View Full Version : viking and excal, whats the difference?

08-09-2004, 02:15 AM
ok whats the difference? i realize that there is performance differences so what are both guns/markers capped at for BPS?? any differences that you can point out are appreciated. thanks.

08-09-2004, 02:55 AM
The Excal is closed bolt, the Viking is open bolt. Consequently, the Excal has a slightly smoother shot with less kick. The Viking can cycle faster, but I doubt you'd notice too much of a difference.

08-09-2004, 03:26 AM
What Overmind said. The excal has internals that move in opposite directions, essentially cancelling out the recoil. I've owned both, and while the viking seems a bit faster, I prefer the excals. Its also easier for me to lay a long string with the excal, not sure why.

08-09-2004, 01:24 PM
Might as well ask it now...

How do Excal's work?

It it just like the viking, then with another solenoid just to control the bolt, or more of an update on the Old School shocker style only "better"? Or am I WAY off....

08-09-2004, 01:39 PM
Maybe it's been said, I didn't read the whole thread. The Excal is closed bolt while the Viking is open bolt.

08-09-2004, 02:35 PM
Might as well ask it now...

How do Excal's work?

It it just like the viking, then with another solenoid just to control the bolt, or more of an update on the Old School shocker style only "better"? Or am I WAY off....

that is essentially it..............it has two noids that independantly control the bolt and hammer seperately...............and as you mentioned, alot better than that old school shocker.....(stock anyway)

08-09-2004, 03:04 PM
ok whats the difference?

about $500-$600 and a load of hype.

Of the 2, get the viking. Theres not enough performance difference (if any at all) to warrant spending that much more.

08-09-2004, 03:13 PM
about $500-$600 and a load of hype.

Of the 2, get the viking. Theres not enough performance difference (if any at all) to warrant spending that much more.

very true............and the viking is alot faster.

08-09-2004, 03:23 PM
do you need a low pressure tank for the excalibur?

08-09-2004, 03:28 PM
nope, they come with a sidewinder reg.

08-09-2004, 03:40 PM
i forgot to add this in... what is FSDO? i always hear about people complaining about it and im not quite sure what it is.

08-09-2004, 03:43 PM
FSDO is First Shot Drop OFF

Jack & Coke
08-09-2004, 03:47 PM
I remember a few years ago when AKA expounded the virtues of "closed bolt", and how it made their Excal the ultimate of both worlds (speed of electro + "accuracy closed bolt").

Then, when WAS gave the viking new life (un-capped ROF + debounce 1 + A.C.E.), AKA now had a gun just as fast as a WASED timmy (the best tourny gun at that time).

All of a sudden the Viking (open bolt) became the pride and flagship gun of AKA because of it's speed (without chopping)... so now the selling points (hype) AKA pushes is their SPEED, not the "ACCURACY of CLOSED BOLT" (Excal).

Excal = Venus Williams = GOOD

Viking = Serena Williams = GREAT

The Viking is the big money winner and famous name that the Excal wanted to be.

08-09-2004, 03:48 PM
I think a lot of viking and excal users get rid of that with the use of an scm lpr or a mitey max (i think not to sure.)


08-09-2004, 03:59 PM
I think a lot of viking and excal users get rid of that with the use of an scm lpr or a mitey max (i think not to sure.)


if you are talking about FSDO, I beleive that AKA had a redesign on the ram oring. it was causing the ram to stick when it sat for a few seconds between shots. ussualy the LPR will not cause FSDO (unless it is a REALLY crappy LPR that cant keep a consistant pressure to the ram. in that case it will cause shootdown for every shot after the first one, not FSDO)


08-09-2004, 04:31 PM
very true............and the viking is alot faster.

How many of both have you owned? I've owned an 03 viking, an 04 viking, 2 featherlite 04 vikings, an 04 excal, and an 04 bonebrake excal. What did I settle on? An 04 featherlite excal. Not only is it close to the viking in terms of feel, it has an incredibly smooth feel, and its easier to put out long strings with. People may poo-poo the excal, but for some (like me) its got an addictive feel to it.

08-09-2004, 05:53 PM
I didn't "poo poo" it at all.........I dont care what you do in terms of timing, an open bolt is ALWAYS going to be faster than a closed bolt. there is no wait time for the bolt to close before it can fire again with an open bolt. that is not bad mouthing the excal, that is just a fact. I have played with both and both are very fast and have a very nice feel. but by the numbers, a viking will be faster.

08-09-2004, 06:21 PM
Yeah, but the viking's advantage really comes at numbers you can't legally reach. In using both, I've noticed that the viking is a hair faster in short bursts, but I can sustain the bursts longer with the excal. And its so darn smooth. But its not for everyone. I don't think the viking is more successful than the excal because its the better gun. I think its because it is cheaper, due to the extra labor and parts required for the excal.

And I didn't say that you "poo-poo'd" it, I just said that some people may ;)

08-09-2004, 06:27 PM
this is true as well.............for a very similar performing gun, it does have a significant increase in price.

alright, just making sure.........I love AKA stuff. you gotta love well engineering stuff.

08-09-2004, 09:24 PM
In using both, I've noticed that the viking is a hair faster in short bursts, but I can sustain the bursts longer with the excal.

a lot of you have been saying that, so would you guys recommend the viking to me (a front player, since i'd be doing a lot of snap shooting)? thanks.

08-09-2004, 09:37 PM
The general consensus is that its easier to snap with the viking. I don't really notice a difference, but Im no great snap shooter anyways.