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08-07-2004, 10:08 PM
is it possible to intell an eggy

08-07-2004, 10:18 PM
i've heard mixed results, but you can do it.


08-07-2004, 11:06 PM
is it possible that there is a high chance that it will break my eggy.......should i risk it

08-07-2004, 11:40 PM
Dont see the point.. you don't have a high-change of breaking it if you know what you're doing... :ninja:

08-07-2004, 11:48 PM
Dont see the point.. you don't have a high-change of breaking it if you know what you're doing... :ninja:

I agree. Why would you want to do it? Can you outshoot an Evo?

08-07-2004, 11:49 PM
there are other mods that supposedly make it go faster. Such as the paddle mod.

cut all the paddles except for 2, the must be direcly accross from eachother. then you stick needles inside the wite part of each of the 2 paddles to make them stiffer.

i've never tried it but i've heard you get another 2 bps.....it's your hopper :/

08-08-2004, 11:49 AM
that movie dont work

08-08-2004, 12:36 PM
all you need is divx to play it

08-08-2004, 01:08 PM
well i got it to work but the movie is about some guy who has a intelli fed eggy not how to do it

08-08-2004, 04:41 PM
there are other mods that supposedly make it go faster. Such as the paddle mod.

cut all the paddles except for 2, the must be direcly accross from eachother. then you stick needles inside the wite part of each of the 2 paddles to make them stiffer.

i've never tried it but i've heard you get another 2 bps.....it's your hopper :/
Be that as it may, I thought the purpose of having the paddles be all soft and such it to further eliminate the chances of the paddle jamming up with the balls, or from breaking them. Warpig's review of the First prototype of the Eggy2 talked about this.
(Taken from the Webtise)
Dont sue, Bill, please dont sue.

"While the drive electronics, motor and gearbox remain the same, the big difference in how the eVLution II feeds is in its impeller.* The original impeller was in a curved star shape made of hard clear plastic.* While it could drive fresh paint well, it would jam on paint that was swollen or soft, pinching the paint between the impeller and the opening to the feed neck or wall of the raceway that surrounds it.*

The new impeller features six straight arms molded out of a white, flexible, rubber like material.* Should a paintball become wedged below or near one of the arms, the arm flexes up and over the ball, rolling the ball like a bearing, rather than pressing harder into it and jamming.

Testing of the eVLution prototype showed the anti-jam advantages to the new impeller.* By feeding paint back into the loader with a Warp Feed, the loader was able to operate continuously for 10 minutes without any problems.

In the field, the production models performed admirably, feeding a variety of paintguns without problems of skipped or chopped shots.* Even using batches of softer older paint, the eVLution II fed without pinching or breaking.* Occasionally the tone of the motor changed briefly while feeding older softer paint, possibly due to a change in resistance while an impeller arm flexed around a ball.*"