View Full Version : Harnesses?

10-21-2001, 11:54 PM
What harnesses are you guys using and which setup do you feel is best? (just trying to get some other peoples opinions here)

10-21-2001, 11:56 PM
any redz packs are great. I personally use flex 700(4x 150 mounted to the right.

10-22-2001, 06:22 AM
I use a Redz FT-700<br>
(4 x 150 that can be taken out to both sides - kinda looks the same like the JT slam-pack)<br><br>
I like it pretty much.

10-22-2001, 09:30 AM
i like Redz Pro Comfort Pack (4-5 vertical) and now i'm looking for Redz Dimension pack it's kinda cool!!!
anyway Redz is the best

10-22-2001, 09:34 AM
I love my Unique 8+1. I run remote. It's older so it has 4x100 on each side, and a pouch for my Nitro in the middle.

10-22-2001, 10:25 AM
When I ran remote I used a Redz Flextech 4+1 with 2x150 horizontally on each side with a center pouch for tank.

But once I got a good drop forward and ditched the remote, I went with a plain ole Redz comfort pack 4V. Though the flextech pack was cheap and served its purpose, the comfort packs are a real step up. They completely hug your back.

Can't wait to get a dimension pack next!

10-22-2001, 10:42 AM
I'm now using a Redz Dimension 3.2 pack. It's the most comfortable pack I've ever used. It holds 3 150 tubes, plus had loops for 2 more. I used a Unique 4+1 for years, but the Redz pack/belt was one of the best investments I've made recently.

10-22-2001, 11:23 AM
I use my nice new Dye Attack Pack (5 vert.), and I must say it's the nicest harness out there. Even for a 5, it is small, light, and comfortable. But (like all Dye crap) its expensive. But well worth it in my opinion.

10-22-2001, 12:55 PM
I use a Redz 5.4 dimension..........BEST PACK MADE EVER!

I can carry 750 rounds when I dont need that much paint, but whenever my team makes finals, I just pull out the elastic straps and bam, I got 1350 rounds into my harness. Great pack.

DYEs, Extreme Rage, and 32* are also nice as well.....But if ya have the cash, get a Redz comfort system.

10-22-2001, 02:03 PM
Unique 8+1, love it ;)

10-22-2001, 02:35 PM
I like the Blackhawk Tac vest myself

10-22-2001, 04:39 PM
The jacko harnesses are pretty nice. I have a 4 vertical with 2 140s in the center and 2 100s on the sides.got it on ebay with the pods for 25.00. they cost around 40 i think. :cool:

10-22-2001, 07:35 PM
JACKO!!! Most definetly the best I have ever tried, besides Unique, which are very nice too, but I like Jacko for the low price, and the amazing performance they give. Redz are alright, but you have to buy the belt and the pack seperate, so I don't think they are worth the money, but Unique are very nice, and the Blackstars are pretty cool too. I have a Jacko Freestlye 3 pod, and it is amazing for front play. Yeah, the Jacko packs are about $40, if I rememeber correctly.

10-22-2001, 08:26 PM
Unique....enough said...

10-22-2001, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Eagle
I like the Blackhawk Tac vest myself

Eagle, I'm a SOE user myself, if you like the Blackhawk mods, you'll LOVE the SOE modular vests.;)

REDZ PP-200 and UNIQUE SLAM 4 PAK are my harnesses. Love them both, but my fav lies with the REDZ.

10-22-2001, 09:46 PM
i've never heard of SOE or blackhawk. where do you go about finding those?

10-22-2001, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Eagle
I like the Blackhawk Tac vest myself

which vest do you use? blackhawk makes a tonne of tac vests... did you get the pockets custom made to hold paint?

10-22-2001, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Trunnion
i've never heard of SOE or blackhawk. where do you go about finding those?

they are tactical vests used by swat teams, you can find the blackhawk vests at http://www.blackhawkindustries.com
and im not sure about the SOE...

10-22-2001, 10:19 PM
I have a Jacko 4 pack, and its real nice! Im thinking about getting a new pack because I'd like a horizontal pod harness. And maybe just 3 pods.


10-23-2001, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by CESF_Specter

they are tactical vests used by swat teams, you can find the blackhawk vests at http://www.blackhawkindustries.com
and im not sure about the SOE...

Special Operations Equipment, is IMHO, one of the best manufacturers in Tac Wear. Here's the link: http://www.soegear.com/

Most Tac Vests can be use for Paintball with nada problem, 100rd Pods fit the best. To fit the 150rd Pods, you need to do alittle minor strap/buckle adjustments etc...

I don't normally use Tac Gear for Paintball, but because I'm in Singapore, Police Law state that I HAVE to use a chest protector.;(

Kinda useless if you ask me, cause most hits I get are on the neck, gogs and extremeties..but then again, no one bothered to ask me...

Rather than use the JT CP mods, I'm using a combination of REDZ and Tac Wear from BlackHawk. That IMHO figured, would be a better choice for me than the JT CP 'FEMALE Only' mods. Plus with the added pouches, I can carry extras...

The 'Tac Gear CP' mod I'm using now, in addition to the REDZ PP-200:
http://media.bigstep.com:80/shop/4/59/4417594/upload/987189896889.jpg http://www.redzcomfort.com/PicsforWeb/AllPics/1H4V150.jpg

The Vest goes on first followed by the harness...FYI.

The mod I want to get:

If ya interested in getting SOE gear, gimme a buzz. I'll put you to the best guy [Brad aka Lightfighter] in the business.

However, quality doesn't come cheap, you're lookin at $290 a vest. :)

Recon0321man has got some for sale though, at $250 a pop. A very good deal! Check out the classifieds!