View Full Version : viking board questions

08-10-2004, 08:45 PM
i got this from the AKA forum's FAQ.

Q) How fast will a Viking shoot?
A) Was board no eyes - 13
Was board with eyes - unlimited
Nelson board (stock) - 13
Nelson board (max) - 30.3

so if i got a vike w/ a nelson board, do you have to reprogram it to shoot "30.3" bps? or is it adjustable like on an emag? also do you NEED eyes to obtain this ROF? for example on the WAS board it is 13 w/o eyes and unlimited with the eyes. so do you need eyes to get 30 bps outta the nelson? i not sure if that makes sense :S. thanks in advance :)

08-10-2004, 09:25 PM
You need a cable to change the nelson, and the nelson has no provision for eyes. I'd only recommend a viking with WAS and eyes or Pandora and eyes.

08-10-2004, 09:29 PM
yea, if your gunna get a viking, do it right! o3 or 04 with was 1.6 and eyes, or pandora 2.2 and eyes.

08-10-2004, 09:47 PM
I wouldnt even worry too much about the WAS software version. I still don't have 1.6 and I do fine. I just think eyes are a must have with the viking. My 03 originally had no eyes, and it was chop-o-rama.

08-10-2004, 10:34 PM
so to get your nelson board to like 25+ bps do you just press a couple buttons (until i'd have money to get a good board). also whats the difference between the pandora and WAS boards? thanks guys you've all been a big help not only on this topic but on all my viking questions :).

08-10-2004, 11:05 PM
To get the nelson board to 25 bps, you will need a cable to do it with your computer. The pandora is sanctioned by AKA now, jimdrew is a shiester, and he lies about things, so people dont like the was board, for the fact that it has flaws, and it isnt worth it

08-10-2004, 11:09 PM
where do you buy a pandora board, and is it compatible with the same eyes that the WAS board uses?

08-10-2004, 11:24 PM
they are all the same part number apparently, but to be on the safe side, order the eyes from www.vaporworks.net where you can also get a pandora board

08-11-2004, 12:22 AM
To get the nelson board to 25 bps, you will need a cable to do it with your computer. The pandora is sanctioned by AKA now, jimdrew is a shiester, and he lies about things, so people dont like the was board, for the fact that it has flaws, and it isnt worth it

So your basically saying the was boards are :cuss: ...I am just curious because I'm about to pick a viking up and it has was w/eyes. Will this not function right? Are these flaws happening with the viking boards or just in general? Please elaborate.


08-11-2004, 12:41 AM
WAS boards are hardly crap. They still work fine. In fact, I bought a pandora, and ended up keeping my WAS and selling the pandora. People just hate Jim Drew, and sometimes let that hate flow to the WAS products. The viking wouldnt be what it is today without the WAS board, and I wouldnt hesitate to recommend it to anyone. The only issue I ever had with one was a single time it jumped into comp mode, and I just put it back to normal mode. Took 2 minutes.

08-11-2004, 12:45 AM
is there any real difference between was and pandora? isnt was a ramping board? or did they stop that with the timmies?

08-11-2004, 12:59 AM
no ramping. they didnt even ramp, they just inflated bps numbers, thats all. the was board is good, dealing with jim, horrible customer service, and all the crap with him, isnt.

was will be fine

08-11-2004, 09:43 AM
I see you're in Canada. PM me when you get your Viking, I will lend you my Nelson Cable for the cost of shipping. It requires a PC with win98 (pretty sure it doesn't work with XP, it didn't with mine) and software (i'll mail you a CD as well). there are lots of settings to play with that will change the capped BPS.

As far as WAS boards go, they're a decent product, but you cannot program everything from the trigger, you also need a data cable. WAS as a company, however, has pisspoor customer service.

The Pandora is a great board, every aspect can be programmed from the trigger. The only thing that's a little bothersome is getting it to tourney lock, that requires removing the gripframe and board to flip a toggle switch on the underside of the board. Another nice thing about the Pandora, is the eye logic. If the eyes ever get covered by paint or fail on forced mode, the board slows it down to 4bps. Once the eyes function again, it goes to the previous bps setting. You can also get a datacable for the Pandora which makes the programming even easier

Being in Canada, you'll find there are about 3 places to pick up a Pandora Board. Rev Bubba in BC, Shaun at VBW in ON, and myself at www.buysplat.com. Lots of options, a board will run you about $139. I can also have bodies drilled for eyes, install covers and eyes as well as Pandora boards and tune up markers. Turn around on eye milling is variable due to shipping, but I've had them done as fast as 2 weeks

If you've got any other questions, drop me a line at [email protected]

08-11-2004, 03:43 PM
wow, thats awesome. thanks a lot for the offer, but its gonna be a couple months til i get a vike, but if the offer is still up i'll definately give you a pm :). i'll talk to you a couple months after that also about eyes and a pandora board. (im cheap, so im trying to find an 03 un milled, no eyes, nelson board to save on cash). thanks a lot for the offer and other info!

08-11-2004, 04:04 PM
There's two for sale in teh Calgary area. one green and one black. both relatively cheap
JorynnRace and C4Pyro on www.calgarypaintball.com

check them out

08-11-2004, 05:10 PM
I have WAS 1.6 in my Vik and it rocks. There isn't really a need to change the stuff that can't be changed by the trigger. You can change dwell, debounce and eye mode from the trigger. I have never had a problem with it and I don't have fsdo. It is very fast and very simple to change settings by the trigger. If your Viking has WAS there is no need to change to Pandora unless it dies or you have extra money to spend on it. Was doesn't have different firing modes, but Pandora does, so that's one cool thing about Pandora, even though you can't use it at most fields, it's still fun to mess around with. Although, in db1 with the Bedlam switch my Vik goes frickin crazy fast. If you have Nelson I'd just say go ahead and get Pandora unless you can get a WAS board used.

08-11-2004, 09:22 PM
Viking must have eyes, everything else is extra *bling

08-12-2004, 12:07 AM
whats the bps cap on a excal in the following situations? WAS board w/ eyes, WAS board w/ eyes, pandora board w/ eyes. thanks all.

08-12-2004, 01:15 AM
with eyes - uncapped, as fast as the marker will cycle/loader will feed.
I've found with my excal, 16bps is pretty attainable

without eyes, capped at 13 with WAS and with Pandora, you can set the ROF through the trigger (you can set the WAS through an EQ cable)

and I don't believe the Viking must have eyes, i shot mine for 3 years without eyes and only had 4 or 5 chops due to outshooting loaders

but eyes truly unlock the potential

08-12-2004, 01:33 PM
thanks again :). the only reason i ask is because sometimes i come across a cheap excal and ya... just wonder if it'd be worth it. anyways, thanks.

08-12-2004, 02:03 PM
definatly worth it. i find it easier to keep long streams up with my excalibur than the viking

the viking is faster, i find the excalibur easier to keep on target, easier to rip long strings

08-12-2004, 02:57 PM
definatly worth it. i find it easier to keep long streams up with my excalibur than the viking

the viking is faster, i find the excalibur easier to keep on target, easier to rip long strings
Did the Viking or Vikings have a MM. I found it had much less kick and thus was easier to keep on target after installing a MM. My Viking absolutely rips and is very easy to maintane a high rof, I think WAS 1.6 may help me a little.

08-12-2004, 03:31 PM
have you shot an excalibur? If not, you've got to try one for a few games

I've shot a few vikings (including ones with the MM) and I still find the excal as smooth as butta' and faster on long strings

08-12-2004, 03:46 PM
have you shot an excalibur? If not, you've got to try one for a few games

I've shot a few vikings (including ones with the MM) and I still find the excal as smooth as butta' and faster on long strings
No. I'm actually the only one with a Viking around here and Excals seem to be even more rare. If Xcals are faster on long strings then I must try one. I just don't see how that would be. The only difference is that one is closed bolt and the other open. So I could see that it would be smoother feeling, closed bolts tend to seem that way to me, but I don't see it being faster on long strings.

08-12-2004, 04:20 PM
it's easier to shoot a long fast accurate string with the excalibur, is what I'm getting at