View Full Version : People like this annoy me...

Slade xTekno
08-12-2004, 09:51 AM
Please read the whole thing before you post comments. I know, it's an anime RP board. I joined just to argue with him [Starlight].

I mean, come on. Paintball is a sport.

Does anyone know of this Sports Association of America he keeps talking about? I did a Google search, but nothing turned up.

Does anyone have other sites/link/arguments they want to add? If you put them here, I can post them, sparing you the pain of signing up for a board like this.

Duke Henry
08-12-2004, 10:14 AM
Wow, the pbnation of Anime boards.

I want that 35 seconds of my life back.

Why bother posting? You cannot defeat that kind of ignorance over the internet.

08-12-2004, 10:29 AM
well besides the point of it being an argument of weather or not its a sport....he's argument is totally invalid because he has not provided or shown anybod that its not a sport...just because he keeps raving about the sports association of america...if he provided a link to show proof of it...then maybe he would have valid argument..but basically he's a 13 year old that's trying to sound mature...ala pbnation style

Slade xTekno
08-12-2004, 10:33 AM
Duke: I normally win arguments on PBNation. If I can win there, show me a place I can't.

eNder159: He claims to have a Bachelor's Degree. Either way, I think he doesn't deserve the degree if he actually has it. By the way, what is a guy with a BA doing on an anime RPG site?

08-12-2004, 10:34 AM
Just kepp telling yourself this...

08-12-2004, 10:45 AM
come on thats all i read in that was a civil argument wheres the " you need a girl friend" comments. well crap now i'm out 2 minumtes of my life i demand to be compensated.

08-12-2004, 10:48 AM

Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
A particular form of this activity.
An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
An active pastime; recreation.

Under that definition, it is a sport.

08-12-2004, 11:02 AM
Duke: I normally win arguments on PBNation. If I can win there, show me a place I can't.

eNder159: He claims to have a Bachelor's Degree. Either way, I think he doesn't deserve the degree if he actually has it. By the way, what is a guy with a BA doing on an anime RPG site?
LOL! I actually read the 3 pages that are currently up. DANG! Is that guy ignorant or what? No amount of proof will convince this guy because his pride is blocking his ability to think. He's not worth the time and effort in trying to convince him anyway.

Not to get on your case though but what do you gain by convincing people whether paintball is a sport or not? It's almost as silly as debating with a closed minded person.

Also, educated people do play anime role playing games. Heck! Educated people make anime role playing games! Before you stoop to his level and question someone's education and hobbies...think.

08-12-2004, 12:18 PM
welll i doubt he has a bachelors in anything...besides he says he has a b.a in leasuire study WTF is that????

08-12-2004, 12:29 PM
who gives a poop if its a "sport" or not, you go play rec or speedball on the weekends w/ur buds, maybe you enter some tournies if ur lucky you place and get some cash and or prizes. Bottom line you have a hella good time and even make some friends along the way. Why let what some anime freak thinks bother you anyway? Not to sound judgmental but I have know a handfull of Anime Fans and I can tell you by their physical apperance that the word "sport" is not in thier vocabulary. The time you wasted arguing with some loser who thinks it would be cool to date a girl with eyes the size of saucers was a a waste of time, you could have been here on AO doing something constructive with ur time. for shame!! LOL