View Full Version : Smart Parts and the Future of Paintball

08-08-2004, 10:38 AM
I’ve seen allot of flaming between those who do and do not support Smart Parts, so here is my position. If you do not agree with it, THAT IS FINE BY ME. I simply don’t want to be flamed when I talk about Smart Parts!

I think that if you had to sum up the problems of paintball, it could be simply said the problem is a Smart Parts mentality.

Go ahead and take a deep breath and finish reading before you flame me.

The sport I like to use as an ideal sport is football (that’s soccer for most of you). In soccer, the companies that wish to grow in the sport do so constructively. Puma, Nike, Adidas- all of them sponsor youth teams everywhere. Now, I am not about to say that this is selfless. I still use the same type of Adidas cleats that I started wearing when I was a 5 year old football player. They get my money, but they earned it by showing me how great their product is, not by closing the market. Think of it in context to the Presidential Election. Football is a clean campaign, while paintball is all too often a smear campaign. Soccer fields are built in all corners of the world thanks to grants from these companies as well. They invest in their sport to ensure its future (as well as their own future) instead of the all too common paintball strategy of simply watching the sport from the sidelines.

In football, there is no shortage of “technical” advances. It may not be the same as in paintball, but when one company finds a new material to make cleats with or an innovative new jersey or glove or ball- the entire industry comes up with a spin-off. Obviously it is based on the original companies design, but the spread of the new technology is invigorating for the sport. The products generally become cheaper and more available.

The Smart Parts mentality extends beyond Smart Parts the company. Other companies follow this same strategy. But perhaps even more importantly, individual retailers and field operators are to blame. They focus more on making money off of players than the sport. I don’t care how much field owners charge for paint- I realize they have a business to run. But when slam fills on HPA and CO2 fills without scales cause injuries or death- the sport is dealt a blow as well. When loose enforcement of safety rules result in unplugged or bagged barrels and no goggles when there ought to be, paintball is once again relegated to an “unsafe” activity. Beside safety, in search of higher profits many stores and fields hire the cheapest workers they can. I think all of us have been to a field with apathetical refs. I myself have walked into a store and found it empty. I saw the back door swing open and two kids running the store came in and replaced the markers they had been playing with on the store shelf. To sell as new. I promptly left.

If the Smart Parts mentality is not changed, the future of paintball may be bleak. How paintball responds to this will determine the future of the sport.

08-08-2004, 10:46 AM
And you had to make your own NEW thread why? Your opinions are no different from the hundreds of other people who share them and posted them months ago in other threads.


08-08-2004, 11:34 AM
yeah there really is no point in posting another thread like this but you do make some good points.

08-08-2004, 12:44 PM
im just tired of getting flamed for not wanting sp products. even if they are otherwise equivalent. im constantly being asked "whats your problem with sp???"

08-08-2004, 01:32 PM
I read your post, took it into perspective. Have no opinion.

But the first thing that popped up in my mind was, "The smart parts flame threads phase is over! But now here it is again"

08-08-2004, 02:04 PM
I don't see a problem with this thread. This is what Paintball Talk is there for. Nice write-up btw.

08-08-2004, 02:20 PM
Here is how is see it.

Impulses - Decent guns
Old Shockers - Decent guns. Hey my DM$ has better efficiency, finally I dont feel so bad.
New Shockers - Bleh. Bad matrix rip off.
The rest of their gear - Pretty decent.

We like their stuff as it is good, cept the shocker, and sell it at the store as people want it still. However we do not like their business practices.

Slade xTekno
08-08-2004, 03:01 PM
The above argument was good the first time I read it.

That was at PBNation. Did you have to post it again in another forum?

the larch
08-08-2004, 03:24 PM
Welcome to AO. This is an open paintball talk forum, nothing wrong with posting discussions from other forums here, you are the one who can choose to read, or not.
Smart parts hasn't stopped their business practices, so why would anyone expect people to stop writing about it?

08-08-2004, 04:35 PM
few problems, paintball isnt even close to football.... There both games and they include some type of ball but otherwise they are very different inregards to how they are run as buisnesses. There will be many more companies to fall thoroughout the industry. In short, if you like guns made by small compaines buy them now, because they may not be here in the next 5 years.

I do think there is plenty of blame to pass around at the field/rec level. also most tourney players are unaware of thier impact on potential new players. Or people who piss and moan about what is happening in the sport right now and refusing to do anything about it. So what is worse, the unethical buisness man, or the man that allows it to happen?

I could write a book on what is screwed up in paintball, but I think I have better things to do, like answer posts about 'mag mods and harass AO dealers. :headbang:


08-08-2004, 08:04 PM
I think its well put. The paintball companys need to reinvest some of their profits into the industry if you want it to grow.

08-08-2004, 09:38 PM

08-08-2004, 10:19 PM
Wow, this guy posted the exact same thing at PBN and PBR... Give it a rest already...

08-09-2004, 12:00 AM
Wow, this guy posted the exact same thing at PBN and PBR... Give it a rest already...All hail the mighty multi-forum god. :hail:


Give it a break, not everybody out there reads every forum. He's trying to get as diverse an opinion as possible, and I think it's working. Less :cuss: , more :cheers: .

RT pRo AuToMaG
08-09-2004, 07:49 PM
You also have to understand that in paintball, equipment cost a lot more than in football at a tourney level. Companies that make football equipment also do a lot more buisness then most paintball companies. Football has a bigger market with more players and fans, and of course, more money. If someone came out with a new gun in paintball and they had knock offs, it would be considered bad since much more thought is involved in designing a gun than is involved designing a jersey. You cannot compare the two.

As far as the kids playing with the guns and then putting them back on the shelf as new, that can happen anywhere. Personally, as long as they don't damage the product or excessively (sp?) use it, I have no problem with it. I dont' really see how that relates to Smart Parts, but I do agree, to some people that could be a problem.

I can tell you the reason the staff at most paintball places suck. It is because usually they get paid little or nothing at all. I ref at my field occasionly, and it is just volunteer work pretty much because I don't get **** for it. I'm not gonna bust my *** and get shot up for nothing in return. I do a decent job, but I'm not running into a stream of 15 bps to check a guy during a rec game when I get paid nothing, sorry.

08-09-2004, 07:51 PM
Ugh... just as soon as these threads were starting to die...

like raising a dead serial raping clown back alive

08-09-2004, 08:16 PM
I may be rare but this is the only paintball forum i read, and i think he is right. Not a fan of SP and there guns don't realy fit my style. i am a rec ball player and i don't want a gun i feel i have to babie on in a game. That why i got my mag however, after joining this forum and reading some of Tom"s stuff i became a mag fan. Not only does he seem really nice but he knows his stuff and i am willing to bet most men of his standing in the industry have nothing to do with and want nothing to do with people like us. so what the sport really needs is more people like TK in power. just my 2cents