View Full Version : Whats so great?

08-13-2004, 04:23 PM
im purchasing my first gun, and at the proshop automags are 260$ but theres a fully customized one thats 170$ and it has full auto and evrything!

also, whats so great about mags?

08-13-2004, 04:29 PM
The dealers most likely sell them at that high of a price because they bought them and have to cover their backs. You can find a classic mag used cheap because as the market leans toward electros the resale value for an older style mechanical marker goes way down. Pick one up with a tank, mask, and some ups for under $250 and it won't let you down.

08-13-2004, 04:37 PM
Um, mags shouldnt go full auto. If they do, its malfunctioning and you should get it looked at because it can screw up your gun. Unless it has an electronic frame that I havent heard about..

08-13-2004, 04:38 PM
Forgot about your "whats so great" question. Here are a couple of things. Classic 'mags are completely mechanical and thus extremely reliable. They come with a built in regulator that performs extremely well, some users can get as little as +/-5 on their chrono using co2; if you use a nitro system you are using two regs and have a very consistant marker. Automags are small markers with only a few moving parts, which means if something goes wrong it's easy to find and fix. If you can find an automag with a "level ten" upgrade (new bolt and power tube guts) it will never chop...ever. Check out how the level ten works in detail (http://www.automags.org/resource/level10/index.shtml) Air Gun Designs (the maker of the 68automag, emag, etc) is a wonderful company that gives you the best. All of the internals are built to last-the only thing that needs replacing is an o-ring here and there and maybe a bolt bumper (very cheap and easy to replace). Aftermarket parts for the automag should only be bought from airgun designs or derived from an airgun designs product (ie the karta body) because they make products that work and damned well at that. Other company's aftermarket "upgrades" are a waste of your money because they will either 1) not improve performance or 2) Decrease performance and wear out quickly. I hope that helped if you want more info I'm sure someone will give it to you, and welcome to AO.

08-13-2004, 05:01 PM
Um, mags shouldnt go full auto. If they do, its malfunctioning and you should get it looked at because it can screw up your gun. Unless it has an electronic frame that I havent heard about..

its suppoesd to, its all custom, ill upload a pic and everything

08-13-2004, 09:32 PM
Ok, I'd like to see it.
I cant think of any way besides an electronic frame that you can make a mag go full auto without increasing wear dramatically and/or damaging the gun.
But upload the pics, I'm interested!

Chicago Pb 7
08-13-2004, 09:40 PM
It's probably a x valved mag with the output set to 1500.

08-13-2004, 09:47 PM
next time me and my friend go down there ill take a camera

08-13-2004, 10:34 PM
un less it has like a boo yea trigger frame and set it on full auto. but if its all mech its eather got crazy bounce or its just jacked up

08-13-2004, 11:37 PM
hey man, welcome to AO! :cheers:

definatley get a mag dude, it doesnt matter as long as its in the mag family, all of them rock!! :headbang:

i just bought a minimag on thursday for 90 bucks it came with a remote, expansionchamber, and a stock classic mag barrel, i love it its so sweet! its my second gun, my other being a tippy 98c that has an upgraded bolt, which i plan on selling now because i know that i can rely on my mag and it wont everr break, and if it does, it will be very easy to find out what happened, mostliley an oring.

the electric guns are cool and look like riced up honda civics, but they are really pricey and are complicated compared to mags, more complicated you get, the more can break...mags are really super simple, and if you build a mag up right you can own them all day :D:D

good luck and once again welcome to AO!! if you have any other questions, just ask anyone and someone will help, everyone is so friendly! :cheers:

08-14-2004, 10:08 AM
It's probably a x valved mag with the output set to 1500.
..An xvalved mag for 170? I think not