View Full Version : do u think there gonna change ne thing with the shocker ne time soon?

08-09-2004, 12:44 PM
hey well im selling 2 of my guns to get a toxic shocker because there simple nice and easy and im not a good tech but do u think i should save my money and wait a bit longer for the shocker to be a lil more different in the future or do u thing there is like nothing to much more they can do :clap: id really like ur imput people thank u :headbang: :dance:

08-09-2004, 01:13 PM
guys dont just look post wut u think plz

08-09-2004, 01:27 PM
should i wait to get the nerve is it even out yet?

08-09-2004, 01:35 PM
(1) You're probably going to get more of a response if you use correct spelling and punctuation in your posts. This isn't PBNation. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

(2) If you do some research on the markers yourself, you'll probably be able to find all of the information that you just requested.

(3) Make sure to state what you want in a marker. If you want somethign simple, say so. If you want something with an adjustable trigger, say so. You need to outline more of what you want in order to have people assist you.

08-09-2004, 01:40 PM
They just updated the Shocker last year... You may be waiting a while for the next version (it aint a Timmy ;) )... Just get an '03 and be done with it! If you're not a good tech, why don't you stick with the Mag? Not to say Shockers are difficult to work on, but they do require very regular (and specific) maintenance or you are likely to develop problems quickly.

08-09-2004, 01:41 PM
and not upping it 2 times in 15 minutes helps

08-09-2004, 01:42 PM
i dont think they are going to change anything in the shocker soon

and i wouldnt count on the nerve being out too soon.
they keep pushing it back.

i had a shocker and it was ok shot fast and was as accurate as every other gun with proper paint barrel match.

they are gas hogs, even with the HE bolt kit.

never really had any maintance problems with mine either.

if you like how it shoot and how it looks why not get one.

08-09-2004, 01:43 PM
dude maybe u were stuck in a closet as a kid but its called computer talk and everybody understands it im not going to put periods and stuff on it and i basically asked if there gonna change ne thing on them ill choose wut i want by myself and also they said there shipping the nerve in july it doesnt say next year or this year and it passed july so u needa cool off and stop being a jerk cause it really pisses me off if u dont agree with something i say keep it in ur lil head! :shooting:

08-09-2004, 01:46 PM
lol someone needs a chill pill :wow: :nono:

08-09-2004, 01:46 PM
Tough talk for someone too incompetent to use the English language.

Edit: When did I insult you again? I understand that you're new to AO, so I was giving you some tips and pointers on behavior and conduct here. If you can't hack it, head back to PBN. I'm sure they've missed you.

08-09-2004, 01:47 PM
Wait a minute... HE needs to cool off? Dude, chill out will ya? This is no way to get help!

08-09-2004, 01:48 PM
10100001010111101010101000111111101100001101010100 0010100010111101010101

wee thats computer talk i odnt put periods bcuz i r being leet cool haxor duh!!!

08-09-2004, 01:49 PM
and thank u guys who replied to my statement but i think im just gonna do the check it no rise, force 4 fly conversion kit, and slayer trigger on my a4 and save the rest of the money to get like a dm5 or x-mag just something i gotta think about. So thank u all for helping me and stuff and not being like mr tyrian so thank u and id still like more posts up plz and i was thinking about the toxic shocker because i get them at discounted price so thanks again

08-09-2004, 01:50 PM
I think I made him cry. :cry:

08-09-2004, 01:54 PM
Yo. Tryion you keep over reacting and need to take a chill pill. Im not even from pbn. So uhm i really dont care. You people think ur so powerful cause u have 300 plus posts that doesn't really show ne thing it just shows you need to find a girlfriend!

08-09-2004, 01:57 PM
Yep... we've got ourselves a 12 year old!

08-09-2004, 01:59 PM
and im a 15 year old and also tyrion was over reacting not me so shut the eff up get a life

08-09-2004, 02:02 PM

Sweet... I always knew this would pay off!
Time to start thread whorin'!
Just call me "The One"

08-09-2004, 02:07 PM
just tyrion comes in and was being the lowest scum on the earth and im just saying he should mind his own buisness and im sorry for telling who ever to shut the eff up

08-09-2004, 02:08 PM
Shhh! Sniper, don't tell anyone. Don't you know that once we've each gotten 1500 posts, the AO army is taking over the world?!? Goodbye Bush and Kerry. Hello Kaye!

:p :p :p

DMFizzle: u need2 calm down okay thnkz.

08-09-2004, 02:08 PM
Yo. Tryion you keep over reacting and need to take a chill pill. Im not even from pbn. So uhm i really dont care. You people think ur so powerful cause u have 300 plus posts that doesn't really show ne thing it just shows you need to find a girlfriend!

Hey, I have way more than 300 posts....and I do have power ;)
Jumping up and down with impatience at the lack of replys is a sure fire way to get peoples backs up...insulting them about their lack of a girlfriend (when you have no way of knowing if that is true) doesn't help.
The answer to your question is one you have to decide on yourself as evident from your replys so far you don't listen to advice ;)
There are a great many on these boards that think the lack of punctuation and bad spelling doesn't help for sensible replys as in most cases it can take two or three reads before any sense can be made of the question posed. If you were to fill out a job application in the same way as you type on an internet forum you will remain unemployed for life so get some practise in.

08-09-2004, 02:11 PM
(1) You're probably going to get more of a response if you use correct spelling and punctuation in your posts. This isn't PBNation. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

(2) If you do some research on the markers yourself, you'll probably be able to find all of the information that you just requested.

(3) Make sure to state what you want in a marker. If you want somethign simple, say so. If you want something with an adjustable trigger, say so. You need to outline more of what you want in order to have people assist you.

How is this ^^^ being the "lowest scum on the earth"? Sounds like he was just trying to help you out...

08-09-2004, 02:14 PM
the whole point is he could of kept it to himself and then i wouldnt of cared but when he says things that he doesnt know like saying im from pbn its the same thing as me telling him he needs to get a gf and im not from pbn so if he appologizes i will to :clap:

08-09-2004, 02:14 PM
It may have been a little stiff of a reaction, but he has a point.

Learn to speak english. Not gibberish.

Punctuation is part of life. Practicing it now won't hurt you later. If you type that crap now, when you write papers for school you are going to be more likely to make mistakes.

Command of the English language is a powerful thing, and practice is never a bad thing.

08-09-2004, 02:15 PM
Luckily for me, my world does not hinge on your apology.


08-09-2004, 02:17 PM
What ever floats your boat. I guess.

08-09-2004, 02:22 PM
Water floats my boat. ;)

And I'm sorry...

that I can't stop posting in this thread!!!

*maniacal laughter*

08-09-2004, 02:23 PM
You people think ur so powerful cause u have 300 plus posts that doesn't really show ne thing it just shows you need to find a girlfriend!
No, but it does show he knows how to conduct himself on AO.

08-09-2004, 02:24 PM
just tyrion comes in and was being the lowest scum on the earth and im just saying he should mind his own buisness and im sorry for telling who ever to shut the eff up

As you can see I'm not one of the "Power" posters. :D

Tyrion replied...

1) You're probably going to get more of a response if you use correct spelling and punctuation in your posts. This isn't PBNation. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Nothing scummy there. A little PBNation bias but WTF eh? If people can't read what your asking, how can they answer?

(2) If you do some research on the markers yourself, you'll probably be able to find all of the information that you just requested.

A little on the "go away kid your bothering me...

(3) Make sure to state what you want in a marker. If you want something simple, say so. If you want something with an adjustable trigger, say so. You need to outline more of what you want in order to have people assist you.

Excellent advice. As I've found, if you ask simple questions you get simple answers if you ask detailed questions, eventually someone answers them...


08-09-2004, 02:47 PM
10100001010111101010101000111111101100001101010100 0010100010111101010101

wee thats computer talk i odnt put periods bcuz i r being leet cool haxor duh!!!
Aw man that was funny! Like in the ST:NG episode with the Binars, little aliens that have built in computers They help with software upgrades on the Enterprise and talk in one's a zero's. Har :argh:

Oh, and IPB, I really do this you should work on your typing and communication skills.


08-09-2004, 03:52 PM
The return of the AO spelling nazi's, now I know why so many people don't like this place :rolleyes:

08-09-2004, 04:12 PM
With the influx of newcomers who can't seem to spell come the spelling patrol. I like to be able to read and understand what's being posted, especially when someone keeps bumping his post asking for responses.

Of course, if you don't want to be here, nobody's forcing you.

08-09-2004, 04:28 PM
in the frist place, it's
1011 1110 1010 1111

remember words and half words, oops, I forgot, I learned to program in 1976 when real computers filled the first floor of a corporate office building, not a lap.

Anyway, all I ask is to use proper english (or close to it) too.

I too have fewer than 300 posts, but I've ben here since 2001 and I HAVE noticed civility going downhill lately.

PS. and English was my worst subjct in that one room schoolhouse when I walked up hill both ways to school in those snowstorms.

Mister Sinister
08-09-2004, 04:52 PM
Hey my dad went to school at the same place. Or atleast that was the story he always told. :D

08-09-2004, 05:08 PM
He does need to work on your English if you want more posts. However, we don't need to flame him for not falling in our normal AO standard. Good luck and welcome to AO :) .


08-09-2004, 05:39 PM
go away.

You are making my head hurt. I'm not even sure where to get started, but I guess a good old

*in before lock* :ninja: may suffice...

"welcome to the internet, my friend" CBG

08-09-2004, 05:57 PM
If the flaming does not stop immediately I am going to dish out the cyber spankings.... Be forwarned...