View Full Version : Athens Olymics 2004

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08-10-2004, 01:27 PM
Well friends im going with my family leaving today 5PM EST from my house to go to Jfk airport in NY and flyng with a short connection at Amsterdam, Netherlands to Athens, Greece. So far we have tickets to the Opening ceremonies and then the 2nd to last day that im there tickets to the finals of archery and some swimming, approx length of trip is 2 weeks

im so stoked, hmm michael phelps? sweet i was bummed that my family dosent have tickets to us womens beach volleyball :D or womens gymnastics

08-10-2004, 01:51 PM
Have fun.

You should stay in Amerstdam for a few days though. ;) :dance:

08-10-2004, 02:13 PM
I'd really like to see the sprinting and wrestling events. But it's safe to say I'll probably never go to the olympics (compete OR watch).

Have fun!

08-10-2004, 05:39 PM
while your over there, keep a lookout for my friend dana vollmer, i believe she is competing in the butterfly, a relay, and something else...(shes a swimmer) i would give anything to be able to go and watch her....i couldn't even imagine being 16 and competing in the olympics wow! anyway, have fun! too bad about the gymnastics though...