View Full Version : **Opinions Needed on Business Card Design**

08-12-2004, 12:10 AM
Well, seeing how I am graduating from the Art Institute of Seattle in nearly 5 months I'm working out my business card desing which will then carry over to the rest of my portfolio. i have it narrowed down to 1 color scheme(might try and few others) and 3 main designs (mainly the logotype, and placement) I figured I'd ask your guys what you think and which one you like the best and why.

edit: alright, they're back up. , url is just a placeholder as of now since i don't have a site up, in progress right now.

08-12-2004, 05:05 AM
I like the flow on 2 the best.

08-12-2004, 08:38 AM
I prefer the third one. I like the way your "business' name" is is made it's own graphic entity with the oval as oppposed to the straight lines which IMO draw it into the rest of the images on the first two.

08-12-2004, 11:59 AM
I like either #1 or #1 the best...

lol on a side note, the first thing I thought of when I saw this title was "American Psycho"... BUSINESS CARDS!!! :shooting:

08-14-2004, 01:20 AM
I like the third one, let us know which one you decide.

08-19-2004, 10:15 PM
It is nice to see someone actually thinking when designing their business cards. Good job on not throwing everything in the corners. Very nice.

Might I suggest a back, too?

A suggestion for a high qualiity printer: http://www.postcardexpress.com

They have done a lot of work for me, and their quality is always outstanding. Price is reasonable, too. Call and they will send you a packet with about a hundred different samples of all their product line. Good luck!

08-19-2004, 10:25 PM
Thanks again for the comments guys. I think I'm going with the one with the Oval Logotype. Like the flow of it the best. And yes, there's going to be a back as well, probably going to have like 3 o4 4 different sets printed which will have different renderings on the back. Thanks for that link man, I'll definately check it out.

08-20-2004, 08:30 PM
It was www.postcardpress.com

Sorry about the mixup.

08-20-2004, 09:42 PM
they need work I think,

You've got to get a new font, the one you are using for your name is way to "local", it does'nt make you look professional. What I mean by "local" is that the font looks like something that I could drive down the street and see being used on a hardware store sign or something. Its a utilitarian looking font but you are going into a very specialized field and I just dont think it comes of sophisticated enough for you, ya' know.

Also, I would consider using a different background color, that dark reddish/maroon type color really muddles up your great model rendering. That wireframe model sums up in one image what you are trying to sell, your abilities as a 3D Modeler, and its muddled up by that background color. It does'nt read as well as it could.

I do think the dark red diagonal design element is a good way to lead the eye through the body of your card info though.

This is my friend's business card he did in school, its from my wallet so it's kind of dirty. He works for a sweet design firm now and everybody he showed this card to liked it. I think it's a good example of an effective business card cause it communicates very well, its very clean, and it looks unique. You can imedietley tell that he is a graphic designer, even without the heading under his name, and it comes off very professional. He also incorporated two contrasting colors with his logo very well. I understand if you dont want to do a whole re-design but if you just tweaked some things here and there, I think your card would look much sharper.

08-20-2004, 09:51 PM
I like #2 the best. I to am trying to design my business cards, but I have little skill in designing.

08-21-2004, 05:44 PM
Thanks again for the replies and comments. The one thing that was bothering me was the font and that's going to be changed. The main reason that I don't have the wireframe pop out so much is that i don't want it to take over the card, it's meant to be something in the background so it doesn't make my info(which is the most important part) hard to read.I think I may also go with a lighter grey to make that stand out even more but I'm not planning on spending hours upon hours on this since I got a lot to work to do on my actual portfolio which is what matters.

barrel break
08-21-2004, 06:44 PM
number one, definately, I'm not liking the "circle" i number two...