View Full Version : CamelBaks

08-07-2004, 10:08 PM
How well do they work for paintball? Been thinking about buying one ever since I saw one on the field. Any one have any experiences with them?

08-07-2004, 10:28 PM
They work great. Water while in the field, safely under a mask.

Works well in hot weather.

08-07-2004, 10:31 PM
I've been using them for years while running, hiking, etc.
They're awesome, but make sure you let them air out once in a while or they'll get nasty...
Plus, if you think you'll need air more than water, you could always put an extra tank in there!

08-07-2004, 10:31 PM
I use one a lot when I ref. You can't always get off the field to get a drink and with the camelbak, you don't have to take off your mask. They are also lifesavers during senario games where the walk to water could dehydrate you. I use mine at work, also. (U.S.Army) Great stuff!

08-07-2004, 10:34 PM
I picked one up at walmart for like 30 bucks and it's well worth it. I got one with some small pockets to put my keys and money in and it's very handy. Camelbaks are almost a must have for many scenario games, can't imagine not having mine at Oklahoma D-Day this year.

08-07-2004, 11:54 PM
can't imagine not having mine at Oklahoma D-Day this year.

I couldn't agree more. This is were I used mine for the first time. Mine came in a backpack/camelback combo. Extra paint, air and food kept me on the field @ D-Day, All day.


MR :cool:

08-08-2004, 12:20 AM
An absolute must

08-08-2004, 01:00 AM
Which CamelBaks do you guys use? Theres to many to pick from, cant decide :eek:

08-08-2004, 01:34 AM
Cloud walker is a good combo of water/storage space

08-08-2004, 01:45 AM
Well, I've got 3:
Standard green Army issue, MULE and HAWG.
The HAWG is probably my favorite compromise of price, comfort, capacity and versatility.

08-08-2004, 07:22 AM
Well, I've got 3:
Standard green Army issue, MULE and HAWG.
The HAWG is probably my favorite compromise of price, comfort, capacity and versatility.
Dang. My pack cost me 50 at a store we have here and it only holds like 1 liter. To get one for free....

08-08-2004, 07:30 AM
I have a 40 oz camelback and i ususly use it for big games it is a nice thing to have if you are going to be on the field for a long time

I also have a 100 oz hydrapack (the best gear backpack ever) but it wanst meant for paintball they sell them at www.pricepoint.com


08-08-2004, 07:32 AM
Cloudwalker here too. I love mine! :D

08-08-2004, 10:06 AM
I agree they're a must have for scenarios and darn handy when reffing. I have a generic Walmart 2L right now, but I've owned a few different brands and styles. I don't think Camelbak brand ones are really any better than some of the off brand ones that cost considerably less.

I think the biggest deal is finding one that's comfortable and the right size for you. I sweat like a pig, so the 2L's a must for me. Other people can get by with the itty bitty ones, and that means less weight to carry. The only other thing is that it helps a lot to have one with the big opening so you can load ice in there on really hot days (not too much, really cold water slows absorbtion). Also, a tube cover helps keep the water already in the hose from getting warm and nasty between drinking. If you get one without, it's actually really easy to sew one up.

08-08-2004, 01:14 PM
I don't think Camelbak brand ones are really any better than some of the off brand ones that cost considerably less.
Have any links for the off brand ones? If its cheaper and works just as good, I want it

08-08-2004, 02:05 PM


08-08-2004, 02:45 PM
i jsut bought one last week, they are aweosme, ive been putting gatorade in it though, because the first couple of days the water tasted like rubber, heh, its better now

08-08-2004, 04:22 PM
I like some of the HydraBak ones, and there prices are not that bad :)

08-08-2004, 04:49 PM
I have a HydraPak, it works great.

08-08-2004, 07:30 PM
hydra pack keg makes a great gear back and its cheap