View Full Version : Best Upgrades for stock Mag

10-21-2001, 07:24 PM
I know that the Retro Valve is a one of the best upgrades you can do to a stock mag. But what about adding an electronic frame like the Boo-yah or that other one(hyper frame?) I've heard that when you install these they dont always work. And do they really allow you to shoot much faster?

I was thinking that just a double trigger frame could help my speed, what do you guys think about upgrading to double trigger; is it worth it?

Also the Z-Frame, how do you guys like it? Is this also a good investment for automags?

10-21-2001, 07:27 PM
I would highly recommend the E-mag conversion!

10-21-2001, 07:29 PM
If im going to spend that much, im just going to buy a new gun:b

10-21-2001, 07:43 PM
If you are using Co2 the best thing you can do is go to HPA or N2


10-21-2001, 08:05 PM
I already have a PMI Pure Energy 68ci 3000psi so the N2 is not a problem
Any other upgrades good mentioned in the first post?

10-21-2001, 08:06 PM
Buy a new RT or E Mag is your better choice. You don't have a risk for those kind of upgrade kits.;)

10-21-2001, 08:08 PM
What do you mean Upgrade kit? You mean the E-Mag upgrade program through AGD?

I've heard the Retro valve works wonders...it would make my mag as good as the RT and save me alot of money! =)

10-21-2001, 09:00 PM
Go Z-Grip, ReTro and warp, then you'll be the envy of your local field! (or all the newbies will think you accidentally dropped it and it bent)

[This is also a sneakily concieled method of testing what my sig looks like]

10-21-2001, 09:44 PM
Hmmm...sounds tempting

I've heard that the z grip is good mainly for back players, it helps on fatigue but when there is alot of movment it is kinda pointless. (I'm not a back player btw, I dont think its fun shooting 30 bucks worth of paint a game just to get one person out :b) Also you can't crawl with it unless you are severly double jointed

And as for the warp feed

The retro valve is tested to be able to shoot 26 balls per second...now I know that a revy viewloader cannot feed this fast but will the Warp make that much of a difference?
Is it a necesity if you go RT?

10-22-2001, 01:43 PM
The z-grip works very well if you are a front player.
It gives you the ability to 'tuck-in' to your bunker and still shoot as much paint w/o the wrist fatigue. The warp feed helps feed those balls out of your revvy and into your gun much faster. You can have strings of shots beyond what the revvy can do with a warp.. you just have to let off a little to let the rev catch up to the warp. The biggest thing *I* like about the warp feed is the tactical advantage of not showing your opponent a huge target. Not getting hit is, in my opinion is the best upgrade you can do to any paintball marker. The RT upgrade is good if you want your trigger to bounce back. I've recorded myself shooting my z-grip and the fastest I could shoot it was about 9-10 shots per second. (with a classic valve) The RT valve wouldn't get much higher. Just no noticible shootdown.

10-22-2001, 02:30 PM
Thanks for you input but heres where I am confused

On your last comment you said:

The RT upgrade is good if you want your trigger to bounce back. I've recorded myself shooting my z-grip and the fastest I could shoot it was about 9-10 shots per second. (with a classic valve) The RT valve wouldn't get much higher. Just no noticible shootdown.

Now according to AGD the retro is capable to shoot 26 balls per sec. (I know that this is impossible to literaly shoot cause balls dont feed that fast, but work with me here) And with the "reactive trigger" not to mention alot less shootdown, isn't the RT logically going to be able to shoot faster? I mean I know for a fact that at that speeds you will definatly be short stroking with a stock valve.

Also my friend told me that the shoot down would bottle neck from my nitro first, not the valve. Is this true?

10-22-2001, 03:56 PM
i have a retro valve and zgrip it is the best investment i have put in my gun. retro made me shoot faster because it recharges a lot faster than the AIR valve. also mine shortened the trigger pull a lot also but i have a shorter on off pin in the retro valve which helps a lot. i would say go for the z grip if u can find a reasonable price on one or if not get an intelliframe then retro.

10-22-2001, 06:56 PM
Ok help me out here

What exactly is soo good about the IntelliFrame...what does it do?

Its not electric is it?

And, to do the modification for the Revy that will make it agitate after every trigger pull, will I need an IntelliFrame?

10-23-2001, 10:07 AM
If you can find a Z-grip.... JUMP on it! Dont let it get away! They are awesome. Even if you dont like it, you can easily sell it for what you paid for it. Oh, and the retro valve is MUCH faster than the classic valve. I've got a retro, z-grip, and a warp. I love my gun.... :)
You can see my gun in the classifieds...... here:

Temo Vryce
10-23-2001, 10:38 AM
The Intelliframe is a 2 finger frame, a good investment on it's own, which has a mount inside for a micro switch. AGD has post various thread about setting it up so I won't go into that end of it, but what this does is it allows you to connect your Revy/Warp to your trigger so that it will spin on each trigger pull, instead of waiting for another signal. If you use this on a revy then the revy won't wait for the 2 or 3 shots it takes to empty the neck enough to activate the sensor. It will do the same thing for the warp feed if you use one of those.

2 Finger trigger frames are very much worth it. It will increase your speed a little bit because you can now use 2 fingers too pull the trigger therefore it requires less strength. Less strength mean more speed and more endurance.

Z-grip. I have only used one once and I have to say that I liked it very much and I would love to get one. They are a little wierd to use at first but it's one of those things that you either love it or you don't.

The Retro Valve is golden. You won't get the shoot down that you might find with the A.I.R. valve. No your bottle won't be the shoot down bottle neck it's the On/Off in the Valve.

Electric frames: The big advantage to an electric frame is you can't short stroke it. That and if you set your bps limit at a happy medium you should out shoot your hopper and therefore you won't break paint due to feed problems. Boo-yaa is out of buisness last time I heard, and hyper frame can be a little hard on bolts and sears, sometimes.

Emag upgrade is the end all to be all of upgrades for an automag. If you want the best elecctro on the marker to date the E-mag is your marker.

I hope this answers all your questions. If not it should allow you ask more specific ones that will get you the answers you need. Welcome to the family.

10-23-2001, 07:27 PM
Now that was a truely helpful post! You addressed all my qestions!
Thanks Temo Vryce.
You da MAN!