View Full Version : Ultimate douche ware!!!

08-10-2004, 07:49 PM
I can see myself now!

This is suspose to be like a sight, awsome huh? :headbang:

08-10-2004, 07:56 PM
ya ive heard of it before a camera is mounted on the sight rail or something on your gun and you see what ever the camera on your guns sees so you can bring a whole new meaning to sight down the barrel lol its like an apache thing its a waste of money i think

Chojin Man
08-10-2004, 07:56 PM
huh did you hook up a sony camera to your goggles or what?

08-10-2004, 08:00 PM
lol thats not me

08-10-2004, 08:02 PM
I can see myself now!

This is suspose to be like a sight, awsome huh? :headbang:

haha, that's kind of kewl. It reminds me of the "Landwarrior" program that the US Military is doing...

08-10-2004, 08:29 PM
Yeah, TOTALLY STUPID, right?
There's no way it would be used to look around corners at a scenario game,or anything useful right?

08-10-2004, 08:35 PM
lol your right, that is douche ware

08-10-2004, 08:38 PM
kinda looks like the thing that jean claude van damme wears in universal soldier

08-10-2004, 08:47 PM
NEWB ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-10-2004, 09:25 PM
geez, ive never seen people so ignorant in my life. Its a new innovation, the on gun camera, if there is one, or even the mask mounted camera(still no clarification on what it actually is) could add alot of freekin cool crap to the industry. Gun mounted camera? awesome new angles for paintball. Gun mounted camera and eye relay equals awesome advantages, just pop your marker out of the bunker, and see where your oponets are, without taking that mask shot.

What about the idea of a mask cam? agan awesome new angles for footage. Now grow up kiddies, and act like Aoers, and quit bringing the name down. Its innovation, if you cant keep up with the times, get out of the sport.

08-10-2004, 09:27 PM
Lets skip a step and just burn a fistful of 50's. I mean come on, lets strap sensitive video equipment to our heads and go get shot by spheres going 300 feet per second. :tard: :tard:

08-10-2004, 09:30 PM
Its innovation, if you cant keep up with the times, get out of the sport.
Its not that we can't keep up with the times its just that we spent all of our money on up to date guns and cant afford to replace a camera that has been shot-out. :nono:

08-10-2004, 09:36 PM
geez, ive never seen people so ignorant in my life. Its a new innovation, the on gun camera, if there is one, or even the mask mounted camera(still no clarification on what it actually is) could add alot of freekin cool crap to the industry. Gun mounted camera? awesome new angles for paintball. Gun mounted camera and eye relay equals awesome advantages, just pop your marker out of the bunker, and see where your oponets are, without taking that mask shot.

What about the idea of a mask cam? agan awesome new angles for footage. Now grow up kiddies, and act like Aoers, and quit bringing the name down. Its innovation, if you cant keep up with the times, get out of the sport.

Agreed. This is old anyways, they debuted it on ' paintball-forums ' along with the Trident; a pretty neat, joystick operated 3-electro spyder setup.

Innovation helps the game grow, by flaming it your hindering the growth of your game.

08-10-2004, 09:43 PM
Yea, I want to play a game where everyone does the equivelent of blind firing all the time.......not. Yea, innovation drives the industry, but stupid ideas also get filtered out when thrown into the "real world" of a heated paintball game.

Just for arguments sake, I do not like the idea in the present enviroment. MAYBE, when cameras get smaller, more powerful, and less expensive, you COULD get this idea to work PRACTALLY.

08-10-2004, 09:48 PM
Is it just assumed that this thing is to be done on your own? They sell KITS! Pretty cheap if I remember correctly. KITS! you dont strap a sony handycam to your face..

08-10-2004, 10:10 PM
Hmm... lemme see if I can find it... Yeah here it is.
Camera thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=119362)
Snyper's post are a little on the negative, but then again that just means he couldn't do it ;). Anyway, I think it's pretty cool regardless. That's on one of those "to do lists" that's gonna get done one of these days :)

08-10-2004, 10:17 PM
I have a few videos of people with cameras mounted in their masks and on guns.

They can be sometimes cool but most of the times they are dumb. Either half the time the gun is facing the ground or the camera in the mask is on the wrong side and looking straight into a bunker.

Also they would be better if they were nicer quality, most of them are pretty bad and usually have no sound.

08-10-2004, 10:31 PM

I could see that guy crying in the parking lot after a game... his little camera toy got wet, or snagged on a bush as he was running, or got hit.... any way you look at it, it'll get damaged :rolleyes: If you could overcome that obsticale, it'd be an awesome little innovation...

The Humongus
08-10-2004, 10:40 PM
Hey, I'm all for having someone spend a **** load of money so they may get some sort of nifty advantage while I just go and spend some cash on my marker and not suffer the dizzying affects of haveing a camera mounted to my eye and trying to concentrate on running and jumping over rocks and resisting the urge to puke while returning fire. Not to mention that I wont be worrying about haveing my expensive piece of equipment shot off my face. I'm all for innovation, just not worthless innovation.http://www.monstrous.com/pictures/5.gif

08-10-2004, 11:59 PM
Well it DOES fold out of the way.

I personally wouldn't want one, but if he had the parts and liked to tinker around it was worth it. He probably had some fun making it, and who knows, he might get a kick outta using it.

08-11-2004, 12:18 AM
its really pretty pointless, i mean, if real bullets were flying then yeah, id rather stick my gun out, but gun hits are out hits in paintball, so why not stick you half floppy mask out there and peek around the corner instead of a hard target, you wont get bounces off a gun. it seems pointless in paintball

08-11-2004, 12:30 AM
great idea but a little over the top for paintball i mean come half the funny is hearing the balls fly by your head as you dunk back just in time for it to miss you!!!

08-11-2004, 01:30 AM
NEWB ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol stormsurge. :rofl:

08-11-2004, 01:39 AM
man, lay off. the guy obviously wants to try something new. and i still dont see how that makes him a newb by putting a camera on his mask/gun or however he has it setup.

08-11-2004, 01:47 AM
It may not even be a cam it might be a rear veiw mirror cuase he looks like a senerio player
so hey if its working for him, more power to ya man :headbang:
I personally wouldn,t but....

08-11-2004, 01:49 AM
wait .... sorry I didn't see the chord before but still....

08-11-2004, 01:54 AM
an on board cam could be cool for like sports show or whatever if it was mounted on the inside of the mask and was small enough to fit up in between the eyes like the forehead area?????? Hey just a thought!

08-11-2004, 02:10 AM
If the quality was good enough and you could record stuff.....it'd make for some pretty amazing bunkering vids :wow:

08-11-2004, 06:47 AM
I think it's kind of intersting.
It wouldn't be all that expensive.
A buddy made a camera for when he's fishing, didn't cost him that much to build.
There is so much stuff that Senario players put on their marker so why not a micro camera hooked up to a monitor.

08-11-2004, 09:55 AM
I think it's kind of intersting.
It wouldn't be all that expensive.
A buddy made a camera for when he's fishing, didn't cost him that much to build.
There is so much stuff that Senario players put on their marker so why not a micro camera hooked up to a monitor.

I have a color wirless cam with sound on my mask. It is a micro cam amd tramsmits 350 feet to my wife's camcorder or to the vcr. I look for a long tome on how to make a case for it. Then some guy said "Hey why not use a flashlight case" so i got a 2AA mag light and guted it and put the cam inside.

I tested it at 5 feef 300 fps it did not break and is water proof.

Some times it's on my gun as a gun cam . other times it is my point of view.

08-11-2004, 10:54 AM
Personally, I think it's cool as hell, and in an industry where people are selling their Angel Fly DX4 Ultra in order to run out and buy an Angel Fly DX4 Ultra Omega, then immediatly replace every part on the gun with crap signed by Donnie Wahlburg, is the idea of putting a cheap handycam type device on your mask really so out of line?

Heck, with some 802.11 hardware and some engineering know-how, we could go fully LandWarrior style, with every member of a team having such a video screen, with selectable input so each person could see each other person's point of view

I can't afford it, but I like it.

the larch
08-11-2004, 01:16 PM
hmmm, who says I even have to be holding the gun...could get a really fast remote control off road car then......BUNKER FEST.

The Humongus
08-11-2004, 02:53 PM
Bottom line is, if it makes you feel good, do it. If you can afford it try it. **** everyone else

08-11-2004, 04:15 PM
Okay, I don't care what any of yous think about what I'm about to say because its true. If you put that on your mask your going to look like a douche and feel pretty dumb after you saw how many people were L there FAO at you.

Besides thats really 6aY if your going to hide like a cough* and only stick your gun out. That would chess me off and me make pounch.

Now now I have had second thoughts, I know where this would really work out, and also be pretty awsome actually! That would be in night games. When I played it was pitch black out. It was pretty damn creepy, that was really the fun of it. I never had so much fun sitting with 8 guys that volentered to go there because we decided "they" weren't there for about an hour. :cheers:

08-11-2004, 04:19 PM
1ofkind, as always your posts are illegible (sp?) and overall confusing. Why does it make you look like a 'douche' ? Because its not blue and black DYE wear, or because it isnt measureable in BPS? Really now, you take a picture without giving any info on it, and you flame like its just some guy.


Hope people understand now..

08-11-2004, 04:27 PM
http://us.st8.yimg.com/store4.yimg.com/I/buyinprivate_1787_26529771 vs. http://www.cbfleet.com/pass2/images2/prod_femcare_summerseve_douche.jpg

oh, whoops. i thought this was douche war.

08-11-2004, 04:39 PM
1ofkind, as always your posts are illegible (sp?) and overall confusing. Why does it make you look like a 'douche' ? Because its not blue and black DYE wear, or because it isnt measureable in BPS? Really now, you take a picture without giving any info on it, and you flame like its just some guy.


Hope people understand now..

Illegible :confused: Anyway why excatly are you stalking my threads?

08-11-2004, 04:44 PM
Bottom line is, if it makes you feel good, do it. If you can afford it try it. **** everyone else
We'll if your 6 feet tall and work out a little, or have 12 girls hanging out with you then I agree... but under my circumstances, I think i'ed rather not :p

Chojin Man
08-11-2004, 05:47 PM
not feeling so fresh logamus? http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif

08-11-2004, 05:48 PM
Cherokee Hair will fix that little problem.

08-11-2004, 08:37 PM
geez, ive never seen people so ignorant in my life. Its a new innovation, the on gun camera, if there is one, or even the mask mounted camera(still no clarification on what it actually is) could add alot of freekin cool crap to the industry. Gun mounted camera? awesome new angles for paintball. Gun mounted camera and eye relay equals awesome advantages, just pop your marker out of the bunker, and see where your oponets are, without taking that mask shot.

What about the idea of a mask cam? agan awesome new angles for footage. Now grow up kiddies, and act like Aoers, and quit bringing the name down. Its innovation, if you cant keep up with the times, get out of the sport.

I agree! You all are acting like a bunch of immature 10yr olds. What's wrong with something new? AO has a lot of pride in how little like PBN it tends to be. Well, you're starting to prove that wrong. Grow up.

08-11-2004, 08:41 PM
not feeling so fresh logamus? http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif
its that time of the month.

at least someone got my poor attempt at comedy. :cry:

08-12-2004, 09:24 AM
Of course you all KNOW that with a few Infared LEDS and a video camera With display..... well you got a NIGHT VISION!!!!!! on the cheap. Shoot your remote at your camera some time you will see the LIGHT!!! AMEN, AND with all of the High OUTput LEDS now, you could get some distance. The only thing is if another guy has the same setup as you, you would stand out in a night game as if you had a flashlight. Still a good idea though I think I'll build one just so when I do tag someone I can be by the Douche wearing the camera who got you in the dark. :eek:
BTW what is the temp ask the guy with the Angel.

08-12-2004, 06:35 PM
If an on gun camera is so retarded why is the army developing it? Who is more of a douche, the guy having fun trying something new or the self conscious 14 year olds snearing at him?

What if instead of an eyepiece you had a little screen on your left forearm. It would be out of the way and unlikely to get shot. The wire could be sewn into some type of jersey or jacket (like those headphone jackets). Then if you wanted you could poke the gun out with your right hand and watch the screen on your left. If you had like a Q-loader setup you're gun yould be a tiny target. Also a gun that's not all flashy is so much harder to see in the woods than a mask lense, so it could help your stealth a lot too.

08-13-2004, 05:01 AM
Three cheers for logamus for making this thread not so soggy and ugly :clap:

This technology has been around by the way. Don't you guys watch tv?
Places I've seen these cameras:
-Football Referees
-MTV's real world vs road rules (those stupid games with helmet cams)
-fear factor

Dude, when paintballing becomes a sport in the X-games, there'll be
mask cams for everyone! We'll have overhead views, gun views, and
all kinds of views.
So never fear you innovators, mask cams are on the way

(but yes, I do agree that having it for personal use is kinda...eh...
...however it'll be good to review your day and improve your tactics
by watching your video)

08-13-2004, 09:31 AM
It's not exactly a camera cam. The camera mounts onto your marker and you can view through the camera through the HUD.


08-13-2004, 02:35 PM
Camera cam?

08-14-2004, 12:33 AM