View Full Version : When Was My Computer State Of The Art? (minus OS)

08-10-2004, 12:47 AM
System -
Windows XP Pro.
BIOS: Vender - American Megatrends Inc. Version: 62710
Motherboard: Manufacturer - Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. Name: 72X Version: 1
Memory -
Physical: Total - 0.24950 Gigs Aval. - 0.09662 Gigs
Slots: 3 total 2 Used
1 Mem. Control Device.
AMD Duron
No Hyperthreading
Model: 3
900.2 MHz
L2 Cache: 64kb
Disk Info -
C-Physical #1
Model: ST320413A
Size (free space): 18.6GB (13.0GB)
Cluster: 16Kb
File System: FAT32
H- Physical #0
Model: Maxtor 92048D8
Size (free): 19.1GB (2.0GB)
Cluster Size: 4KB
File System: NTFS
Video Adapter -
S3 Graphics Inc. Savage 4
Video BIOS: 02.2C.01

I know this is pretty much crap now but when was it not crap? And does anyone want to buy my piece of history so I can buy one that doesn't suck.

08-10-2004, 12:50 AM
I'm going to guess around 98-99 or so...

I remember reading the Best Buy adds every week and noticing processer speeds going from 300-900 in like 4 months....

08-10-2004, 12:50 AM
I'd say about 4-5 years, but that is just my guess/estimate

why do you wonder anyway?

EDIT: dang you koosh, you beat me to it ;)

08-10-2004, 12:53 AM
Trying to convince my father that our computer cannot handle the good computer games out today. - And gees you guys are quick with responses. :wow:

And when did they kill the banana? > :dance:

08-10-2004, 01:09 AM
Buy a copy of doom 3 and crank up the settings, then tape your father to the chair and tell him that if he doesn't pass the first 3 levels within an hour, his car will be burned

or you could just show him, but where's the fun in that?

08-10-2004, 01:14 AM
Sorry, but I don't think your setup was ever "state of the art." AMD's Duron line was it's "value" chip. I believe that the AMD chip to have at that time was either the ThunderBird of the XP.

Hope that helps convince your Dad.

If you like your current monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers, explain to him that you can get a doom3 worthy computer for under $800 easily. Under $1000 if you want highest specs.

08-10-2004, 01:15 AM
it was never state of the art because duron's were always the amd budget processor. so basically even when it came out it wasn't THE absolute fastest

08-10-2004, 02:21 AM
I remember getting a 500mhz AMD Athlon comp in mid-late 99 and that was pretty up there in the state of the art department. Then about 3 years ago I got my current (with a few upgrades) AMD Athlon 1700XP that was also pretty state of the art at its time.

08-10-2004, 09:03 PM
i worked in a computer shop around that time, was about 99. i still remember when the s3 savage 4 could actually play games half decent, even though my voodoo 5 5500 played carmageddon 2 much much much better.

the duron chip was absolutely awesome for overclocking once you unlocked it, i could easily bump my 600 up to 1ghz with good cooling, ahh, the good ol days ;)

08-10-2004, 09:12 PM
I bought this computer over a year ago and I still consider it on up there

Intel 2.8ghz pentium 4
1 gig ram
120 gig hardrive
128 meg radeon 9800 pro
5.1 surround
19 inch flatscreen
dvd burner
etc etc

I'm still surprised that even after a year it's still pretty much up there. Our older computer (800mhz, 512 ram) was outdated in just a few months after we bought it new.