View Full Version : Best Paint for BoomStick

10-21-2001, 07:20 PM
Ive got a 12 inch boomstick for my 68 mag
What is the best, most accurate paint that you can buy for it?
I was thinking about getting proballs since they are small bore paint and are fairly cheap (about 49.99 a case)

10-21-2001, 07:29 PM
PMI Premiums work very well for me. Hardly had about 3 breaks in 2 cases.

10-21-2001, 07:42 PM
any small/medium small bore paint will work fine for you.

10-21-2001, 07:58 PM
The thing About PMI Premiums
they are medium bore paint and boomstick is small bore
They are 10 bucks more a case then Proballs

Correct me if I'm wrong but if the boomstick is small bore then wont small bore paint perform the best and be the most accurate?

10-21-2001, 09:24 PM
it's my understanding that the boomstick is a medium bore, not a small. that's what pbgear's website says. i've also read reviews that suggest pmi premiums for the barrel

10-21-2001, 09:37 PM
PBgear is incorrect...I think
You know that famous chart that you use to match paint with your barrel? Well the boomstick is small bore under that and that chart is used in hundereds of sites so I belive it is crediable


Ninja B0Y
10-22-2001, 10:11 AM
The boomstick that most people have are medium bore. It's only a small bore if it specifically has the .686 measurement on the barrel itself.

10-22-2001, 10:21 AM
I have a 14" Boomstick and when I tried the blow through test with Proball Platinum, it was too tight of a fit. So was the new style PMI premium(matte finish shell). Diablo shoots well and passes the blow through test. This is just with mine, I'm not saying yours will be the same. I did actually shoot the Proball for a few games, and I only had two breaks in 400-500 rounds so you might be just fine with it. Good luck and let us know what works for you.

10-22-2001, 02:39 PM
Ok now I am really confused

"The boomstick that most people have are medium bore. It's only a small bore if it specifically has the .686 measurement on the barrel itself."

So how do you tell if your boomstick is small or medium? Does it have the #'s somewhere??????

"I have a 14" Boomstick and when I tried the blow through test with Proball Platinum, it was too tight of a fit. So was the new style PMI premium(matte finish shell). Diablo shoots well and passes the blow through test."

How do you even do the blow through test with mag barrels?
They have a huge gaping hole in them!?!?

what kind of Diablos were you using?

I dont understand how this can be, they list proballs as small bore yet they are too big for boomsticks, but then diablos blow through them......AHHHH!

10-22-2001, 02:42 PM
Proball has always worked well through every Boomstick I've used

10-22-2001, 03:51 PM
There is a tolerance range with all barrels, and I think I got my boomstick on the tighter end of that range.

It shoots rather poorly with anything but smaller paint, and the only good match I have had was with Diablo Blaze which dropped straight through my standard barrel nubin and all.

From what I've read I think that they are intended to be on the small side of medium, but I guess with the tolerances you can end up with a small one like mine.

I'm not so convinced that this is such a great barrel anyway.. With all that porting the effectively lenth of a 14" barrel is around 7"

That means if your paint is even SLIGHTLY too big it has 7" of deceleration before exiting the barrel, requiring a MUCH higher velocity setting to reach optimum fps resulting in more distortion on the ball.

Add into that the fact that the automag has a nubin to hold paint from falling out, I would think that ESPECIALLY for a ported barrel a looser fit is much more efficient.

I'm looking around for something that:

- has 8 - 10 inches without porting
- has a muzzle break or teardrop for silencing and stabalizing
- is medium bore

I'm happy to use the boomstick when the paint is a perfect match, but I really don't think it is a good all-rounder.


10-22-2001, 06:50 PM
Now im sure this is messed up

["I'm not so convinced that this is such a great barrel anyway.. With all that porting the effectively lenth of a 14" barrel is around 7"

That means if your paint is even SLIGHTLY too big it has 7" of deceleration before exiting the barrel, requiring a MUCH higher velocity setting to reach optimum fps resulting in more distortion on the ball. "]

Ok first of all all you need is 4 inches of barrel to make a ball go as straight as it possibly can so your first remark is retarded.

2nd the bigger the barrel, the more gas and velocity needed since it is in the barrel longer and requires greater acceleration....

Is it opposite day?

(Moderators comment: STOP CUSSING! - cphilip)

10-22-2001, 06:53 PM
Oh btw,
almost all boomsticks are on the smaller side of medium bore paintballgear told me.

There for I took all of your advise and got my PMI premiums. Turns out they are 7 bucks cheaper then proballs, My Bad!

And I tried the blow through trick which is kinda tuff on mag barrels since you have to tightly cover the feed hole and the tine slot for the nubin, but the fit seemed perfect with the PMI Premiums!

I can't wait to test them out this week!

Ninja B0Y
10-22-2001, 07:50 PM
Moserman: my cousin bought a small bore boomstick for his Angel and on the stainless steel end of the barrel, where the threads are located, the numbers ".686" are engraved into it. That means it's specifically made small bore barrel. My boomstick doesn't have the numbers. Therefore, it's "specifically" made medium bore. Follow me?

10-22-2001, 07:54 PM
Yeah I got it...I figured that

is there any real benifit from it being smaller bore?
I know it is better shooting small bore paint but is small bore paint like alot better or something?

10-22-2001, 08:06 PM
try allstar its a really small bore

10-22-2001, 08:08 PM
im not lookin for a really small bore paint anymore but thx anywyaz~!

10-22-2001, 10:18 PM
Ok first of all all you need is 4 inches of barrel to make a ball go as straight as it possibly can so your first remark is retarded.

2nd the bigger the barrel, the more gas and velocity needed since it is in the barrel longer and requires greater acceleration....

My point was that if you have a 14" barrel, and the last 7 inches are ported then you have half a barrel during which the ball accelerates, and half during which it decelerates. If the paintball is tight, then this 50/50 ratio is very wasteful, and a looser barrel would be better. To say that a 4" barrel generates accuracy ignores the fluid dynamics of a paintball. Going from 0 to 300 fps in 4 inches WILL create distortions and having extra length to allow the paintball to come to some sort of stability while still being forced along a straight line is a good thing. IF the fit is too tight though, the advantage is somewhat lost.

This is the first time I have ever seen someone advocate a 4" barrel, but hey. Go for it.


10-22-2001, 11:53 PM
Dude your making this more complicated then it really is

I dont want to debate with you and I may have been exagerating on the 4 inches, I think its 6 or 8....but thats besides the point.

The point is the first have of the Boomstick is all you need to make the paintball shoot straight. The 2nd piece with porting does not even touch the ball. It is used to guide and silence the ball. Tell any perfessional about long "sniping" barrels and they will call you a moron because they dont do snot. As for the rest of the stuff your saying...just do alittle paintball research and you'll realize that it makes no sense, at least for paintball

(Moderators Comment - cussing still I see. Second warning... - cphilip)

10-23-2001, 02:34 AM
Dude your making this more complicated then it really is

Yea, it's so simple that everyone agrees about it. The only thing that people agree about is that a perfect paint to barrel match will get the best out of a particular paint and a particular barrel.

It is my experience that when a perfect match isn't available I get better results with a looser fit than a tighter fit because the gas inneficiency has less of an impact on accuracy than a ball exiting the barrel with distortion.

And by the way, I don't advocate sniper barrels. The email footer is a joke - "16 FOOT barrels - can hardly be taken seriously" I hope YOU didn't take it seriously and then infer that I am a moron, because that would make me pretty angry.. although inferring that I am a moron made me pretty angry anyway.


10-23-2001, 08:10 AM
Hey Dawump,
I do happen to have a 4" barrel, with no complaints about accuracy from my part.<br><br>Oooops, i forgot to mention it's on my HK P9S service pistol (which happens to fire 9mil rounds instead of paintballs) :p