View Full Version : Debating whether or not to stay with my Mag...

08-12-2004, 12:22 AM
Hello there, I'm in a dilema right now. I have a retromag with LX, intelli, etc etc. Lately I've been trying to sell it because I just recently bought a 2k2 LE Matrix for $250 from a friend. I haven't fired the matrix because one of the o-rings on the plunger was broken, so I'm waiting for the replacement for that to come in. I guess the deciding factor will be if I like how the matrix shoots. Right now I've been mostly pleased with my gun, getting at MOST +/- 5 usually at the chrono. In the game I can tell that my shots aren't TOTALLY accurate. Some times the balls curve, and sometimes I can notice it a LARGE deal. I play speedsball, and this gets very frustrating when I am trying to hit someone who is only popping their head/hopper up. Is it only my paint/barrel match? I have a freak set, and always test which insert to use. I'm thinking it's maybe because of my lower end paint? I usually just buy the cheapest available at the fields(bought Spank last time I played, noticed curvage). If I use something like Chronic, will I notice a huge difference?

I love my mag--the look, the feel, the weight. I always get praises when I go and play. It may not be some $1300 timmy or DM4, but it has it's pros and cons. A couple of cons are the efficiency, noise and ROF. I know it's not gonna hit some insane rates of fire like a timmy or matrix, but is that high of ROF REALLY necessary for rec speedball, or even competitive play? The noise level doesn't really bother me too much. I've heard that with an Evolve Bolt kit for my matrix, I'll be able to get around 1500 out of my 48/3k tank, whereas I get around 5-600 with my mag. The reliability with my Mag is good, get an occasional leak, but I'm sure that could be fixed with testing different carriers or springs or whatnot with my LX.

When it comes down to it, the biggest thing with me is the accuracy. I know I could be SOOO much better if my gun was a lot more accurate. There have been times when I'll shoot 4-5 shots and the balls will just curve a little and I'll miss the opportunity. I'm a front player, and accuracy is a must for me. I can't have it some of the time, I need it all the time. There are times when I'll snap shoot and hit the person on the first shot, others I'll have time to shoot multiple shots but the balls will just curve slightly or something. Is it the gun, or is it the inconsistent "low end" paint?

I suppose I'll see how the matrix performs when I get the replacement o-ring set in. One other thing, I just got my warp in--I have no idea how I survived with out it. I haven't actually played with it yet, but just putting it on my gun and holding it, I'm in love. It feels so much better than my hopper being on an elbow for my powerfeed. It even feels better than my hopper on my vertical matrix.

Well, I guess it would be nice to hear what yall think. Thanks for taking the time to read!

can'tthink of1
08-12-2004, 12:41 AM
Def your paint man... I used to shoot crap paint, then you buy a case of some fairly nice stuff like Mid-evil, and the accuracy increases noticably.

08-12-2004, 12:46 AM
id be shooting the trix. Way faster, less kick, prolly more efficient too. Trixes rock. they shoot so fast and smooth.

08-12-2004, 12:58 AM
Torbo, while this is DEFINETLY true about the Matrixes, is it necessary for the gun to be faster? I haven't noticed yet, so far, that I've been beaten because someone is shooting faster than me.

Also, is there ANY way to increase efficiency with my mag?

08-12-2004, 02:08 AM
at the last turny my team just had we were shooting high quality Midnight and my mag was the most accurate gun on the feild that day i could snap shoot the freaking firebell on the wall. chances are its the p8nt.

:hail: AGD :hail:.....

08-12-2004, 02:16 AM
:hail: AGD :hail:.....

couldent resist had to put it in my sig... :D

08-12-2004, 02:38 AM
Dude it is your paint. NO need to get rid of m your mag. If you want accuracy then pay for it. Look at the brand of paint you are using spank you have to be less then twenty feet from someone to get a hit .

08-12-2004, 08:38 AM
I suppose I'll keep it until I buy a case of more expensive paint. Now, what do you guys out there prefer paint-wise?

08-12-2004, 09:15 AM
You wont get anywhere near 1500 shots off a 48/3k on the Matrix, evolve or not.

Depending on what the Matrix has, you could sell it for anywhere between $400 and $550. That's quite a profit :wow:

08-12-2004, 09:30 AM
Very true, which COULD allow me to upgrade my mag(I've been wanting a ULE warp body, not too sure if the X-Valve is worth the extra money. Being ounces lighter doesn't sell it to me). I'm very satisfied with having a mech gun. I don't see a need to shoot 15 BPS or more. When it comes down to it, the miniscule amount of time between each ball is not THAT big of a difference IMO. The big difference would be the amount of money leaving my wallet for paint :wow: I only play with a hopper, and rarely do I EVER run out. With me being a front player, I don't see a need to constantly be slinging paint. I'm more concerned with making better position and snapshooting people. The 50 is my goal most of the time right off the break. Kind of hard for the other team to do much if they are on their own 30 and someone is at the 50 marking them.

08-12-2004, 10:19 AM
Keep the 'mag until you're no longer happy with it. I've owned a Matrix, and IMO it's not any better than anything else. Everything shoots about the same to me.

08-12-2004, 12:10 PM
Keep the mag until you at least try some good paint. Not only will better paint not curve like crazy, but since they'll be a more consistent size & shape it'll fit your inserts better and you may notice an increase in consistency.

Besides, you might want to have a good backup in case your matrix ever goes down.

08-12-2004, 02:51 PM
Ahh, the replacement o-rings for the matrix came in, and when I was going to test it, I ran out of air(I dry fired about 15 or 20 times, it was addicting). When I finally shot some balls, the velocity was either way to low or I didn't have enough air. so I proceeded to dry fire. Defintely has a nice feel to it. A LOT different than my mag. I would have to definitely try both out before I make my decision. Right now I can't stop holding my mag now that it has its warp feed on it. It's what it has always needed.