View Full Version : has this ever happened to you??? ule body

08-10-2004, 04:50 PM
i was at a tourney on saturday. I was watching some team play. One kid's halo supposadly jammed and he hit it to get it unjammed. Well, what this ended up doin was breaking his feedneck from his body. He had a ule body on an rt pro. Later that day i see another one of his teammates playing, (the other kid was using a rental 98custom), he ran for a bunker his halo broke off with the feedtube from the body( he hit pretty hard). Is there something wrong with the ule bodies? I just bought one and am having second thoughts. Thanks for any of your comments.

08-10-2004, 07:53 PM
well, seeing as it is entirely aluminum and designed to be lightweight (the best way to decrease weight is to decrease the amount of material used). It doesnt surprise me.

08-10-2004, 09:06 PM
well, seeing as it is entirely aluminum and designed to be lightweight (the best way to decrease weight is to decrease the amount of material used). It doesnt surprise me.

This is complete and utter bull when it comes to AGD. I'm sorry, but it is. AGD waited until they had the right material before they started making ULE Aluminum parts (I think its 7000 aluminum????) anyways, I am surprised that that happend on a ULE, I would definately talk to AGD about it, but that is the first I have ever heard of that happening.

My point is, not all aluminum are the same, spyders and clones often are made of cheap aluminum and a lot of times people associate aluminum with being cheap, unlike the higher quality stuff that other people may be using.

Keep in mind that Halo necks need to be sanded to fit into guns. If the m98 guy sanded his more than the mag guy, it stands to chance that the neck would snap before the mag guy. There are a lot of variables at play, and I would like to see where the neck broke.

08-10-2004, 09:09 PM
don't worrry man, i'm still happy to be getting yours. But i saw it with my own eyes. I couldn't see the first one where it broke, it was kinda far away and looked like feedneck. But the second guy's was right where the feedneck and body meet. It broke clean off.both guys had matching red ule bodies.
both of em also had high rise feednecks. it could have just been from wear or not threading them right.

08-11-2004, 07:28 AM
I cant see that happening....my guess is teir feednecks were stripped or something and they hit the bunker pretty hard. Dont worry about it...the key is not to hit your gun on a bunker that hard....if they hit it as hard as I think..pretty much anything feedneck would've snapped.