View Full Version : What barrel length?

Creative Mayhem
08-12-2004, 01:07 PM
Quick question.

I have a JJ Edeg kit with 2 tips I regularily use the tip that will give me a 14" barrel, which means I have a 12" tip that doesn't see much use(why I bought it, I don't know.. :tard: ) Anyway, I am working on a project, like most here on AO, and I don't know whether I want to reanno this unused 12" tip to match my project or just buy another 14" tip and anno that to match. What do you guys think? Thanks

08-12-2004, 01:13 PM
Well, since ya dont seem to use 12 in. id say just sell that tip and buy another 14 in. . I mean theres no poin in keepin a tip ya dont use cus youd rather have a 14 in tip. I think you would be better off goin all the way and get a 14 in. tip and anno it. Hope that helps !

08-12-2004, 02:07 PM

CM- I would go with selling the 12 inch and getting another 14 inch for the Kit. Unless you are going to get rid of the set-up that your edge was on before. In that case, rid the 12 inch all the same and keep your 14 inch that you have now.
