View Full Version : My Spyder leak?

Leader of Men
08-10-2004, 11:00 AM
I have a Spyder Electra and when I put co2 in I can hear it going "pfffffffff" through the hopper whole and barrel. It doesn't sound like much, but I was wondering if I should hear this or not...

08-10-2004, 11:24 AM
no thats probably not good. from what little I know of spyders, they aren't supposed to leak. Sounds like an oring is not sealing properly, try cycling about 8 drops of paintball gun oil through the airlines, maybe that will help.

08-10-2004, 11:32 AM
One of the orings on your bolt isnt sealing, replace them with standard orings, or replace any broken oring, oil the bolt, and it should work now. Spyders are incredibly easy to fix.

08-10-2004, 11:37 AM
i used to be really into Spyders. It's probably your cup seal. Take your valve out, and the little white thing on the front that looks sort of like a top hat is the cup seal. It isn't sealing against the valve. Use some fine grit sandpaper on the side that rests against the valve to try to smooth it out, see if that helps. Replace both valve o-rings and oil well. If that doesnt work, then you need a new cup seal. They're dispensable like O-rings. However, if you want one that'll last longer, get a Black Magic cup seal. They're made of a softer material that will resist scratches and seal better. You can get one for about $10 from www.paintballgi.com . Or, I have one that I used in my old Spyder that I could sell you for cheaper if you want to. PM me if you're interested. I hope that helped!

08-10-2004, 11:50 AM
i used to be really into Spyders. It's probably your cup seal. Take your valve out, and the little white thing on the front that looks sort of like a top hat is the cup seal. It isn't sealing against the valve. Use some fine grit sandpaper on the side that rests against the valve to try to smooth it out, see if that helps. Replace both valve o-rings and oil well. If that doesnt work, then you need a new cup seal. They're dispensable like O-rings. However, if you want one that'll last longer, get a Black Magic cup seal. They're made of a softer material that will resist scratches and seal better. You can get one for about $10 from www.paintballgi.com . Or, I have one that I used in my old Spyder that I could sell you for cheaper if you want to. PM me if you're interested. I hope that helped!

How would it be the cupseal? If it was leaking into the barrel and feedneck, it would have to be uncocked and an air passage opened into the bolt, but even if the cupseal was leaking ,the bolt would seal it off via orings. Or am I missing something? I don't want to tell the guy wrong info, but I'm curious for my own sake. I fix spyders and soyder clones all the time at my field, and whenever i get the problem the guy in this thread explained, its just the bolt orings.

08-10-2004, 11:50 AM
When I was shooting a spyder I noticed if you over tighten the valve set screw, it pushes to hard onto one of the valve o-rings and creates a gap. So just tighten it lightly.

08-10-2004, 11:53 AM
I was also thinking it could be the cup-seal. If air is coming out of the venturi bolt, that'd be my guess.

If the cupseal isn't quite....sealed, air will be able to pass through the valve and up through the bolt. I'm not sure how it's getting through the feedneck though...

Just a thought.

08-10-2004, 11:01 PM
when the marker is cocked, the valve should be letting NO air through. So, if air is getting out the bolt, or even TO the bolt, then something's wrong with the valve. Either o-rings or cup seal, and the cup seal is rather finicky. Not that it couldn't be the bolt o-rings. Like you, I'm just trying to help any way I can. Any update on fixing the problem?

08-10-2004, 11:13 PM
Cock the gun before gassing it up.

If that doen't fix it, then you have a leak at the cup seal, or the valve body's o-rings need replacing. I put my money on cocking the gun will fix the leak.

08-10-2004, 11:20 PM
^what he said^

08-11-2004, 09:54 AM
Got a spyder. Most likely the cup seal as stated. Be sure to put 3 drops of oil in your ASA before and after you play give it fifty or so shots without the barrel then start playing or put the marker away.
DON'T DO THIS if you HAVE A REGULATOR after the ASA or you are using HPA, you may go BooM. It is ok to do this with CO2 because the oil cant ignite in the presence of CO2. NEVER, oil an HPA fill nipple if it is leaking. NEVER. NEVER, NEVER. because you could get a Diesel engine effect aerosolize oil + HPA = the ingiting oil and Literial !!KABOOM!! Tank explosion.
Not pretty. Especially for the Poor Soul filling the tank which is usually me. Never repair any tank yourself the results could be deadly.
Thats my Two cents.
Err...aaa...What was the question Again?