View Full Version : My Decision

08-08-2004, 10:10 AM
Hey all. Recently I've been concerned with the frame (Corsair) and the CF Frame Mod Kits, as far as money goes and I've also been stressed over my lack of gun (Thank you, USPS). So I picked up Halo and Doom3...and a new video card to run the beast. So when I saw the receipt I realized how expensive everythin is. I began thinking, and realized paintball is no different. But with halo / doom3, I have fun. Not so much in paintball, largely because I'm trying to balance a small business and a tourney team. Not doable, atleast not for me. So I've decided to sell my HPA tank, my Mag, and possibly my beloved Tabasco Revy, with the money I'll be buying a Phantom and a c02 setup, along with a stock class rig. Hopefully this can re-spark the fun that I'm missing while not making me buy a case a day (minimum). Just wanted to hear what people thought of this. As much as I love the automag, its just not feaseable for me.

08-08-2004, 10:16 AM
Pm with the specs to your mag. I'm getting rid of my cocker and I'm looking for a mag. Good luck with the phantom, the team, and the corsair.

08-08-2004, 10:21 AM
Hey all. Recently I've been concerned with the frame (Corsair) and the CF Frame Mod Kits, as far as money goes and I've also been stressed over my lack of gun (Thank you, USPS). So I picked up Halo and Doom3...and a new video card to run the beast. So when I saw the receipt I realized how expensive everythin is. I began thinking, and realized paintball is no different. But with halo / doom3, I have fun. Not so much in paintball, largely because I'm trying to balance a small business and a tourney team. Not doable, atleast not for me. So I've decided to sell my HPA tank, my Mag, and possibly my beloved Tabasco Revy, with the money I'll be buying a Phantom and a c02 setup, along with a stock class rig. Hopefully this can re-spark the fun that I'm missing while not making me buy a case a day (minimum). Just wanted to hear what people thought of this. As much as I love the automag, its just not feaseable for me.

Basically what I decided. I'm selling off my cocker, one of my tanks, and probably my evo, along with random other stuff, bought a VSC Phantom for 250 [stock, clear parts, this cool looking scope lol] and I'm gonna keep my TES and my rev and stuff. Tourney paintball isn't doing it for me anymore... I wanna get back to having fun, not worrying about holding my lane and flag hangs.

08-08-2004, 10:21 AM
Thanks, WenULiVeUdiE. I should warn you its not ready to sell yet, it has no body as of yet (Boycott USPS).

08-08-2004, 10:18 PM
weird, im doing the same thing just not to that extreme. im just selling my main gun and buying a rt micromag, and maybe play a local tourney every now and then.

08-08-2004, 11:12 PM
I just quit pb completely, well, playing anyway. Time to open my shop.

08-10-2004, 04:28 PM
Just like there are a lot of frivolous paintball upgrades... Doom 3 isn't worth the hardware upgrade. The nickname being kicked around for it right now is "Flashlight Simulator 2004". Hopefully some decent total conversions/mods will come about that will give the engine a reason to exist.

The difference between gaming and paintball is you can enjoy gaming a lot more than paintball. Most of us only play paintball once a week, if even that sometimes. You can play the games a lot more; let's just say you get a higher playtime-to-dollar ratio. Much higher considering how much some people dump into their paintball gear.

As far as the paint usage thing... you could have just accomplished the same thing by exercising trigger control.

08-10-2004, 05:03 PM
Just like there are a lot of frivolous paintball upgrades... Doom 3 isn't worth the hardware upgrade. QUOTE]

Not just for Doom3 though, when newer games come out I would still be behind.

As far as the paint usage thing... you could have just accomplished the same thing by exercising trigger control.

Not possible... :)

can'tthink of1
08-10-2004, 11:45 PM
See, paintball hasn't lost its fun-ness factor with me yet thankfully. But also I haven't played a tourny and I just really go out with friends and ball for fun. And now I want to try tourny's, which I think are totally worth it untill u get burnt out on them. But also like you semi has kinda lost its edge, so I too will probly be picking up a phantom or something sooner or later. I mean semi has kinda lost its edge, but its still fun... And I hope tourny ball to be cool too, provided I can get a team together and actually not suck... but ya never know lol.

Right now actually I have a strong want to just go out and play with friends, and mainly rock my tribal which I just got back, and it pwns well worth the 3 months this guy was working on it... though most of that time was him waiting on a store that kept lying to him when they would be re-stocking these eye covers. SO not entirely his fault, and at any rate he did awesome work and I <3 my tribal more than ever... Also I haven't been playing much so I just want to go play, like my last 2 weekends before school starts I hope to go, since I know when school starts playing will become a rarity...

08-10-2004, 11:53 PM
The phantom is a great way to switch up play and reduce paint costs. I played for 3 hours with competitive players (all with high end guns- speeds & a4's/timmy's/shockers/eblades) and shot somewhere under 50-60 times the entire night with great success (with a VSC phantom).

I actually did the opposite of you though. I stopped gaming for the most part, gave up on my PC hardware, and bought a mag.

08-11-2004, 12:43 AM
I'll be buying a Phantom and a c02 setup, along with a stock class rig.
You can never go wrong with a Phantom, had mine for about 5 or 6 months now. At the very most I use 200 rounds a day, I no longer have to buy a case. If you get a Phantom there better be pics! :D

08-11-2004, 10:13 AM
Play scenario games. You can use any gun, heck, even a Spyder! I played this on 24 hour scenario game in PA, I bought a 2000 round case at the beginning and left on sunday after the game with like 1100 rounds! The emphasis is not completely on eliminations, you concentrate on completing missions.

08-11-2004, 11:40 AM
I play Enemy Territory. You should try it, it’s free to down load :D . www.rtcwfiles.com

08-11-2004, 05:37 PM
Thanks for all the comments guys.

What kind of Anno should I get? Im getting a very sweet deal from Dan, of bunkerboyz (www.bunkerboyz.com, great site). I am contemplating blue urban camo. Or, if anyone has some 'psycho' patterns you guys could show me that would help. The craziest, most insance color scheme that still looks cool, and I'm not talking about 'crazy', I mean actually insane, lack of sanity.. lol. I feel I need a 'different' gun, to match my mind.. heh.

Now to sell the mag.. farewell, steel soldier.. :cry:

08-11-2004, 05:44 PM
The craziest, most insance color scheme that still looks cool, and I'm not talking about 'crazy', I mean actually insane, lack of sanity.
Yellow and Orange, Purple and Yellow, Blue and Pink, Black and Pink, Green and Yellow, Red and Yellow, Purple and Green. All I can think of right now. Mines just silver right now with clear parts, need to think of a cool color for mine.

08-11-2004, 05:49 PM
I like purple and yellow, that has a 'gauss' feel to it, but wouldnt fair to well in woodsball.. :/

Hm. I'll figure somethin out..

08-11-2004, 05:59 PM
Hmm.. black and bluey / purpley lines all over?

08-11-2004, 07:12 PM
Finally decided on Grey Urban Camo. Key guy likes it. So does bananaman.


08-11-2004, 08:47 PM
I demand pics! When are you picking up a Phantom?

08-11-2004, 09:46 PM
Well, this is slightly different from the one I'll be buying, but:
Mine wouldnt have the clear parts and would have an M16 grip instead of the .45 one.

I will be buying my phantom as soon as my mag and gear is sold (Soon, I hope..)

08-11-2004, 09:50 PM
Very nice, but what happened to wanting a crazy color scheme?

08-11-2004, 10:53 PM
Well, I wanted a gun scheme that would match my mind, in terms of eccentricity (Is that even a word?!?! lol), then realized it would be impossible to come up with such a scheme.

So I went with what looked cool. :p

08-11-2004, 10:56 PM
Get the clear parts. They make it look soooooo much nicer. And the grips on the M-16 grip suck, its worth it to get a .45 grip.

08-11-2004, 11:02 PM
What exactly is so terrible about the M-16 grips? They honestly dont look all that bad...

08-11-2004, 11:11 PM
Its all preference, I went with the 45 because thats what Im used to and like, and finding grips for it is extremly easy unlike the m-16. Having clear parts besides the cool factor adds more value to your phantom if you ever choose to sell it. Get what ever you prefer, what kind of set up were you thinking of going with for it?

08-11-2004, 11:17 PM
hey dont go and sell all your stuff.. i am only saying this because you will end up being a conservitive player after playing with a pump. so keep the stuff play pump style for a couple months then go back to your old gun out of no where and play the same style and see how much paint you use. i bet if you started walking the trigger or doing what ever you do to use a case or two a day that you would regret it and stop after about 5 balls and just play conservitive just dont sell your stuff untill your for sure you dont wanna play with your current setup. my 2 cents

08-11-2004, 11:17 PM
Exactly as is shown in the pics, and perhaps a 9oz in place of the quick changer for when I dont want to use 12g's.

08-11-2004, 11:22 PM
With my income ($20 Weekly allowance :/) its not feaseable to keep the mag. Atleast I know it will stay within AO, Wenuliveudie may be buying it.

08-11-2004, 11:22 PM
9oz is kinda big, ever think about getting a 3.5oz? 3.5oz would make it more compact, and lighter than if you went with a 9oz. And are you gonna get a bottom line or just run it straight from there?

08-11-2004, 11:24 PM
I think a vert bottle is most senseable, it will keep the overall gun composition regular, and with C02, vert is best.

And 3.5 oz's are quite expensive here in Canada..

08-11-2004, 11:37 PM
Right now im still using 12 grams, and still getting used to them lol. I bought a 3.5oz from a website that never sent it to me, trying to get my money back :mad: