View Full Version : What is "SHOT BUFFERING"??

08-09-2004, 08:28 AM
I just got my Xmag upgraded to 3.2 and I dont know what this Shot Buffering thingy is? What is the best setting to keep it on?

08-09-2004, 09:31 AM
The gun will keep 1 shot in memory. (It only does this if you pull the trigger during a firing cycle.)

It goes like this. With any software below 3.x, if you pulled the trigger when the solenoid was on (30ms) you lost that trigger pull. With 3.x and above, you can set when the gun will start looking for another trigger pull. (The SHBF setting = #ms) So the lower the #, the quicker it will scan for the trigger pull. In E mode, you can usually get away with 4. Hybrid, however, you want about 20+ because it can get REALLY bouncy.

08-09-2004, 10:23 AM
You da' man Dayspring.

BTW... nice to meet you guys saturday