-2001, 05:43 PM
I have a few questions about the Intelliframe to Revolution linkage thing. How is the little Roller Switch powered, by the revolutions batterys? I dont have a Intelliframe yet but I am getting one soon. (Week or 2) Could you do that to almost any frame, if the components fit? Tom I think you are doing a great job, hey and when are you coming to Manchester NH again? I missed you last year, but am looking forward to going, if you are going soon or whenever you go, I foget. Peace.

10-21-2001, 06:40 PM
The roller microswitch isn't really 'powered'. It merely completes a circuit between one of the negative battery terminals and the positive lead for the motor, thus causing the motor to spin.

The circuit is open (no power flowing through the switch) when you're not firing your gun. When you fire your gun, you cause the microswitch to close, thus closing the circuit and allowing power to flow.